
Chapter 1

It all started a few years ago. I was a girl with no prospects. I was twenty one, I had dropped out of college, I was on the other side of the country from any support, I was unemployed and living in a very crappy studio apartment and had no money and no way to make rent.

Rock, meet bottom.

I had one thing going for me. I was hot. I mean really. I’ve never paid for a drink in a bar or a speeding ticket. I had a pretty good ability to get dudes to do exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately, in the middle of a global crisis, with everyone sheltering in place, I had no chance of even meeting a guy let alone get one to pay my rent. That was, until I discovered the world of Findom. Okay, for the uninitiated, findom, or financial domination, is a type of domination, you know, whips and leather, only instead of physical it's more, well, online. The John gives over access to his financial institutions, social media logins, work email, stuff like that, and the dominatrix can use those things to humiliate and control the John.

Generally a few ground rules are set, then off we go. It was perfect. I was perfect for it! I googled a bit and figured out what was generally expected and what I would have to do. Set up a spot I could video chat and got started.

It took me a little while to lock anyone down. I had a few nibbles, made a bit of money to keep myself from being kicked out, but eventually I met my John. Whose name was incidentally John. He wasn’t bad looking as best as I could tell, his video feeds were always a bit pixeley or something, but he was thin, had a square jaw and looked to be middle aged, a bit grey at the sides and stubble.

I got his details, wrote some humiliating emails and left them in his draft, ready for him to send them to all contacts, should I have the whim.

This all worked out pretty well. I bought myself a few treats at his expense, I would charge him every time he wanted to chat, which was often, it was all going perfectly. It was still pretty tight, but I was making rent. I would refer to him as ‘piggy’ or my little ‘cash cow’ and he was extremely deferential. One thing he particularly liked was for me to deny him things on pain of messaging all his contact what a wimpy, pathetic pig he was. Showers, going to the bathroom, I would even force him to starve himself. This one was particularly effective. He seemed to get off on me ordering him to eat, then tell me what his favorite food was. I took over all his food delivery apps and would order his favorites to my apartment and eat it in front of him.

That’s where it started to go wrong, but I was finally making good money from him. At first he would call at meal times, I’d order and eat. Stuck at home I was getting no exercise, so I know I was putting on a bit of weight but, it was making my boobs look amazing and whoever complained about a bit of junk in the trunk. Then it grew to meals and snacks as well. It was five or six times a day. I had a good appetite and was loving the indulgence of it all, but it was starting to have a marked impact. I thought about calling off, but the money was too good. I was charging the guy to sit and watch me eat. It was the easiest money in the world.

It all changed the day my sweat pants wouldn’t fit over my ass. I had slowly been outgrowing my clothes. It was easy to ignore, I wasn’t leaving the house so I didn’t have wear much anyway, but that morning I woke up and the elastic in my panties had gone. I had a shower and discovered a huge zit on my chin. Like, own postcode sized. Then, when I went to get dressed I could get my sweats over my ass. The last thing I had left to wear and it no longer fit. Fuck! I found a tee-shirt a guy had left here. He was a QB so it was huge. Was! It was now a pretty tight fit. And of course, that when both the door buzzer and the video chat alert go off at the same time.

I went to the door first. It was a delivery guy with four bags of food. This was nuts, there was soooo much here. I ran to the computer and hit the answer. I was annoyed. “What the fuck is all th…” John cut me off. “Shut up!”

It was like being slapped. I was in shock. He continued, “Now, things are going to change. If you want to make rent you are going to do, and by do I mean eat, exactly what I say”.

Fuck this! I went to log into his bank, access denied, his socials, access denied, email, access denied. He gave a chuckle. He knew what I was trying to do. “You had better open those bags.”

I was beaten. I didn’t have any other choice. I grabbed the first. It was from McDonalds. There was bacon egg and cheese biscuits, sausage biscuits, hot cakes, various McMuffins and a shake. There was enough food for at least four people. I had no choice. I just started shoveling. He watched intently, occasionally saying things like, “Good little piggy” and “Keep stuffing my fat little cow”. I finished the McDonalds to find Wendy's, then after several breakfast sandwiches went to a bag of Krispy Kreme donuts and last of all was DQ with two burgers and two chili cheese dogs. I would have thought it possible, let alone hot, but I found as forcing those last burgers into my mouth, my belly packed so tight it was bulging, I started to get turned on and as I shoved the last chili dog almost whole into my mouth I let out a small moan of pleasure. When I was done he said, “I hope you’re happy with your new life my disgusting little pig.” and hung up and I crawled away to my bed and masturbated. What the fuck was going on?

