The Game Show

  By God4331  

Chapter 1

It was a typical sunny day in California, the sun shining over the city, reflecting off the vibrant buildings and filling the air with the smell of new food and happiness. But today was not like any other day, today marked the first day of a revolutionary new game show, one that would change the entertainment industry as they knew it.
Ten couples had been chosen to participate in this groundbreaking show. All of the women had been picked for their beauty, all of them in their early twenties with perfect proportions and stunningly toned bodies. Each woman was fastened tightly to a unique chair, their foreheads and the back of their heads restrained and a feeding funnel was attached to their mouths.
The men, each of them their respective girlfriend’s boyfriends, were chosen to be the contestants in this game. They had to force feed their girlfriends a special type of weight gain shake. Upon ingestion, the desired effect was to instantly fatten up the woman’s body. Sure enough, the chairs that the girlfriends were secured to reacted accordingly, adjusting to their new body size within a few minutes of drinking the shake.
Each chair was fitted with a number that was rapidly changing, firstly displaying the starting weight of the woman and then the new gained weight. The woman that gained the most weight in the hour time limit, the winner of the show, would receive a large cash prize. But there was a catch.
To keep her newly gained weight, the woman was given a special pill through her feeding funnel that suppressed her body’s ability to lose weight. Every piece of food that she will ever eat after that point would be turned into fat instantly.
The other contestants, the losers, were also given something special. Their feeding funnels were connected to a device and six more tube-like cords extended from the chair and connected to their butt, vagina and bellybutton. They too were given a pill, one that enhanced the fattening effect of the formula they had just been force-fed. They had to gain the amount of weight that their winner’s gasps had fattened up to and then some. The women were kept in that chair and were continuously force-fed until their bodies had generated ten times the amount of the winner’s fattening body weight.
Once everyone had achieved their goal weight, the show finally came to an end after completion. Every woman in the show, now weighing in the tens of thousands, had won something. Each of the losers got a hefty sum of money from their involvement in the show, the winner received a large cash prize and the honor of being a part of such an epic and groundbreaking game show. But the real winner of the day, was the man that had force-fed his girlfriend the most and allowed her to take the trophy home.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Fanedfox 1 year
Different plot twist. How and why are the contestants recruited and what is their motivation to become beyond morbidly obese? Just curious.