Introduction to Feederism

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1 - Dan meets clara

Dan was a skinny kid the grow to be a skinny man. He never experienced what it means to be fat, until he met her. The truth is that food never interested him much, he ate so as not to be hungry and that's it.

He never exaggerated. This is how he managed to maintain his weight and many of the girls of the fairer sex wanted him. When he met Clara, at first he did not want to spend time with her. It was a one-time experience for him. He found her on a dating app and sat down to have a nice try to meet someone chubby. She defined herself as heavyweight and it intrigued him to try.

But when he saw her he felt an attraction he had not known before. He wanted to be with her for a little while longer. They were in a restaurant near the beach, they waved their vaccination certificates to sexy waitress on the entrance with here tight dress, which emphasized the curves of her of the round body.

It looked like Clara had closed some deal with the waitress. Because she bring to their table mountains of food. Before they started Clara spoke. "I want it to be clear from the beginning", She said firmly. "I prefer a man who likes to eat because I like to feed and cook. That means if you want to keep up with me you will gain weight."

He felt a little uncomfortable but also curious. And nodded slightly. He was convinced they would share food, but no. All this was meant for him: a large steak dish with potatoes and herbs, a huge Caesar salad with a fair amount of chicken, rice in almonds, a jug of juice and a whole box of ice cream. If Clara ate she ate little, she was busy feeding him, spoon after spoon, fork after fork and cup after cup pushed into his mouth to make sure his stomach swelled and well fed.

As he continued to eat he felt his belly expand, he obeyed all her requests for non-stop eating, each time he finished, the waitress brought more and more plates. The food seemed to flow like a flooding river. But instead of the river flowing into the sea it flows into his body through his mouth. It started with a feeling of discomfort and then the pain in his tiny stomach that grew. As he chewed more and more, he felt filled and breathless. It became harder to keep eating and he felt there was no room left in his stomach for anything else. he sat full to the brim, while his umber skin stretched tight over his protruding gut.

Then Clara looked at him with her big eyes.

"Can I rub your stomach?", she asked. "It will make it easier for you and you will be able to eat more."
He just looked at her and finally asked, "Why do you want me to gain weight?"
"Does it bother you?", She tried to understand.
"I don't know, it depends"
"I came from a world that admires obesity," she began to explain. "I was like you for many years, thin as a stick. But then I met a man who loves fatness, who dreamed of gaining weight a thin girl, and to inflate women. Now that I have grown to desired measures, I have embarked on a new path and I am looking for thin men to gain weight."

He felt there was something beyond that. "Because he betrayed you?"

She just smiled and said, "Let's just say I got my revenge on him. He's not going back to his previous weight anymore."

She took a huge donut from the table and stuffed it into his mouth. "Besides, this is an experience from another world, I promise you" and she pushed another one into his already stuffed mouth.

As he continues to eat Clara watched as Dan fumbled just a bit to get his jeans over his butt and close them. The same jeans that had been loose fitting mere hours ago seemed closer to a skinny jean than what the style was originally intended. He managed to get them on fine, but they were definitely tighter and his small belly perched ever so slightly on the waistband. It was certainly more than hours ago. The same went for his now tighter shirt, which pulled against his love handles and chest as it stretched over the slight dome of his gut. He was bigger, not by much, but enough for her expert eyes to notice the roughly few lbs gained.

Soon enough his well-stuffed belly was firmly pressed against his pants and threatened to spill out of them at every moment as its shivered and swayed at every awkward step. He was filled with pain but did not care, he did not want to stop. There were still so many fattening treats to indulge in and he wanted to eat them all.

After awhile he so fat that eating like this would only make him gain more weight, but it felt so good to lose control completely, to succumb to all his longing. Eat without shame or inhibitions.

His stomach swelled more and more and rounded like a massive, fat balloon as his clothes began to stretch and were unable to contain his growing passion. His thick waist spilled from the sides of the pants, his shirt began to tear and reveal heavy and soft folds of fat. He was so full that mhisbreathing became slow. All some of his clothes shrunk, without thinking he untied the pants button and let the belly drip out, bouncing freely while walking. His face widened, and his facial features were distorted and unrecognizable from the fat, his jaw sank into the double chin that formed. His body was wrapped in hundreds of extra pounds, looking like a shapeless mound of pure fat.

His body exploded from fat so fast he knew he will barely recognized himself. He felt like a stranger in his own body. But it did not stop there. Clara wanted him big. Clothes stretched to the border over his big, hanging belly and hanging breasts threatened to spill out at any moment.

Dan's body filled up like a big fat balloon. Slowly he felt how is growing, softening, expanding in every direction. The arms were like oversized sacks that burst from the sleeves of his shirt. His thick waist fell to the sides of the pants while the stomach rose like puff pastry before fluttering heavily over the thighs, which swelled and thickened, developing their own folds while the huge buttocks erupted behind him. Now, the clothes were torn without any hope of covering his new body.

Dan gasped as his extra-wide thighs filled the doorway, turning to the side to ease himself across the door, the feeling of the door frame pressing against the stomach and back sent a shiver down the spine. Clara loved to see his huge body unfold on a king-size bed, with big legs spread contemptuously as his stomach spilled into the space between them.

Clara put one hand and gently rubs Dan's belly, relieving the feeling of fullness while the other hand firmly pushes another donut through. Before Dan could resist she ripped off his ruined clothes, and his fat spilled everywhere. She helped him get into huge pants, pulling them over the protruding hips and plucking them as the pants get lost under the muddy folds...
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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