I Think They Want Revenge

Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Jenny and I am 29 years old. I am the front woman of a very famous rock band. We tour all over the world.
Along the way we met a lot of people. Many girls wanted to be like me, and they adored me very much. And besides that a lot of guys wanted to do me. Probably because I am freaking hot.. Good shape, naughty face and long blonde hair. The guys absolutely love it.
As a band we do lot of meet and greets with fans. Sometimes the fans were fat and ugly, and well... I wasn't that nice to those girls.. I loved the hot girls, I am a lesbian by the way.
One time there was a woman about my age, and she was very annoying, like I was her goddes. She was also very fat. So I yelled at her and called her a fat cow..

After our last tour ended, I went home to my villa. I checked for the mail.. and as usual there were a lot of letters. I opened some of them and much to my surprise those letters weren't the same as usual. They were mean and some threatened to kill me...

I went inside to let it sink in for a moment. It was a huge mistake.. After a couple of drinks I went to my bed.

Suddenly I woke up because someone called me on the phone. I picked up the phone. And all I heard was someone breathing.. It scared me a bit, but I went back to sleep.. The next morning a new letter was delivered.. I opened it and read it..

'' Dear Jenny, I filmed your anger attack to the girl you called a fat cow. Also I have a lot of information of you that could ruin your career. So from now on you do what I tell you to do. If not... I will publish all this shit about you.''

I didnt know what to do, and went back inside. Then the doorbell rang.. I opened the door and there was a pizza delivery man.. With 3 pizzas.. It couldn't be for me I thought.. But he said a woman ordered it for this adress, with a note..

I read the note and it said I had to eat those 3 pizzas and film it. Then I must sent this video to someone on facebook. If I didn't she would ruin my career.

I decided to give in, and hoped that after this it was all over..

I began eating the pizzas, and was struggling when I started the second one.. After and hour I finally finished the 3 pizzas.. My belly was very bloated, and I layed down on the cough to rest. I send the video to the woman on facebook.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Shivian84 11 months
Great story please continue.
Jazzman 1 year
It's a wonderful concept. I would just recommend caution with initial quantities. You have a great plot developing and write very well. Looking forward to more