How I Found Out I Was a Fa

  By Woahnotme

Chapter 1 - how i became a fa

*Warning: NSFW. This contains details about the narrator’s process of getting off to observing weight gain. If that doesn’t appeal to you, this story might not be for you.*

This is a true story about the moment my pussy and I really got acquainted….after 20 years of distance.

I was a junior in college. I'd always been a good girl with a bad streak, and the time was impeccable to let it take the reins. I'd recently ditched my super-christian past to focus less on the woman a book told me I should be and more on finding me.

I'd had sex a handful of times. Never came. Played around touching myself a bit, even with vibrators, but got bored easily and never got off.


One day, I was procrastinating from some boring, probably important assignment on Facebook back when people still used it.

My cursor danced past an image of an unfamiliar looking woman I was apparently friends with. I squinted at the basic selfie of the puffy, fat white chick with dirty blonde curls. Her name?...Maddy Clark. Sounded kind of familiar I'd guessed. A quick stalk at our mutual friends and...Oh shit! THAT Maddy Clark! We'd met in a musical theater program and I hadn't seen her since high school. My mind drifted to the Maddy I remembered. She was talented, beautiful, bubbly, and charismatic –– one of the "director's pets." Her just-slightly curvy silhouette had a lovely way of dancing. She captivated everyone she met with her warm, whole-hearted laugh, and dimpled smile that just glowed. Lead role material.

Like a smack in the face, I changed the channel back to the present-day Maddy that my eyes hadn't once wavered from. She was completely unrecognizable. She was HUGE! What the fuck?!?!

I felt a vaguely familiar rush beneath the lace of my black, Medium-sized Victoria's Secret panties. It was too intense to ignore. I'd felt this before. As a kid, when people called me skinny or called other people fat, I felt a calming rush down my body. I'd never questioned it. But this felt almost like getting wet....WAS I WET!? I crept my hand down my lower abs, between the steaming valley of my pussy and was astonished to realize I wasn't just wet, I was gushing. My whole pussy was electrified, hot, slippery and soft like melted butter. I mean...I was straight, and I didn't want to be with her or anything. But my pussy felt so divinely alive! Did I feel this way because she exploded with fat into someone who looked like a completely different person? Def. Was I turned on by it?? Jesus Christ, absolutely.

This bitch was probably 150 when I knew her. Now, she must've been well over 300lb. I'd never seen anything like it in my life. What the FUCK happened to her? How could she do this to herself? Doesn't she know she ate herself from gorgeous to hideous? That she traded her individuality to become "the fat girl" who's only known for being huge? How fucking much did she eat to become THAT?! Did she really just let herself go and eat whatever the fuck she wanted? How could she let it get to this? And now that it has, how the hell can she look in the mirror!? Doesn't she know that she's committed the ultimate social taboo, and that everyone must be whispering?! That she looks like total shit, and her family’s probably embarrassed? Is she delusional and in denial or does the emotional weight of all of it pile onto the hundreds of extra pounds of lard on her frame?

Seated in my trusty recliner chair, my legs bent in birthing position. I had my left hand on my laptop and my right stroking my pussy. With the swiftness of Jimmy John's delivery, I sprinted to her photo gallery to see her bulging belly, disappearing face dimples, towering triple chin, over-stretched clothing.....that suggested she was STILL GAINING?!

It was like someone doused my clit in Fireball in a good way. Spicy and sweet and tingly, and flowing and scorching.

I scrolled like roadrunner to her earlier photos to browse from the beginning, like a photo timeline of her journey from then to now. Little by little, pic by pic, I watched her bulge and bulge, from casual Freshman 15 to literally burying her gorgeous body in greasy, hideous, disgusting, taboo-as-fuck fat. My fingers tickled my pussy as the slideshow blew my mind and drove my entire body wild. After thousands of wicked strokes, and a few short minutes, I was on fucking fire. My pussy rushed to douse the flames, furiously cumming and squirting to ecstasy for the first time. What felt like a literal quart of water gushed out of me passionately like a leaky sprinkler, completely drenching my recliner like the rainforest floor. The campus police should've reported me for water waste. My body trembled and exploded and melted, and purged all at the same time, totally surrendering to the eruption. Holy shit.

First orgasm. First squirt. First weight-related sexual experience.

So yeah, I guess you could say I like fat chicks. Especially ones that start out fit and gorgeous.

I'm not a feeder per se, but I have tempted a few boyfriends and friends who were gaining weight to let loose and eat. God, would I love to feed someone who actually wanted to be fed.

Edit: Last I heard of Maddy Clark was several months after I rediscovered her. She'd made one post on Facebook saying she was embarrassed about her weight gain and people awkwardly saying BS like "no, you're not like other fat people, you're pretty still because you're you" and she was finally motivated to make a change for herself. Then after a couple months of no follow up, she deleted her Facebook. Maybe disheartened by continuing to gain instead of lose? It's up to our imagination now.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
10   1   1619


Billedmeup 1 year
Well written and very interesting and honest. Now that you have discovered this new thing, where are you taking it?