Chapter 1
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The Captain sat back, sipping his tea as he watched her take her first few greedy bites. Ami moaned deeply as she brought a hand to her chest. “These pickled plums are amazing,” she said, “you must try them.” She leaned across the chabudai bringing a plum to the Captain’s lips.
“But I want you to enjoy them,” he said in reply, putting out a hand to stop her.
“It’s not fun if I eat all of your dinner. Besides, I’m the one who’s supposed to be feeding you, not the other way around,” she said with a pout. The Captain opened his mouth and Ami slipped the morsel inside. She giggled in delight.
Ami was still relatively new and the Captain had been her first client. She was terrified on that first night as she’d knelt beside him, pouring the tea just as the Mama-san had instructed her to do, all the while the exposed flesh above the collar of her yukata tingling under his piercing gaze.
Ami remembered thinking of the Captain much like a tiger. Cool and measured in his movements, he’d use his eyes to lock onto what he wanted, laying in wait. She felt as though any sudden movement would make the Captain pounce.
But that was nearly a month ago. Now she knew him to be more of a house cat, content to curl up long into the night listening to her recounting the latest gossip and goings-on of the bath house. After that first encounter the Captain had paid the proprietress for exclusive service with Ami.
Which meant she’d only attend to him when he’d come to soak in the natural hot springs or the bath house. Ami didn’t mind the arrangement. The Captain came to visit her most nights. Her days were filled with chores, such as cleaning the private suites and the large communal tubs or helping in the kitchen. On the off chance that the Captain did not come, she would be assigned to assist the hostesses in the larger rooms or run errands for the Mama-san.
The Captain was kind and very handsome. He was older than Ami but still a young man. She often thought about how lucky she was to have such a generous patron. It seemed that he wanted her company more than the service she could provide.
The Captain was also very considerate. He’d noticed that Ami was rather skinny. “Do they not feed you enough,” he had asked on their second meeting. Ami shook her head. The Bathhouse fed her plenty. In fact the regular meals that came with her job at the bath house had already led to Ami gaining a few much needed pounds upon her malnourished frame.
Ami had always been an enthusiastic eater. The same lack of funds that had motivated her family to send her to be employed by the bath house had also deprived Ami of all the tasty food that she longed to try. Perhaps what the Captain had been feeling was Ami’s lustful eyes when she served the Captain his meal after his long soak in the bath.
This is what had begun their nightly ritual. Following his bath, Ami would serve the tea, then the Captain would let Ami help herself to his meal. Finally he would take a few bites of what remained when she had had her fill.
At first Ami was considerate. Only taking a few tastes of what was served. However, this had progressed over the weeks and Ami was consuming nearly his entire dinner.
“That was wonderful,” Ami said, leaning back. Her small belly bulging outward against her light yukata. She closed her eyes with a content sigh and brought her hand to her midsection.
“Are you tired,” the Captain asked.
“No,” she yawned in reply.
“Could I ask you for a massage,” the Captain asked. Though her eyes were closed Ami felt him move closer to her. She nodded. A massage was part of the services that the bath house offered. As a hostess she was responsible for making sure that her guests were well taken care of, anything that they requested be it food, drink, or customary Onsen service would be Ami’s duty.
However before Ami could move she felt the Captain’s strong hand gently brush the front of her abdomen. Her eyes drifted open. “Captain,” she asked, but his hand was massaging small circles into the soft center of her tummy.
“This will help you to digest that large meal,” he said, his voice still low. He was incredibly close to her. If she had leaned forward her tiny body would practically be in his lap. Ami smiled up at him.
“I’m supposed to be giving you the massage,” she said, her eyes closing again, “you’re too good to me.” She inhaled deeply, drinking in his scent. He smelled wonderful, freshly washed and oiled.
“I intend to spoil you,” the Captain replied before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the top of Ami’s head. He immediately pulled back, worried that he’d gone too far. Yet Ami did not protest. She was fast asleep nestled into the bow of his strong arm.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
11 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year