Jill and Claire’s Predicament

  By God4331  

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – The Plot

Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield were two strong, courageous women, working together to fight the evil forces of the Umbrella Corporation. As two of the only survivors of the energy crisis in Raccoon City, they stood against Umbrella’s horrific experiments and practices. After months of struggle, it seemed that the battle was finally being won, but now Jill and Claire found themselves on the receiving end of a new kind of horror.

The two women had been kidnapped by Umbrella’s agents and taken to a secret lab. There, Jill and Claire were strapped to special chairs that kept them still, their heads enclosed in a force feeding tube that would deliver a mysterious liquid directly into their mouths which would, in time, cause them to rapidly gain substantial amounts of weight. Even as distressingly large amounts of fluid were pumped into their bodies, the chairs they were in would automatically adjust to their increasing size, rendering them unable to escape no matter how they strained.

Chapter 2 – A Painful Reality

Jill and Claire had no choice but to accept their fate. The formula that Umbrella had invented was merciless; it worked quickly, causing both of them to gain more and more weight with each passing minute. Jill and Claire felt their bodies grow, go from slim to massive in a matter of hours. Hours of struggling, hours of being unable to escape, hours of feeling their bodies become bigger and bigger until they were truly huge.

As the formula began to take its toll, the two women became increasingly agonized. The discomfort was almost unbearable; they felt as if they were going to explode from the inside out, their skin and their flesh bulging and straining against the constricting force of the chair they were tied to.

They knew that Umbrella was likely trying to use this torture to extract some kind of information from them, but they would not succumb to their captors’ wishes. They were determined to stand strong and not give in, whatever the cost.

Chapter 3 – An Unimaginable Possibility

Unfortunately, although Jill and Claire were determined to withstand whatever Umbrella had in store for them, their efforts were for naught. For, more than a day later, after their bodies had swollen to frightening sizes, the evil corporation’s agents showed up and began to put their plan into motion.

The agents unhooked the feeding tube and released the straps that had been holding Jill and Claire still. As the two women slumped into their chairs, exhausted and in pain, the agents made an announcement: both of them would have to be put into separate tanks, filled with a formula that would cause them to gain even more weight.

The agents took turns forcefully inserting Jill and Claire into the tanks, their bodies becoming even bigger and more uncomfortable with each passing second. Tears streamed down their faces as the agents filled the tanks with the hyper fattening formula. There, Jill and Claire were left to suffer, confined in the tanks as their bodies continued to swell endlessly.

It was a horrifying thought that there was no way out of this situation. They were left to imagine a future where they would be unable to live a normal life, unable to move properly due to their extraordinary weight. All they could was hope that somehow, someway, they would be able to escape from this nightmare.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
3   3   3022

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Mochigal2ton... 2 months
Great story I love it, I wish it was my reality 🥵🥵🥵
Chrysophase2003 1 year
Nice little piece. Not usually a fan-fic fan, but RE has always been fun. Any chance of a source on the title photo?
God4331 1 year
Here’s the link where I got the photo https://www.deviantart.com/wonka93/art/Claire-s-VERY-Long-Night-842888510