My Super Cute Alien Girlfriend

Chapter 1

I grimaced at the sharp pain of indigestion that stabbed through my stomach. I really have to start taking better care of myself. They say sitting is the new smoking. Well, I guess I’m a pack a day man. I’m a software engineer by trade and have alway been pretty bad at self care.

I spent most of my childhood in my room playing world of warcraft, most of my studies in a dorm in front of a computer and most of my early adult life working from a studio apartment, of course, in front of a computer. I’ve always been a pretty solitary person, not necessarily by choice. I’ve just never been good at meeting people in real life.

When I got offered to move out to the country I thought here was my opportunity. A small community that I could become part of, enjoy the country air, get exercise, eat healthy, escape all the temptations afforded to me by being in a big city. No more uber eats or fast food. I would be forced to go out into the real world. Perfect.

Not so perfect as it turned out.

I guess I got wowed by the dream and didn’t do my due diligence. The systems I would be working on were scattered over a number of large farms, run by multi-nations that were spread across about 5000 acres and I would be remoting in from a house they provided.

The town I ended up in was basically an old house next to a brand new truck stop with about a dozen fast food outlets and across the road was an old ‘all you can eat’ rib joint. Everything else was just corn. Corn as far as the eye could see. No one else lived locally.

The house was an old farmhouse, perfectly fine. There was a new communication tower as part of the truck stop, so I had fast internet, but nothing else. No town, no-where to walk, no local community. Just fast-food and work. And I had signed a 24 month contract.

I was here for two years.

Six months had passed since them. I had quietly tuned 35. I had gained about 30lbs. My paunch had become a gut and was fast heading to whatever the next level is.

I pushed back from my desk with another stab of indigestion. It was no surprise really. I had ribs for dinner, in front of the computer of course, and had been snacking on slim jims all afternoon. I stood and stretched my back.

My window looked out to endless cornfields, they were in deep twilight now. It was a soothing view, even with the steady sound of trucks passing in the distance. I felt very a cool calm wash over me in that moment. That is why, in shock, I fell, ass backwards, over my chair when a streak of blue light and something crashing into the corn less than fifty feet from my window, disturbed the calm.

I staggered up to peer out at what was now nothing more than a faint blue light glowing emitting from the impact point.

I grabbed my cell, and looked at it, but who was I supposed to call. I looked out again. Nothing was on fire, the surrounding corn wasn’t wilting and dying and if it was radioactive even at fifty yards I was probably already fucked. Maybe I should investigate.

Outside I was less brave. From the back steps I could see the glow had died down to almost nothing, and through the corn I could just make out a large whitish orb. As a non sporting type there were no baseball bats or hockey sticks anywhere in the house, the best I could manage was a rolling pin. And not a very large one. I gripped it now with all my might as I took slow, trembling steps down stairs and across the lawn to the edge of the corn. The orb was only about 8 feet in diameter and was perfectly round and smooth.

I eased through the corn and, not sure what else to do, I gave the strange sphere a prod with my rolling pin. For the second time that night I fell ass backwards as the orb gave a wooosh and a hiss. Invisible seams gave way and orb spit in two and swung open on a hidden hinge.

Curled up inside was a young woman, apparently sound asleep and wrapped in a diaphanous white robe. She was thin and her pale blonde hair was what I think is called a pixie cut - it was cute anyway. She was breathing gently.

My breath on the other hand was anything but that, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Not figuratively either, a real chest tightening, arm tingling heart attack.
Within the orb the girl began to stir, first one bright blue eye opening then the other. Slowly they fixed on me, the largest, most striking blue eyes I had ever seen, then she gave a gentle smile. That was it. My heart returned to normal, my breathing eased, even the damn indigestion was gone.

She slowly sat up, then shifted her weight so the whole orb slowly rolled onto its side. She elegantly turned to stand. I silently held out my hand and she silently took it. She rose. Her touch felt, well, electric. It was incredible. When she was fully standing, she was an inch or two taller than me, her gentle smile widened. We stood eye to eye, well almost. She looked down at where I still held her hand and said “Your touch feels electric. It's wonderful”

I’m now going to jump forward six months, but I’ll give a quick recap before I do. She was, as I believe is pretty obvious, an alien. One that was pretty similar by all accounts to humankind, a few physiological differences, which I’ll get to shortly, but pretty similar in most respects to a very attractive, if a little skinny, 25 woman.

