Chapter 1
I get home from a long day of classes. On the way home my feeder texts me that she has a surprise for me when I get home, but I say that I'm not in the mood tonight. She just responds with a sad face and says fine. I walk in and she just in her bra and panties. I ask why. "Well it's really hot and I figured since we aren't doing anything I might as well just strip down. You should too I know you've had a long day." I say ok and strip down to my underwear. "See isn't that better?" She pats and jiggles my belly. I say that I know what she's trying to do and I'm not going to give in and be her piggy tonight, I'm really tired. "Oh come on, you won't have to do anything I can just feed you while you sit there and just relax." I reluctantly agree and say that I'm not going to eat too much. "Ok I guess I will just give you dessert since I know you like your sweets." She leads me into the kitchen where I see 3 dozen donuts and a gallon of milk. As she sits me down she says "just eat what you can." I start to eat and after I get a dozen down I start to slow down and rub my belly. She wraps her arms around me from behind and begins to rub my belly and jiggle it. I start to get turned on and I pick up the pace and finish off the donuts. I lean back as she comes around and sits on my lap and plays with my belly even more. "You know, I also got a large pizza and 2 dozen wings. If you're still hungry I can get it for you." I hastily say yes hoping that this feeling of pleasure will never end. She grabs the wings and a 2 liter of Pepsi. "Chow down. If you finish everything I'll give you a little surprise." I get flustered and all excited. The second she opens the container I start inhaling the wings and chugging the Pepsi like it's my last meal. Once I finish the wings and the soda I lean back in the chair again in a complete haze. She brings the pizza over and another 2 liter and I say that I can't eat anymore. "Then I guess you're not getting your surprise, are you sure you don't want the pizza?" I shake my head and say that I can't even move or even sit up. She sighs, "fine". She leaves the kitchen and I close my eyes and begin to fall into a food coma. I wake when she smacks my belly. "Wake up pig your not done yet." I tell her that I said I'm full. "And I said your not done, I saw your belly jiggle so I know there is still room in there and besides I've seen you eat way more than this so if you can't eat this pizza on your own I'm going to feed you every last fucking slice." She hog ties me to the chair so I can't move at all. She even raps the rope around my already bloated belly. "I'm done being nurturing, I'll be the dominant feeder if it means you eat everything I give you like you're supposed to." She starts shoving slice after slice into my mouth. "And you can forget about that surprise, in fact after we're done I'm going to punish you for saying no to me. Hell I might even feed you more." In between bites I murmur no please. She slaps my belly. "What did I tell you about saying no to me. You when I tell you to eat piggy. Now let's wash some of that pizza down with some soda." She grabs a funnel and sticks in my mouth and pours the soda down my throat. "There we go see we're already half way through the pizza just a little more." She continues to feed me the pizza until it's all gone and she then forces me to finish the second 2 liter. At this point the rope feels even tighter than before. "My my now you're spilling ove the ropes, here let me give you some breathing room." She unties me and helps me to the couch in the living room. "I won't make you eat anymore." I quickly reply thank god. "But piggy, I'm still going to punish you for your disobedience. On your hands and knees. Now!" I roll myself off the couch and on the floor and do as she says. She puts a set of pig ears, a nose and a pig tail on me. "Now oink for me pig" after I oink and waddle around on my hands knees I hear a click. I look up and see that she is taking pictures of me. "Oh, I also got video of this ***. So, next time you think about saying no to me just remember that I can post this to Facebook, Twitter, and everything else that way your friends, family, and the whole world can see that you're a fat piggy, but more importantly that you're my piggy. Am I clear." I just reply yes. "Good now come along; while I'm not going to give you your surprise, you still need further punishment and afterwards you're going to do something for me." She takes all of the pig stuff off and leads me into the bedroom. On the way there I come to the reality that I am now her piggy. Partly due to the blackmail, but also because I've never been more turned on in my life.3 chapters, created 7 years
, updated 5 years