Heavy Karma

Chapter 1

Heavy Karma
It was another typical day in Lansford.People scurrying around,going to work,taking care of various tasks.One busy place was the local coffee shop,bakery & deli.People were waiting in line patiently to get their orders.Well most were waiting patiently.
“What the hell is taking so damned long?How hard is it to order a fucking coffee,pastry or sandwich?”The person rudely complaining was a young lady named Karmela Sinclair.She preferred to be called Mel by people she knew & liked.Those people were far between.Mel had an attitude problem(although she’d never admit it).She felt the world should revolve around her & she let people know.Usually when she did her conversations were loaded with profanity!Mel was a lovely girl by society’s standards,5’5” about #115,long black hair with piercing blue eyes & she made sure people saw her!
“Patience,my child.They are working as fast as they can.”Mel turned to see who had the nerve to talk to her.Behind her was an elderly woman barely 5’ tall.Mel noted she looked about as big around too!”Why don’t you mind your own business you old bitch!I’m NOT your child & I didn’t ask for your opinion!”The elderly woman shook her head & Mel heard her mumble something.”What was that,you old bat?”
“Nothing my dear.Just clearing my throat.”The old woman said with a smile.Finally the line moved to where Mel could make her order.”I’ll have a double latte espresso & a vegetarian bagel sandwich.Be quick about it!”Mel got her order,paid for it & left.She didn’t notice the old lady watching her leave with a smile.
Mel went on with her day as usual.She made her way to a small business where she worked as a bookkeeper.It wasn’t the job she wanted but at least it paid the bills & she was good at it.Through out the day she had to deal with other various employees who’s mistakes she had to correct.Stupid morons!At lunch time she was feeling a bit puckish so she decided to check out a new restaurant in town.When she went in she noticed it was a buffet.She usually avoided this kind of establishment but the food smelled so good!She paid for her meal & went up to the buffet.She figured she’d get some fish,a salad & an iced tea.When she found a table she had 2 plates loaded with the most fattening things available!She started eating like she’d never eaten before in her life.Instead of iced tea she got a large soda & also asked for a chocolate shake!She chowed down making another 3 trips to the food bar plus a trip through the desserts,topping it off with a huge sundae!She was stuffed!She slowly got up & made her way back to work,but not without stopping at a local candy store to fill up on supplies!
She managed to return to work just a few minutes late(Good thing she got an hour lunch)!The people around her noticed her stockpile of goodies.This was something new!They had never seen Mel eat sweets.Not knowing what was going on they kept their mouths shut so as not to incur more of her wrath than possible.The rest of the day went on as normal(aside from her stuffing her face).When it was time to head home all Mel could think about was what’s for dinner!
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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DustieKisses 4 years
That was fun!