How It Hangs.....

Chapter 1 the hang commences....

I remember a time when I used to get up early in the morning to stretch before I would work out. I would take the protein drinks and then hydrate just to prevent me from injury but even then I kept having the same dream. When I would smoke weed and just chill, I dreamt of myself as a four hundred pound guy with a hanging gut. I tried to shake it off and just blame it on the weed but over time the dream took on a mind of its own. What is so crazy I that now after all of this time it is like my athletic times were a dream because now the dream has come true. Every morning now, starts with me being extremely hungry but I mentally still think of myself as that same athletic guy but I get an immediate wake up call every time I try to get up. That struggle to get up reminds me that "you are obese now and this is your new normal !". Once the count down starts to sit up; another count down begins to get up. One, two, three and then there we go but the count down goes further weekly. By the time that I am up my gut slaps against a fuda and that slaps against my thighs which move at their own rhythms. I used to be proud of my flat chest and stomach but all I have now is a hanging gut with some added accessories. These added accessories are a set of mitties that rest atop of that gut. I try to flatten them out with XXXXL compression shirts and that helps but because of the gut it just keeps riding up to the middle of that hanging mass. Once the beacon of perceived health and now I am a pre six hundred pound life candidate. The funny thing is that it wasn't until I became obese that I noticed that males and females developed the same sort of shape the fatter they become. I walk to the bathroom to shower but I have to keep reminding myself that it is more of a waddle than a walk. After I am done showering and shaving, the real battle begins. I used to wear stylish belts from Spencer's but as the girth ensued I had to resort to suspenders. I marvel at the fact that I used to be a 36 in pants and now 56 is where I am at now. I used to almost move like a ninja within my condo but now the floor creaks every step that I make. I place another shirt over my tee shirt and suspenders because I am self conscious that I even need suspenders. As I move down the steps to make my way to the kitchen, I finish off the dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts that I bought last night. I average six at a sitting now but that is just an appetizer. I cook six pieces of bacon with four eggs and four pieces of toast because I don't want to be too much of a glutton only to get sleepy but I have to make it out of the house to get to the store. I notice that my doorway looks smaller and smaller every six months but shrug it off. The waddle from the doorway to my mailbox seems like a mile but I am noticing that my butt has now started to jiggle every time I take a step so I think that some compression pants might need to be ordered because Walmart on sells things for men up to XXXL. I try to hurry and get my mail before my neighbor sees me but as I try to turn around which seems like forever I can feel a set of eyes leering at me and now the secondary struggle begins........😬😬😬😬😬
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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WideJuan76 4 years
I might just do that; I will make the time to write that story. Much appreciated
Collegefeed 4 years
Great story!! Looking forward to more.