Glowing up Friendship

Chapter 1

Since they Where young, Both have been best friends from the very first moment, and Jane never ever see her in a romantic way. But with the pass of the years she discovered her feeding fetich and explore a little… so with college in the way, her bff paula has moved to other state while she stay in the little town. My name is Jane and i love to see the pleasure of the stuffing in secret.

Paula has been always the iman of cool, Nice guys, the popular ones but the times changes, and the freshman 15 is around the corner … it’s 2016, Jane his ex fatty friend and best friend since 2009 Go to visit paula for the very first time in a while, and what she see is that her all magnificent, thin a glam friend has been piling some pounds this last semester, her cheecks are fuller, also presume a little muffin top and she can’t admited the lately gaining weight.

Jane is in culinary school, with a particular love for pastries, so any time she flies to visit her friend she brings some particular
Cake or any Sweet to endulge her with glutonny. But the only thing that Jane Can see is how her friend is fatter that the last time she see her; Her arms are softer and there is a layer of fat that in other times she never imagine to presume, her tight pants are going to pop at any moment. College has change paula’s body, her friends are mostly guys that loves to go for some beers after classes, so they drink a lot of different kinds of alcohol, and then is the food, u know, guys like to eat good and high calories snack while they are indulgen them selves, paula is in paradise but Not for si long.

The time Jane stay with paula isn’t enought, but she know that her friend Can stuff her self , mostly now that she has a new sedentary life, with no time for any excercise, Healthy food and movement.

Delivery food and fast food has been done enough💜 pilling pounds for the next time they would see each other soon. A few moths later, the same tshirt is so tight, but she deny any change in her body and the change of her eating habits, this is going to be interesting.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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