Pov- Prom Queen

Chapter 1 - Prom queen turned pig

Look at you. You used to be the Prom Queen. You were the most popular girl in school and had everyone wrapped around your little finger. Then you graduated, went to college thinking you were going to be a hot success. But you got lazy. You stopped working out and replaced all of your salads with fattening fast food and late night binges while you study. You gained the freshman fifteen, then the sophomore 30 and so on and so on. Now you look like you swallowed your old skinny self.

Like I said, you were the Prom Queen. You were also a cheerleader that everyone envied because you had such a fit hot body. You weighed what, 125lbs? Now you’re pushing 450 piggy. That’s what you are now. A fat pig obsessed with food. Don’t think I didn’t see all of the receipts for McDonald’s in the car piggy. You just can’t help yourself. During college you made the excuse that you didn’t have time to eat healthy and that when you finally had time you’d slim back down. That was a hundred pounds ago fatty. Now in your free time all you do is sit on that fat ass, eat and watch tv. None of your old clothes fit you and it seems you have to go up a size at least every other month.

There’s no way you could fit in your old prom dress. I wonder what your old classmates are going to say at the reunion. Will they even recognize you? They’ll probably point and laugh. Asking “Who’s that pig over at the snack table?” And I’ll tell them that it’s you so I can see the shocked look on their faces. Don’t even get me started on what they’ll say.

“You look...good.” “Are you pregnant” “What happened?”

All the people you used to bully or were jealous of your hot body would definitely love to see you now. You’d probably give them a confidence boost knowing that at least they didn’t turn into a fat hog like you.

It would be so much to see all of your old friends look at you in awe and disgust. For me at least. Though you can’t complain too much; you did this to yourself. Do you think you’ll be able to stop before you hit immobility? I doubt it. Why don’t you stuff your fat face with a dozen donuts and cry about how hot you used to be. The whole football team drooled over you, now you just get disgusted stares at the buffet when you go up for your seventh plate. I just can’t get over how fat you got. Seriously, do you just want to see how fat you can get. I might as well get you a pig nose, ears and a tail and parade you around town as the former Prom Queen now turned fat pig.

Oink oink piggy.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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