Becoming Who I Want to Be.

Chapter 1

Me and my wife were walking in the city and we saw a little shop. It looked interesting. In there was a man behind a counter with a long beard. He looked like some kind of wizard. He welcomed us and asked us if we would like to become our true selves. I looked at Katy( my wife) and we giggled .. We didn't really believe in that kind of stuff. Then Katy pushed me forward and said `` He would like that`` while she laughed. I felt a little ashamed but I decided to give it a try. I had to sit down on a chair in front of him.. Then he said the following.
`` You will become who you want to be. You can choose your new body as you like. ``
I looked around and saw a lot of pictures hanging on the wall. On one of the pictures there was a lady.. Not just a lady. She was really fat. But still looked beautifull. I did not want to be her.. But I didn't believe this wizard.
`` Change me in that woman over there in the picture.. I bet you can't``

Wizard: `` Okay I will. It will take some time but your body will be just like hers. ``

Then the wizard snapped his fingers and asked us to pay.. I was surprised I had to pay for this stuff. Nothing did change I still was the same. As I expected of course. Katy laughed and said we didn't pay for this and we left.

Weeks went by and still nothing had changed. Only one thing.. I couldn't stop thinking about that moment.. I tried to forget it but it wouldn't go out of my mind.

Another couple of weeks went by...

I woke up in the morning and rolled over to hug Katy.. `Morning honey `` I said. Katy turned around and looked surprised. I asked her why she looked like that..
`` Your voice, don't talk so weird.. ``
`` What do you mean?``
Then I heard it. My voice was way higher than it supposed to be. I thougt I had a cold or something like that. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to drink some water. I looked in the mirror and much to my surprise my face looked a bit different. It was softer.. Les masculine. Katy followed me and looked at me .
`` Honey... Your.. Ehm ... Look at your chest.``
I looked in the mirror and was shocked. It wasn't much but it looked like I was getting boobs.
I looked back at Katy and we didn't know what to do..
We decided to keep an eye on it for a couple of days.
But after a couple of days I grew even more female curves. The wizard was right..
The next day we went back to the wizard, but he wasn't there. The shop was permanentely closed. We asked around if anybody knew him.. But nobody knew where he went.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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