In Love

Chapter 1

Amy and I have been friends a long time. Once I was in love with her.. But she did not love me back.. At least not in that way. She felt more like friends and she came out as a lesbian.
I was happy we remained friends after I confessed I liked her.
But Amy said she would love it if I found a girlfriend. And so she helped me making a Tinder profile. She made some pictures of me and placed a description.
But unfortunately not many girls liked my profile. I was feeling a bit down because of it..

Until one day..
I had a match with a girl. She was 28 years old and had long brown hair. Her name was Kate. I could not see her body but her face looked amazing. Amy helped me with what to say to her. And after we chatted for a week we arranged a date.
I invited her to my appartment. I would cook and she would bring some drinks.
Just before the date Amy wished me luck and then I waited for Kate to arrive.

Ring ....

I walked down the stairs to open the door. There she stood.. I was a bit surprised, but she was beautifull. Not what I expected.. She was huge. Her hips were so wide she could barely fit to the door. But man.. I think I loved it. She smiled and gave me a hug. I told her to come in. I let her first and I closed the door after her..
``You have to go up and then the first door left. ``
She made her way through the door and start climbing the stairs.. Really slow. I was just behind her and I couldn't help but stare at her huge ass. She slowly waddled upstairs. I could hear her breathing, she was having a hard time. But she made it.
Once we were upstairs her face was red and she was breathing heavily. I told her to sit down and I brought her glass of water. She thanked me and she laughed.
``Oh my god, those stairs hehe.. Those things I am not made for. ``

I laughed awkward and said I hated the stairs too.
Then we went to the living room were I told her she could take place at the table and I would bring the food I made. She looked happy and waited for me to come back.

I brought our food and I sat down next to her.
We chatted for a while and we had a good time. She was really nice. She finished her plate in no time. And after her I finished too. I asked her if she had enough and she said she did have enough..
We moved to the cough and put on a movie.
It was a 3 seated cough but she needed two seats of it. I sat down next to her and we continued talking.
It was very fun and the conversation started to get more personally.
Then I heard her stomach growling.
``Are you sure you had enough haha?``
She looked at me a bit ashamed of herself, but she said she could eat something more.
I went to the kitchen to get some snacks.
While we talked she shoved the snacks in her mouth in no time.
``Do you like girls like me? I mean.. I am a bit fat. Hope you don't mind.``

``No its okay.. I mean yeah ehh.. Better some curves than no meat on the bones. ``

She laughed and we continued watching the movie..

After the movie Kate left, but we arranged another date the next week. I was happy, but felt a bit uncomfortable by the idea I had to introduce her to Amy and my parents. I mean they would think she is way too fat.. But I really liked her. And that is what matters most.
5 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Abyssal Mind 1 year
I think it's a sexy story so far, simple and down to Earth. I hope Amy starts to like huge girls too smiley It's my preference but I like to know the weight (lbs/kg it doesn't matter) if you don't it's ok