
Chapter 1 - Surprise

For a long time I had a secret I didn't want anyone to know about. I fantasized about being fat and often put pillows under my shirt to look fat. I didn't have the balls to actually get fat. I was always very skinny and I had to trouble gaining. So I just didn't.
My wife didn't know about my fantasys at all. And I thought that was best for our relationship after all. She would not like that I thought.

Everytime I was home alone I would search for fat humiliation videos, weight gain encouragement videos and put pillows under my shirt and then jerked off untill she came back.
I loved it.

I knew there were some new mediciations on the market to gain weight very fast. WIth no further dangers to it. But I just couldn't do that. I thought my wife Kate would hate me getting fat.

Everything changed one day.. It came as a big surprise and I love to tell my story to you.

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One day Kate went out with some friends. I stayed at home. And of course I started searching the web for some videos.. I scrolled and scrolled. but I saw almost every video and was hoping for some new ones. Then I saw one with the title. : I will make your dream come true Jack.. ``

I was curious because Jack is my name.. I clicked on the link of the video and much to my surprise it was Kate.. She sat on a cough I didn't see before and started talking..

`` Well hello there Jack.. I am waiting for this a while, and it seems like you finally found me. I know everything.. Every website you visited and you jerking off with pillows under your shirt.. See that doll in the closet? Yep a camera is in its eye. Hahaha. I have been enjoying watching you so much. Now it is time to get real.
Ladies, you can come in..``

I saw her friends coming in and sitting next to her. It were Jane and Alice. And another lady I didn't know. She looked like some kind of doctor.

`` You know Jane and Alice, but I have to introduce you to dr. Shaw. She will help us in this process. She created a drug to make you really fat. It will take some time, but the results are going to be great.
Now I want you to text me.. Saying you saw the video.. If you don't ... Well.. I saw you watching this on the camaras.. Hahaha .. This is going to be so fun.. Bye bye honey. ``

I was shocked and confused and I felt so many things.. I knew she was watching me so I picked up my phone and sended her a message.
5 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Built4com4t 1 year
Great premise, lots of arousing possibilities!
Growrnshowr 1 year
Such promise, cannot weight (see what I did?) for more chapters! smiley