She had arrived for the typical reason - planet was dying, lack of resources, sent off into the darkness - the usual alien story really, but with the exception that her people were very big on soul mates. They had perfected the art of match making to a 100 percent science. This was the single navigational tool used for the escape pod. Soul mate.

Which brought her to me. Crazy. But even more crazy, is it seemed to be spot on. So, the last six months have been amazing, in short. As it turns out she comes from an environment that had long since been stripped of energy. Their food, therefore, was pretty low in nutrition and, in particular, calories. She was shocked to find the rich and amazing variety of food available to her. She ate very little herself, as her constitution was ill equipped to cope with the abundance, but loved what she tried and also loved to prepare all manner of unbelievable treats for me.

She had a pretty keen sense of flavor, deprived as she had been, as was amazing at preparing all manner of incredible meals. She had a generous soul and loved to treat and pamper.

Unfortunately the indulgent lifestyle was taking its toll on me. My cardio exercise was certainly up, as she was as generous a lover as a cook, but my heart was still suffering and I suspected a few other side effects of my increasing weight. Which brings us back to six months later.
We sat on the couch, her naked thigh draped over mine with my belly resting on top of it. It had been a wonderful evening. My beautiful alien girl had recently discovered the flavors of Mexico and had prepared for me a fiesta fit for a king, then had cleared the plates and made slow and gentle love to me in an easy chair. Un-fucking-believable.

But now I could feel another sharp pain and my heart was doing an a-tonal drum beat. I knew it would pass this time, but, for how long. She rubbed my arm as the tv blared away. Clearly she was lost in her own thoughts too. “Um, in everything I’ve read, I can’t seem to find anything about ‘earth girls’ having a gestation period, apart from in pregnancy I mean.”

Her gentle touch on my arm was already steadying my heart beat. “Oh, no, not a thing for humans. Not as far as I know.” Now she looked at me. Concern across her pretty face. “I do.” was all she said for a long time. Finally “ You see, it’s like the binding of souls, no, that sounds too dramatic. It’s like marriage for us. Only forever. Not like here.”

I sat there a little stunned. It took a moment to process, then I slid off the couch and knelt in front of her. “Are you asking if I want to spend the rest of my life with you? Oh my god yes!”. Crazy she had to ask, but even crazier was half pleased, half shocked goofiness, one hundred percent adorable look that crossed her face.

“Look” She started, but I groaned and said “Nothing good starts with look.”

She gave me a stink eye and continued “Look, I am about to enter a gestational period, like if I don’t start tomorrow I’ll miss it. That means I can absorb high amounts of nutrients and my body undergoes, well, changes. It’s all a bit hard to explain, but you will, um, need to participate too. It’s part of the bonding, the marriage where I’m from. I promise you it's nothing bad, but…”.

The but hung in the air, but there was and is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. The last six months had been the best of my life and I knew that wasn’t going to last forever. If things were going to change I would just have to absorb that. And I would (no foreboding there).

She jumped to her feet.” I’ll have to start preparation, and we’ll have to go to the shops in the morning. We’ll start tomorrow night”. With that she marched off into the kitchen.
As soon as she left the room my heart gave a mild stab as if to say “you’d better not neglect me too much longer buddy.”

The following morning we drove the forty five minutes to the nearest supermarket. I was made to hang around outside first the supermarket then the fancy deli. I was basically there as chauffeur and baggage handler, when we got back I was under strict instructions to stay out of the kitchen.

I retreated to my computer and got some work done. Apart from the odd visit to drop off a sandwich or coffee I didn’t see her until the evening. At around 6 she appeared in the doorway, dressed in a lace teddy, beckoning me to follow. She led me out to the dining room and said “Stay here” and disappeared into the kitchen. My stomach sank. The table was set. Candles, the nice cutlery and crockery, napkins and more food than I could imagine. She was obviously back in one of her favourite phases; Italian food. Red wine, Garlic bread, parmesan, Lasagna and at one of places a giant bowl of carbonara. It was literally in a salad bowl and there it was, sat between knife and fork ready to go. If I ate it all, it would kill me. She glided out from the kitchen with a huge smile carrying another small bowl. “Sit down my love”.

