Chapter 1
Jake unlatched his belt buckle and unzipped his pants to accommodate his stomach. He'd consumed more than he had intended to and his tight belly needed room to expand. "Much better," he'd groaned as his gut swelled outward. A low rumbling burp erupted out of his lips. He gave his belly a few pats, helping him to release more built-up pressure. Jenna narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth."Gross," She said in a low biting tone. "I can't help it," Jake said with a shrug. Jenna sized him up. "Babe, you promised that you'd start coming to the gym this week," Jenna wined. "I will," Jake said, turning up the tv. "It's already Thursday," Jenna huffed.
Jake grimaced. "I'm sorry, babe," Jake said, attempting to push himself up on the couch. But Jenna was unconvinced. "You need to take this seriously, Jake," Jenna said, "I've been killing myself every day to get back to my pre-baby weight, and you haven't even stuck to your diet!" Jake sunk lower in the couch, desperately trying to suck in his potbelly. "You are always guzzling beer with your brother, you pig out constantly at these client dinners, and you haven't worked out since before Olivia was born," Jenna scolded. "I'm sorry, babe," Jake said but Jenna just rolled her eyes, leaving the room.
Jake knew that Jenna would calm down and come to her senses. She couldn't help it. They'd been under a lot of pressure in the past year. Jake had risked everything to open a new business with his brother. Things were rocky at first but he'd put in the time and now was a co-owner of a thriving Financial Management company. Things were uncertain and money was tight for a while, but Jake had gotten through it with more than his fair share of sleepless nights. And to add more stress, Jake and Jenna had recently welcomed a baby girl. Being a new parent meant lots of sleepless nights and anxiety about new fatherhood.
But now that business was booming and they hired a nanny, things were starting to return to normal. Jenna had loved her new life. She prided herself on keeping up appearances. She'd dieted and exercised like crazy to get back to her trim toned self in record time after Olivia was born. She loved spending Jake's new salary, treating herself to new designer clothing and weekly spa treatments. Meanwhile, leaving the housework, cooking, and childcare to Carmen.
Carmen was the nanny. She had moved into the downstairs guest bedroom after Olivia was born. Carmen was a 23 year old from Mexico. She was 5'5, with long black hair, deep brown eyes, and olive skin. Jenna had been warned by her sorority sisters not to hire a pretty Nanny. "You don't want her to run off with Jake, do you?" They'd said. Jenna would only laugh and say "That's why I hired tubby."
Carmen was plump. She had round chubby cheeks, an ample breast, and a round behind. Jenna joked that she looked like if Chiquita Banana ate banana splits instead. Jake hated that joke. He thought Carmen was pretty, with soft womanly curves. But he would never dare tell his wife that. She valued physical perfection above all things. Which is why she was sick and tired of Jake's developing dad bod.
"I don't want to be married to some tub of lard," Jenna had tsked at Jake when she first noticed his muffin top. Jake promised that he'd take care of it. But that had been months ago. Now he was considerably heftier. Especially since Carmen started cooking for them. She was a wiz in the kitchen and everything that she made tasted like heaven to Jake. He couldn't help himself. He found that he would eat seconds and thirds at every meal.
"Slow down, Jake," Jenna would say, pushing her undressed salad around her plate. Jenna refused to eat anything other than salad. When they attended holidays, birthdays, or weddings Jenna would always bring a ziplock bag full of lettuce which she would eat instead of whatever was served. Jake loved Jenna but he hated seeing her deprive herself of any indulgences. Finally fed up by this restrictive behavior Jake had told her that she should enjoy herself more. "I'd rather have a shopping spree at Neiman Marcus," Jenna replied.
Jake didn't realize how hard being married to Jenna would be. She was constantly nagging him, and he felt like she acted like a spoiled brat. He was getting tired of her ditching Olivia with Carmen so that she could meet up with her friends and spend Jake's hard-earned money. Poor Olivia, Jake would think when he'd discovered that she spent more time with Carmen than she did her own mother.
But Jake had to admit if Olivia was spending time with anyone he was glad it was Carmen. Carmen loved Olivia. She treated her just as she would her own daughter. She was so nurturing. Jake could see the joy in Olivia's eyes when Carmen would sing her a song, read her a story or play with her on the floor. Things he had never seen Jenna do with any interest. Jake and Jenna had fought when he suggested that they not have their phones out when they were spending time with Olivia. "It's just that you're texting your friends and not really paying attention to Olivia," Jake had said. But this had only prompted Jenna to put on the waterworks. "You don't know what it's like to be home alone with a baby all day," Jenna had wailed.
The marital trouble had only added to Jake's weight gain. And it wasn't helping that the weight gain had made Jenna totally uninterested in Jake in the bedroom. Jenna would always tell Jake that she wasn't in the mood or she was too tired. Jake was getting pretty pent up and frustrated. It only caused him to seek solace in a nightly bowl of chocolate ice cream. He'd wait until Jenna would fall asleep and then he'd creep downstairs to indulge.
After tonight's belly scolding, Jake knew that he was going to have an extra scoop to help ease his hurt ego. No sooner had he dipped his spoon into the soft creamy treat, he heard bare feet padding down the hall. He turned with a start, easing at the sight of Carmen instead of Jenna. "Late night snack?" Carmen asked, sitting down at the kitchen island next to Jake. He nodded, pressing a finger to his lips. "Can I join you?" she whispered, understanding his gesture. "Only if you don't ever tell Jenna," Jake said, fetching Carmen a spoon.
16 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year