Chapter 1
So you think you're done eating for me?The weeks of expanding your caocity; on loosing yourself to my luzt. To my whispered please for more. To me insisting past full; past your limits...
Why don't you step onto the scales and let me see how heavy you are? Tell me, what can you see past the curve of thst big belly? There were abs here before. A ittle line for me to trace kisses along; that led me all the way down to your pelvis. A tight V that is now swollen outwards. Curving and rounded.... taut and tight when stuffed but now softe and squeezable. As you look down at your naked form; what can you see beneath it? Is the length of your excitment disappearing from your view anymore... Without the number, I can tell you've got fat... what happened to my slim stuffer?
You've really let yourself go into gluttony. Into the depths of my pleasure. Eating and expanding. Revelling in pleasing me... even when you're too full for more. Gaspingly gorged.
Oh please. I know you're fatter now. I know this numbers going to shock you. To shock us. Even when I know your belly spills out from tight waistbands. When ive watched you forced to undo it a little earlier into each big stuffing.
Let this big belly press outwards. Let me see you swell. Sit back; and show off just how immense you are. A belly built from indulgence... and you're still growing.
Say you will eat for me, even as you grow fat. I always knew you might get fat from my feeding. And I love it. I want more.
Do, you think you're done as I concede how big you've grown? That this is now a fat belly. Plump from pleasure. Oh no, my glutton. I want your biggest belly. I want you feeling this fat already. This heavy... to know as I've measured you just how immense you are. And still... to eat for me.
Feeding you is my favourite. Seeing this belly stuffed is such a wonderful treat. Your every inch has such an effect on me. Let me see you are a glutton now.
When you are panting with the effort of your belly stretching to hold such a feast for your feeder; when you have to lean way back, your stomach stretched to its limits, still sitting forward into your lap; when I can see that your belly is too filled to move at all as you try to suck it in with a moan... do you think you're done then?
Who needs button up pants anyway; when your gut looks so good protruding between your undone zip as you massage it. You want a belly that fills your lap... fill it up.
I can't believe how huge your stomach is now. It takes so much to stuff you now. I want to see you gorge relentlessly. A belly that can blow through buttons...
Are you really fattening up? Do you look huge now? Or do you still look at this rounded belly and want more... Don't worry. You've lost control... I can take over.
let me tell you what a greedy glutton you are. And then let me gorge you even more. Bigger than I thought you could grow too.
Tell me, do you think you're done eating for me just because this belly is fat now? Because your belly has blown up... or are you hungry? Hungry to please.
Give me your biggest belly. Bigger. Show me your a glutton.
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years
Your writing draws the reader in so erotically.
Thank you for sharing your visions and your talents. I envy your writing skills, especially how you pack so much in.