Reluctantly I started sliding in behind the bowl, but she laughed and said not there, here. She placed a far more sensible bowl of pasta at the opposite seat. I plomped into it, relieved. She took up place behind the huge bowl and smiled at me. “I’ve been waiting for this for sooo long” and she dug in.

It was unbelievable to watch. She ate slowly and with savor. Smiling joyously at every mouthful. It was incredibly sexy as well. I had barely touched my food because I didn’t want to miss a moment. When she was about half way through the bowl she sat back and rubbed her stomach. It was clearly poking out of her thin frame. I jumped up and dragged my seat around next to her, sat down and gently rubbed her stomach. She all but purred, arching her back, pressing it into my hand. I kissed her neck, then took up her fork, wound pasta around its tynes and began to feed her.

We carried on this way, feeding, kissing and caressing until there was nothing left on the table. Her frame, still skinny as ever, now supported a large round, volleyball sized belly. Her teddy was pulled tight around it. She looked at me seriously. “Now the next part. You still in?”

She led me to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. While I stood in front of her. She looked up at me. “This is going to get a little weird okay?”
I nodded.

“Kneel down, you’re kinda, gonna have to go down on me”. I wordlessly knelt and gently slid off her underwear.

As soon as my lips touched her she moaned in pleasure. I could feel her clitoris pulse and swell under my tongue. And then it kept swelling once it had reached about an inch, I paused and looked up.

Panting, she looked down at me. “Please don’t stop. Please. Just go with it. Oh and remember to swallow everything.”

So I went with it. I was a little put off by ‘swallow everything’ but in the heat of the moment I just had to get on with it. It seemed to stop swelling at about four inches. Plump pick and smooth. I did my best. She moaned and squirmed in pleasure. It was a joy to be able to make someone feel this good. I reached up with one hand and gently caressed her belly and that's when it happened. She gave a deep moan and began to ejaculate. Remembering her words and not knowing what else to do I began to swallow. It went on and on, sweat and tingley as it went down my throat. After a while I could feel my stomach swelling but kept going, aware that I was starting to feel her pleasure. We were sharing completely in the moment.

It wasn't until after her swollen clitoris slowly reduced back to normal size and the fog of pleasure began to lift that I realized my hand was now lying on a perfectly flat tummy. Her perfectly flat tummy. In Fact there could have even been some abdominal muscles that weren't there before. I was also noticing just how full, heavy and round my own stomach had become.

I awkwardly climbed to my feet gripping my new girth. And stood looking down at her.

She seemed different. Physically different. Her hips seem wider and her breast fuller, but everywhere else she seemed more toned. Her skin seemed to almost glow, and her blue eyes seemed bigger and brighter than ever. It was incredible. She had somehow gone from cute to beautiful. She was still cute too of course. Those blue eyes looked up at me demurely and she smiled as she said “You look beautiful. Come and lie down next to me.”

I did as I was told, but as I layed down she slid my pants off and straddled me. Sliding staring onto me and began working her hips. “Your turn”. Even as the pleasure mounted and her speed increased I felt good, strong and healthy. I felt like I was sixteen. Her flat tummy pressed against my round, fat one. I felt her climax as I did. We were now connected in a way we had never been before.

As we laid wrapped in each other, on the edge of sleep I stroked her soft skin and said “you were right. It was definitely nothing bad.” She smiled at me stroking my belly and said “It only gets better from her.” I smiled and began to doze before I processed what she had said. “What do you mean?”

“This was only day one. It’s a three day cycle.”

To Be Continued
7 chapters, created 1 year , updated 11 months
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Rickeb 1 year
More Please.
Fanedfox 1 year
I really enjoyed reading your story's first chapters. I do enjoy mutual gaining, being a casual gainer and married to a BBW.

I'm looking forward to new chapters.
Abyssal Mind 1 year
I'm not even into male wg and I like it. Came for the premise, stayed for the cuteness. I can't wait to see how it progresses, it's pretty interesting. I think you're doing a good job, I'm liking it.
Goldmund 1 year
This is hot and interesting. I’m looking forward to more too.
Built4com4t 1 year
wonderful start...looking forward to more!