Hunk to Chunk

  By Que435  

Chapter 1 - The pill

Michael's boyfriend was a vain gym-buff with large tanned muscles and a dense coating of hair on his body and chin.

One day Michael caught him with another man at their appartement. He was so angry with Micheal that as he was packing up his to leave, he decided it would be best if
Logan's body matched his personality so Michael slipped a pill in to Logans suplements knowing full well that the day would come when he would get his revenge.


2 months later

I woke up in bed and waited a moment to take in the 6'1'' tall mass of muscle I was before heading into the bathroom to start my normal routine. Showering, brushing my teeth and combing my treasured beard all before filling up a glass with water and swallowing my daily suplement.

At first I didn't notice anything irregular but then suddenly while rubbing my abs I saw that the stomach hair my hand touched fell to the floor. I moved my hands all over my stomach and chest, the hair on them and in my armpits falling out from the motion leavingmy torso a smooth hairless surface, and a growing pile of hair on the floor. I slipped my underwear off, taking most of my magnificent bush and leg hair with it. I was completely smooth from the neck down.

As my anxiety grew I subconsciously began strokeing my beard but it too fell out onto the tile. My body was beginning to tingle as I looked in the mirror in shock presuming it to just be the cold when saw thay I was becoming thin as a rail and my tan was faiding.  My powerful muscle was melting away. I looked like a teenage twink. I went to grabbed my phone off the counter but couldn'ti was frozen in place looking at myself melt away in the mirror.

After a few minutes it seemed as though I had stopped shrinking although maybe that was because they couldn't shrink any further.

At this point I felt that my penis was as hard as a rock, was I enjoying this? I said to myself before a light tingling started to grow along with a sense of dread...

I was horrified and uncontrollably turned on all at once as I managed to move my now dainty hands over to my package as I watched my formidable plums shrink to the size of 2 marbles and perch themselves right below my girthy sausage as I grasp on to the 6'' (15cm) just as it starts to slide backwards into me and shrink in diameter almost as if i were loosing grasp on my meat.

It only took a few seconds before all that was left of my manhood was a little 1'' (2½cm) nub, no more than ⅖'' (1cm) in diameter. Before, it usually took me quite awhile to jack off, resulting in a flood of cum, but tonight I stood in my bathroom embarrassed as I stroked myself with 2 fingers and came almost instantly. A couple drops of cum dripped from my sad useless little tool on to the hair pile on the floor.

I didn’t have time to consider the shrinkage of my manhood when I suddenly got very dizzy and a my vision was clearing I could of swore that i was shrinking and by the time my sight was back to normal I was sure of it. Slowly lowering from my 6'3″ (190 cm) to a squat 5'2'' (150cm).

Thinking the situation couldn't get worse I began looking over my peuny body. Moments pass and then a great deep hunger hit my harder than anything beforehand.

My stomach was bubbling angrly right before I let slip a fart that echoed loudly off the walls of the bathroom. I paid no attention to it though, as my own stomach had caught my eye in the mirror.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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