That Fit Couple

  By Que435  Premium

Chapter 1 - Daniel and Stephan

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Daniel and Stephan used to be that fit couple. They met at a gym when they were both applying for the same trainer position. They both missed out on that job but they became friends that occasionally message, mostly about workouts or nutrition. Their friendship started to become romantic when Danial began working at the same gym as Stephan. Both as trainers, they began to spend a lot of time together. They often went for lunch with each other, and when Stephan was looking for a roommate it just so happened to coincide with Daniel looking for a new place.

Living together, working together. They were spending almost all of their time together and neither one was complaining. And after four months Daniel asked Stephan if he'd be interested in becoming more than friends. So, they went on a few dates and hit it off as a couple.

After six years, they were still going strong together. They still worked as trainers together and in their new place had a home gym put in. They got the money from social media. A couple of years back they began posting photos of their workouts together and although the money wasn't flooding in, through sponsorships and merch sales, they were earning enough extra to enjoy the nicer things: extended tropical holidays; home gyms; meals at fancy restaurants; etc.

They shared everything with each other. Well almost everything, they both hid a secret part of them. They never confessed to one another but it was bound to come to light

Stephan was returning home one afternoon; he was earlier than he normal and thought he'd surprise Daniel. As he walked into their living room Stephan was shocked at what he found. Danial was sat back on the couch with a cushion stuffed up his top and pillows wrapped around his thighs. He was tugging at his rock-hard penis as he watched a video of this ginormous 900lbs man jiggling as he tried to sit up.

By the time Daniel noticed Stephan was visibly hard and as the huge man lifted up as much of his huge bellyache could wet patch spread across the grey. Stephan rushed off to get changed and Danial hurried to clean himself up. They spent the rest of the afternoon aloof until dinner time when they confessed simultaneously the desire they were keeping hidden:

Daniel said "I wanna be bigger than that guy in the video"
While Stephan said " I want to get too fat to move"

Forgetting the healthy meal they moved to the couch and practically tore each other clothes off. As they looked at their perfect muscular forms they said one thing "Let's do it!"
9 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 months
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