Chapter 1 - Getting fat for him
I have been skinny once. Sometimes, my weight was stable at 70 kg with a height of 170 cm. But one day my man got hooked on a curvy body, so that there was a lot of everything. And I started gaining weight. Soon enough I became obese.To be clear — The man who made me gain weight was not my husband. Neither boyfriend. We just lived together. Well, I understand that now. But at that time, it seemed to me that we had a common-law family. For him, we were just roommates.
When we first met, I was slim, but not skinny. I have never been skinny. My figure took shape at 13, and my growth stopped at the same time. But a nice bonus was always a pronounced waist. And most importantly, I never had complexes about not being 90x60x90.
At the same time, my weight always depended on my diet. It was worth relaxing a little, eating extra buns and sweets, and the weight began to increase. That's why I started watching my diet at about 24.
I'll be honest — It's tiring. When you constantly think "Should I eat this or not? It looks delicious, but my belly will grow" — it's nerve-wracking.
And then, at 30, I started that very relationship. The first three years were relatively normal (there's a lot more to say about this relatively). Until one day we had a fight. I moved out of his place — I started renting a room. I didn't start a relationship with anyone. On the contrary, I started to miss him, and it seemed like the resentment had already passed.
Six months later, our relationship resumed. And a phrase flashed through his mind, which I noticed, but did not immediately attach any significance to it - "How small you have become."
Soon, phrases like "... Your ass is of course cool, but it could be bigger" he began. And this is not at all about "pumping up". Namely, to be bigger, and not only my ass. He wanted me to get really fat.
A stone wears away water. And gradually, looking at a delicious bun, other thoughts began to come — "well, okay, let your body grow, it can be bigger."
And so I ate bun after bun, plus overeating after work, gorging on sweets and snacks and eating non-stop ... How much do you think I gained in a year?
If you count the girth of that very part of the body that could be bigger, I reached 124 centimeters. The excess weight was still compensated by the waist –consistently 30 centimeters smaller. But 124 centimeters in my ever growing hips!
How much is that in kilograms? At the very maximum, I was 95 kilos. This was after the usual 70. That is, I methodically gained one to one and a half kilograms per month. I really got bigger.
He was happy, and I did not strain myself. I ate a lot more, to satisfy his hunger for bigger woman.
I really began to eat more than usual at a time. They always said about me - eats like a sparrow. And then the sparrow began to turn into a turkey. And then to a giant Whale.
At first, the only inconvenience from these 124 centimeters in my hips was one - it is very difficult to buy normal, beautiful clothes. For large sizes, they sew robes, old-lady skirts, dresses that add 10-15 years to your age. It became harder to find clothes for my size.
In general, it became difficult to find beautiful clothes. But again, there was a "plus" - I could enjoy my meals without having regrets.
Soon enough my appetite grew even more and I weighed more than a hundred kilograms, maybe even more. After all, he liked it when there is a lot of everything. So I came a lot larger.
I got so much excess weight, that I was bigger than most of my acquaintances, damn I was the biggest ever, fatter in anyway possible. I got bigger belly, which was hanging over my laps, my legs grew and my hips were rounded. I was bigger than, but it usually affected my upper body. While I got slightly bigger chin and rounded face, I still didn’t develop any double chin, although I reached to more then hundred kilos. But then I thought about the fact that I am gaining weight for someone else. Did I want it?
And I made the main conclusion for myself — You need to look the way you like yourself, and not the way a man wants. And I wanted more than this. I wanted to be the biggest person this man has sat his eyes on. So let’s see how much food I can shove into my mouth. Let’s this belly grow even more!
2 chapters, created 3 months
, updated 2 weeks