The Fattening Love Triangle

  By Jdm  

Chapter 1 - Prologue

I met Joy my sophomore year of college. She was a freshman but was already in some second year classes. I had my eye on the bottom heavy buxom brunette from day one. I had always had a thing for thicker women and Joy looked primed to pack on some college weight. She was about 5’7” with thick but athletic legs, that led to shapely wider hips and large booty. She had a set of single Ds capping off her hourglass waist. The weigh gain “tell” was her softer upper arms. She definitely played some sports in high school by the looks of her athletic frame but, looked as if she had just stopped going to the gym and enjoyed her last summer before college. I was hoping the cutie would become lazy and over indulge here at the university.
I was still in great shape I came to college to play baseball however an injury plagued freshman year and skipping academics earned myself a spot back in gen pop with the regular students. I became a sort of loaner I didn’t party much, my friends were on the baseball team which I wasn’t a part of anymore. Just gym and class and a part time job cutting grass. That was my lame college experience thus far.
I watched at Joy Ramponi slowly plump up over the first semester. I’d see her once a week in the math class. I swear I studied her body as much as I studied the mundane basic math. I never really got to introduce myself to her. She always hurried out of class every week.
My luck with Joy changed in late October. I ran into her in the cafeteria. She was sitting by herself with a calorie loaded plate. I was beside myself, everything I predicted was falling into place. She looked perfect to me. Her long silky smooth dark brown hair framing her angular face just right highlighting her attractive features. Her bright lively green eyes danced across her trey full of food. Her pale skin glowing in the incandescent lights of the cafeteria.
I decided to shoot my shot. I approached the table, setting my trey down and asked, “mind if I sit here?”
Those lively green eyes lit up and locked on mine. She meekly nodded. As I sat down she spoke, “you’re Dillon right? From statistics?”
“Guilty as charged” I chuckled. She returned the smile and the rest was history. By Christmas we were dating steady. Joy had thickened up some more under my toolage. I hadn’t come out as a chubby chaser to her yet. We hadn’t even broached the topic of weight yet. But if I had to guess she started school at a healthy 130lbs and coming into Christmas break she was probably 165. She still very much had an hour glass shape just fuller. But she was accumulating fat in her lower belly and her juicy love handles. Pale pink stretch marks had shown up to accompany a slight bit of cellulite on her buttocks. I always encouraged her to eat but never forced the issue. Just two college kids living life and enjoying ourselves. I maintained my steady gym regimen while I cultivated the future fatty.
Turns out Joy was a pretty good volleyball player in high school just didn’t have enough height to play at the next level. She was also quite the gym goer and her parents were health freaks. She ran a 5k before school and went to the gym with her mom after every day in high school. She definitely hadn’t ran more than a single step since I’ve known her. I was worried her going home for Christmas at 165 she was definitely already the heaviest woman in her family. But she came back to school from break and no weight drama ensued. So Joy kept indulging. By the end of her freshman year she was easily 190 lbs. The added weight now definitely noticeable. She maintained her hourglass just and over fed hourglass shape. Her thighs touched midway down to her knees. Her calves and arms had thickened up as well. Her cute face remained immune to her gain.
Joy or JoJo as I sometimes called her, went home for the summer while I continued full time classes and work. We FaceTimed everyday and texted a lot throughout the day. I kept encouraging her to eat and pamper herself. I’d door dash her food or pay to have her nails done. Just kept her spoiled. Her gained slowed being gone but she still came back heavier. Starting her sophomore year she was definitely 200lbs.
She plateaued around 200-210 until Christmas. Stress from finals and a pregnancy scare pushed her into a solid 215 by the start of the new year.
Joy moved in with me for the spring semester. That’s when she met my neighbors Matt and his wife Kristi. Matt a heavy set construction worker who was very standoff-ish, however Kristi was friendly. Joy and Kristi got close quick. Kristi was about 5’ 2’ with blue eyes and long blonde hair. She was on the skinny side maybe 120lbs. She had nice legs, and curvy butt and hips but a thin waist and flatter chest. Kristi was a party girl. She liked to smoke and drink. Kristi introduced Joy to weed and she started drinking more. Jo Jo would get the munchies and could eat two large pizzas in one sitting. Her spring sophomore semester was a turning point in her life. Joy became increasingly lazy and sedentary. Her grades faltered and her weight rose to 250 by the end of her sophomore year.
That’s when her weight finally got brought up to in conversation. I came out of the feederism closet. My preferences seemed to scare her off. She became a little distant thinking she “would never be good enough for me” or “why did I want her body to change” I fought to keep her around. But the break up was inevitable as I graduated Joy went home for summer and dropped out of school. Back living with her parents I watched the pounds shed from her perfect thickened hourglass frame, from following her social media I guessed she was back down to 210lbs. I was heartbroken to watch her perfect soft body melt away.
Around the holiday season her social media posts dried up leaving me wondering if she was still losing weight or not. I longed to see Joy again, but bigger, fatter, more out of shape Joy. I day dreamed daily about her gaining her weight back and being back in my life. The fantasizing lead me down a rabbit hole of my fat fetish, I was spending a decent amount of my pay check on Bbw/sbbw onlyfans pages. I distracted myself but hooking up with other fatties and throwing myself at work. Trying to make a name for myself at my new engineering firm.
11 chapters, created 6 months , updated 1 day
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Sutherngent96 1 month
your stories are exquisite. love to see more of this one
Jdm 1 month
Thank you good sir!
Riverman754 1 month
Awesome work. Keep going!
Jdm 1 month
Thank you! I’ll do my best to keep the chapters coming.