An hour later an amazon package arrived. Inside was a note saying ‘Just in case you need to leave the house.’ on top of a pink tee-shirt with the slogan, ‘Daddy’s little piggy’ and a pair of pink booty shorts with a curly pig tail on the back. I was disgusted. I thought about throwing them out but put them on instead. They were tight but I could get them on. I looked at myself in the mirror and had another lustful little flush. What the fuck was wrong with me.

At lunch the computer jingled again and I answered. I had never noticed the strong timbre of his voice. It has seemed weak before. Now it vibrated right to my core. He instructed me that more food would arrive shortly and shore enough the buzzer went off.

Soooo much food. But I ate and I ate. Burgers, ribs, pasta, burritos, whatever whim took would arrive at my house and I would force it down. I had forgotten what it felt like to not be completely stuffed. And I had become a bundle of sexual energy. Over the next week my shirt grew tighter until it became a midriff.

Then, after three weeks, it happened. I had become completely submissive to his will and his whims. I ate everything put in front of me. My belly and hips now rolled and bulged over my shorts. I had no concept of just how much weight I was capable of putting on in a few, short weeks. I had just finished a marathon pig out. I was in my pink shorts and tee with knee high socks and my hair in pigtails. I had dropped a donut and had waddled my fat ass around to get it. Now to set this scene clearly I had unintentionally air my huge rump at the camera, when the short I was wearing basically disintegrated. I mean they just burst at every seam. I swung my butt back onto the seat in embarrassment to find the camera still on but John was gone. Do you know what’s super weird? I still shoved the donut in my mouth. It was just pure reflex now.

I sat there looking at the empty chair on the screen. Not sure what to do next. It was fifteen minutes before there was a knock at the door. I had just eaten a huge meal. Well several huge meals at once. Surly it’s not more. I open the door and there he was. John. But not John. He was my age, or there abouts. Average height with a strong wiry build.

It turns out I am not tech savvy at all. He’d been using an ageing filter. Anyway.

He burst through the door. I stumbled back but, then sensing why he was here I lent in. It was the most intense kiss of my life. We fondled like maniacs, then he pushed me to bed and threw me down. He ripped off my shirt and what was left of my pants. There was no need for foreplay. There was only time for fucking. He pushed himself into me and I accepted gratefully. It was powerful and passionate. Both of us grunting and moaning. He peppered with kisses in my face and neck that became licks and bites. He leant in deeper to kiss, pushing his firm abs into my soft fat belly, when, without warning, I burped. Deep and loud in his face. Despite my burning shock and embarrassment he looked like it almost drove him off the edge, into orgasm. I took advantage, grabbing him and rolling him over, still inside me, and took control. I out weighed him by probably double and I used it, riding as hard and fast as I could. Enveloping him with my soft body. The rhythm took us then, there was no turning away we were both reaching the big crescendo. I almost screamed as my body convulsed with it and I could feel him pulsing inside of me.

We stayed like that. Both panting. He looked up at me. “Okay, I don’t want to play any more games. I just want to do this with you.” I smiled. I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t sure if he was terrible. Or if I was. Or who was even in control any more, but, That had been very good, and I could already feel him stiffening inside of me again. I decided just to go with it for now.

The second time was gentler, but still very good. We laid there afterwards, his arm around me. There was something oddly right. It was good.

I was shocked out of idle thoughts but the buzzer. I looked down to see his phone in his hand with a delivery app open.

“Just because I’ve stopped playing the game. Doesn’t mean you’ve stopped pigging out. You’ve just gone from being my ‘gross little piggy’ to my ‘cute little piggy’. Either way you’re hooked.”

And I was.

*Thanks for reading. Not sure if this one is going to end there or continue (I already have a couple on the go) let me know what you think*
1 chapter, created 11 months , updated 11 months
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TheFattenedClam 11 months
This was sweet! I’d love to see more writing from you smiley