Grocery Store Gains

  By Jdm  

Chapter 1 Introductions

I’m Brad, has been college football player and full time “chubby chaser” as people say. I’ve never liked that term though, sure I have my preferences but, what I really prefer is spoiling a good woman and allowing her to relax the standards on her waistline. I’m not a force feeder per say, more of an enabler. See I’m a big guy 6’6” I was 330 lbs in my prime USC football days. Since my neck injury in the bowl game my senior year I was forced to give up a semi promising NFL career. I stayed on as a grad assistant for a year to get my masters in construction management. Since then I slimmed down to a muscular 285lbs on my large right tackle frame. Being a bigger guy I dated what people considered fat girls. I however, only thought of them as thick. Being with me would consistently put about 50 lbs on them before we would inevitably separate.
I got a job at a big Fortune 500 construction company after graduation. I loved it my job was easy and I had to move every 6 months or so to another job site. I was 25 making money hand over fist and hooking up with heavy women all over the country. I was in heaven. I had earned a reputation in my firm of getting jobs back on track, being a fixer. Not that I was particularly great but I understood the team dynamic and people tend to listen to you when you’re my size. That being so I got sent to a job in Richmond Virginia that was a year behind schedule and I was going to be stuck there until it finished.
I didn’t so much mind the east coast, I hated the humidity but I tended to have better luck with the women of my preference out here. So I relished the opportunity to fix the shambled job site and see what kind of talent I could pull.
I got into town on a Friday in late April and by noon Saturday I had rented a nice modern style townhouse and gotten my big work truck signed into my name.
After unpacking the first place I went was the gym, then to the grocery store to stock up on food. After all my football lineman appetite had not totally diminished. I packed my cart with beef, chicken, rice, pancake mix, eggs the usual stuff to feed a large man.
I began loading the copious amounts of food on the conveyer at the check out. I glanced up to the pretty face wearing the name tag Jennifer. I smiled and asked her how her day was. We small talked while she rang up my groceries.
I kept talking to her while sneaking glances at her from my 6’6” vantage point. She was about 5’6’ and I’m guessing around 150lbs. She was perfect mix Hispanic and Haitian. She had dark black hair with loose curls, lovely hazel eyes and pretty straight white teeth wrapped by smooth plush lips. Her skin a stunning shade of mocha and sparse freckles on her cheeks and nose. She a had an athletic frame but did not appear to workout of play sports. Her upper arms weren’t flabby but starting to soften, she had perky C cups and a flat upper stomach with a slight pudge collecting at the waist band of her black leggings. She had a filled out posterior cupping in a neat line to her sleek yet thick thighs. Just the right of of softness that a little encouragement could turn into a BBW.
I wanted so dearly so ask her on a date but I dared not be that forward.
I settled for more small talk“I’m brand new in town, what is there to do around here? Any good places to eat?”
Her voice had me further hooked she had an air of confidence about her feminine but ever so slightly raspy voice. “I mainly hangout at home. All my friends went off to college last summer after graduation. I’m took a year off, to save money and now well I’m still a cashier. As far as restaurants there’s a really good Italian place down the road and Myra’s makes the best most authentic gyros you can buy.”
We small talked some more about the area. As she scanned the last item I asked, “what do you like to snack on at work huh?”
“I’m actually a huge Reese fast break fan they pair really good with a bottle of Dr Pepper.” She said with a fake fancy British accent. I grabbed two full sized candy bars and a 16 oz drink and her her scan them in. I paid left her the snacks and told her I hoped to see her next time I came shopping. She laughed replying, “welp I’m always here and always working, you might have just moved into my favorite customer spot since you’re feeding me.”
I could have sworn I felt her hand linger on mine as she passed me the receipt. I went home to unload my groceries, thinking about her Simple but elegant beauty. She wore no make up and had a bubbly confident personality. I was smitten despite the probably six year age gap.
43 chapters, created 1 year , updated 6 months
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Falloutlilhart 7 months
Is this the last chapter or is there more in the works?
NipNip 9 months
Definitely liking how Maria is getting fatter off of rubbing off weight gain influence
Bb78w 9 months
Amazing story! Do you make any others?
Charlylovesbbw 9 months
This story is absolutely amazing! I can’t wait for more!
Alfon1 1 year
One of the best stories i ever read
Jdm 1 year
Thank you I’ll write some more after the holidays
Pd500 1 year
Digging this!