Chapter 1
“BBBBUUURRRPPPP.” The sickening sound came from the next room over; the belch bounced off the walls of the small trailer home and entered my ears as I let out a disappointed sigh.“Honnneyyy, is there any more Chinese takeout from yesterday? I finished all the Taco Bell, and I’m still hungry.” My wife’s voice came from the bedroom where the slobbish belch had also come from.
“No, you finished it yesterday, and ate mine too,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose and rubbing it in frustration, knowing I’d likely have to get in the car and go out to get more food.
“I know you just got home, but can you….”
“Yeah, I can get you some more food,” I said, cutting her off before she could finish.
“Aww, thanks, babe; you’re the best!” I could hear the smile in her voice. Before you go, could you bring me another two liter of soda?
“Sure Hun.” I opened the fridge and reached for one of the soda bottles there. How had all of this happened? It was surely only a couple of days ago that Abi had been on a paleo diet and doing CrossFit. Or had it been weeks? Months maybe? Time had seemed a blur regardless of the length and I don’t know what compelled me to keep going along with her insane requests. Nothing in this move to a new town for my new job had gone as expected, but you have to do your best to roll with the punches.
I closed the door of the fridge and walked towards the bedroom. “I think I want fried chicken, but Popeyes, the KFC has been awful lately. OH! The Dairy Queen is right next door; maybe a blizzard or two for dessert when you go?” Abi asked in a subservient pleading voice.
I entered the room and gazed over to where Abi sat on our bed, preparing to hand over the soda. What I saw should have horrified me, but instead, I felt my cock twitch.
___________________________________ ___________
“I can’t believe this! You said we were going to be in a modular, not a freaking trailer!” Abi groaned
“Well, that’s what was advertised, and at least the rent is going to be dirt cheap. Besides, it’s only for a year, and by then, we will have enough money to build a home!” I replied, not too thrilled about the proposition myself but trying to keep a positive attitude.
I walked to the back of our SUV and opened the gate to start unloading our bags. I had taken an assignment from my corporate job to oversee our acquisition of a craft soda plant in rural Georgia. There were no apartments in the small town, but I had set up a year lease in what had been advertised as a modular home. It was a significant pay bump for me that promised a considerable bonus at the end of the year, after which we could return to Rhode Island and build our dream home. As I grabbed the first bag, the front door to the trailer opposite ours opened. A hulking figure that filled the entire doorway lumbered through, covered by the shadows of the porch and surrounding beech trees. The silhouette had to shift sideways before ultimately emerging onto the mobile home’s porch, revealing itself to be an immense woman of ungainly proportions.
The woman had to be nearly 600 pounds with jet-black hair and arms covered in a sleeve of elaborate tattoos. Her belly forced the shorts she was wearing out in front of her, barely containing the quivering mass of flesh. Her side profile showcased a rear that competed with her midsection atop her thighs, which were easily wider than my own torso. She caught my gaze and waved an outsized fluttering arm that flapped at us. “Hey, y’all, you must be the new tenants!” She shouted.
Abi grimaced as she caught the sight of the bulbous woman but quickly regained composure as the woman waddled nearer, every inch seeming to jiggle with each ponderous step. Abigail was a fitness influencer and model who went by the handle CurvyTonedGirl401 online. Somehow, one of my corny pickup lines worked back in college when she was still studying accounting. Before she went viral, Abi was the polar opposite of the woman approaching us, with a washboard stomach she displayed in a tube top. Slender but curvy legs that racked up hits online like no tomorrow. Her hair was dyed blonde and pulled back into a neat ponytail. Her appearance was true to her alias; she was in shape but still the picture of feminine beauty and curvature.
“Welcome to Hogsrest! I know it’s probably quite the change from what you’re used to, but folks here are friendly, and I’m sure soon you’ll be fitting right in!” The woman beamed. The way she had emphasized fitting seemed a bit strange to me, but nothing about this morning had been normal, so I quickly moved on and took the woman’s now outstretched hand.
“My name’s Mae, and I’m the manager here at Hogsrest, and Urrrp… pardon me, dears. As I was sayin, here are your keys to the home here. I’m gonna be doing a little cookout tomorrow for ya, but if you have any questions, come on over and ask.” Mae outstretched her chubby digits and dangled a pair of keys out towards me. I glanced over her arms, seeing the various tattoos, seemingly Wiccan or spiritual of some type, but also noticing several pigs, cows, and even the fat girl you’d find on a trucker’s mud flaps.
Abi reached out behind me to grab the keys from Mae when, suddenly, with unexpected speed, she was drawn into a bear hug by the mammoth woman. “Aren’t you just adorable, Hun? You must work day and night to keep yourself so svelte.” Abi was stunned by the incident but, unlike herself, didn’t fight the embrace.
“Ohh, I ah, well I... I do make a living doing fitness and workout instruction videos...” she said awkwardly and unsurely. “If you’re interested, I can give you some basic exercises to…”
“That won’t be necessary, dear; I tend to lean into my avoirdupois! Haha, you shouldn’t avoid a good treat here or there, though; men love a little padding.” Mae said, giving me a sly wink.
Mae released Abi from her clutches, my wife now seemingly in a daze. “Well, thanks very much; it was good to meet you, but it’s been a long drive, and we’d love to settle in and get some rest,” I said, trying to break off the engagement.
“Oh, of course! When can I expect y’all tomorrow for dinner?”
“I get off work at three, but…”
“That’s right, you’re the big city bigshot here to oversee Tubby’s Cola! Amazing stuff; I must go through gallons of the stuff each week, along with all the other girls here!”
“It’s good to see that it has… such a following.”
“I’ll see you both tomorrow at four thirty, I won’t take no for an answer! I can grill a rack of ribs that’ll even make miss skinny britches here pick em’ clean.” She said, looking Abi up and down.
“...Thanks.” Was all I could manage as I grabbed Abi’s shoulder to pull her towards our bags.
I went through the process of moving our bags into the trailer; Abi seemed oblivious and withdrawn, so I let her sit down on the couch in our new living room while I finished unpacking. A few hours later, it was dark, and I had most everything put away and set up. We had packed light, leaving most things in storage back in Rhode Island, not wanting to bother with a moving truck and not knowing how much space we would have. Abi finally seemed to snap out of her funk and was scrolling on her phone. I sat down next to her and placed my arm around her.
“Well, it’s not ideal, but it’s home for now. That Mae, huh, no personal boundaries, she is… something else. Are you doing alright?” I asked
“Oh yeah, sorry. Just feeling all that fat against me, soft and blubbery, it was so… just so…I don’t even know…” She replied.
“We don’t have to go tomorrow if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t want to be rude, and I think she means well by it all; the culture is just different here.”
“Okay. So, any plans for tomorrow while I’m at work?”
“I think I’m going to do a road run and try to film some content to see if any sponsors are looking to target a southern audience.”
“That’s a good plan.”
“Hey babe, something Mae said got me thinking; what would you do if I were as big as her?”
The question took me aback, I could have never imagined my lithe bride blubbery porker, and I paused to consider the inquiry. My mind’s eye opened in a flash, the image of my sweet Abi with a second chin and sagging ponderous breasts searched above a stuffed pendulous gut. I shook my head, wondering how the visage had come so easily. What was even more strange was that the idea didn’t repulse me. I must have been more tired from the drive than I thought.
“You know I’ll always love you, no matter what.”
“You’re so sweet. I’ll hold you to that if I ever turn into a big fat pig,” Abi said, her hand on my chest and her head resting on my shoulder.
Magical Realism
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
First person
9 chapters, created 2 months
, updated 2 months