Slave to Her Desire

Chapter 1

The unexpected bump to the side of his table snapped Ace out of his tired daze. He had been working the night shift at a nearby construction site and was taking a meal break at the local all night diner.

“Oh I’m sorry baby! Didn’t mean to slam into ya, but wanted to see if you could use another cup of coffee!” the waitress exclaimed.`

Looking up from the remaining traces of coffee in his nearly empty mug, Ace looked up to respond. The woman was a goliath, her enormous wide hips and trunk like thighs filled nearly every square inch between the edge of the table and the wall across. Her ebony skin matched well with the purple shirt and black skirt she had somehow managed to stuff herself into.

“Yeah I could use a little more pick me up before I get back, these long late nights are just killer.” He said back, trying not to make his initial revulsion to the woman’s massive size apparent.

He had noticed that she had been sneaking glances at him his entire stay, and he couldn’t really blame her. His job kept him in great shape, in addition to the time he spent working out. His broad shoulders and thick biceps, along with his prominent jaw and chin, blonde hair, and grey eyes made him look like something out of an action movie or fitness model. The waitress flashed him a smile revealing a set of perfect white teeth and shifted her bulk to begin pouring the coffee. This new position gave her easy reach to his cup, with the side effect being her momentous belly now rested on top of the table due to the sheer size of it. As she poured the coffee into his mug she asked “So do you live around the area?”

“No, just here for work for a little bit.” He said, trying to avoid looking at the woman’s overflowing gut on his table.

“You're not like most of the guys I serve at this hour, much much cuter.” She said, looking to judge his reaction.

“Thanks, I try my best to stay healthy”.

She smiled again, looking at him and twirled her straightened long black hair with her free hand. “I really like this area, I can offer you a few suggestions of things to do if you’d like”

“That’s alright, work really fills up most of my time while I’m away from home.”

“Do you always have to travel for work? I’d hate to be constantly shuffling from place to place for work.”

“Not long, just trying to get full time with the company after my old employer went under, temp work for now.” He replied, with a touch of curtness to end the conversation.

“I see.” She responded, turning now to move back to the kitchen. As she moved and passed him he picked up a scent of raspberry and bergamot he assumed to be her perfume. He took a deep drag from his coffee, trying to wake up for the rest of his upcoming shift. As he was enjoying the rich dark taste of the coffee he heard a metallic ping across the floor behind him.

“Oh shoo!” came from a rich breathy voice Ace heard from over his shoulder.

Turning around Ace saw the waitress bending over to pick something up, her fat rear partially exposed, the skirt unable to cover the vast tract of flesh. It was larger than anything he could remember and had a layer of cellulite causing Ace to shudder, and return to his coffee. Things had been rough lately. Late night shifts, new job with no security, even things with his steady girlfriend had been tumultuous lately. He had always been a hard worker, but his honesty and loyalty had been more to his detriment than benefit. Sticking by his old boss had cost him his job when the company went bankrupt.

Over in the open kitchen the waitress waddled around, grabbing a glass of cola and sipping it through a straw. She set the glass down after finishing its contents, and a thunderous blech following. Again Ace turned to look at the mess of a woman, she had a hand covering her mouth, feigning embarrassment, but still clearly trying to capture his attention, locking right on to his eyes. Her brown eyes were deep and intense, causing him to quickly break focus.

Ace looked at his wrist watch, letting out a gentle sigh. He’d have to get going to be back on time. He stood up from the table and his empty plate. He made his way towards the entrance to the diner and the register. Outside the diner the night was dark, the only illumination was the neon sign of the diner and a dim light over the parking lot that flickered. Stopping in front of the register the waitress moved over towards him.

“Everything alright hun?” She asked.

“Yeah, just need to get back on shift. What do I owe you?”

“Drat. Tell you what hun, you’re such a cutie I have a proposition for you. I’m trying to fine tune my baking skills and made a pie for the diner here. I haven’t had any customer’s all night, so if you try a piece and tell me what you think your meal is on me.” She said twirling her hair again and biting her lip ever so slightly.

Ace knew she was coming on to him, but between his ego liking the compliment, and money being tight it couldn’t hurt to humor her. Poor girl didn’t seem to pick up on his complete antipathy to her. “Sure, you have a deal.”

“Wonderful, I really do hope you like it…” she said, shifting to open a cabinet below the counter. She retrieved a slice of pie that had a dark purple filling.

Ace sat down at one of the stools along the front counter and waited for her to set it down. She placed a plate containing the slice down delicately in front of him with one hand, and set down a fork with the other. Ace grabbed the work and used it to take a piece from the pie. “What type of filling is it?” he asked.

“Blackberry, my absolute favorite.” She said, a hint of mischief in her voice.

He shrugged his shoulders and took a bite. Upon initial taste he was a bit surprised, it was actually quite good. It didn’t take him long to finish the rest of the slice, as he was in a rush to get back to his car. Setting down his fork he thanked her for her offer. “It was really good, I think you’re onto something with your recipe.”

“Oh you have no idea sweetie” She said.

Ace thought her response was a tad odd, but dismissed the thought. As he stood to get going something was off. The space surrounding him was shifting at the edges of his peripheral vision and dimming. A quick rush of dread came from the back of his mind as his forehead developed a thin layer of cold sweat.

The waitress let out a little giggle. “I couldn’t just let a prize like you walk out of here.”

“What did you do…” He spit out as he felt his legs growing numb beneath him.

“Don’t worry my plaything, you and I are going to have so much fun.” was all Ace could make out before a wave of darkness overtook him.
12 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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BootyProotie 3 years
Reminds me of some fantasy Norbit stuff hahaha
LeDebonaire 3 years
Haha, is that a good or a bad thing for you?
BootyProotie 3 years
Pretty good smiley
Dutchbbwlover 3 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
LeDebonaire 3 years
Yeah, I just need to find some free time to work on it, sorry for the delays, I haven't forgotten!
Dutchbbwlover 3 years
Are you gonna continue this story? Would love to read more !
Dutchbbwlover 3 years
Love this story! Written great
Littlejohnboy 3 years
Great description of being ridden by a SSBBW. This is exactly how it feels. If you get this opportunity, go for it. It is an unbelievable experience!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Intriguing start. You write well.