Shasha Grey’s New Experience

  By God4331  

Chapter 1

Shasha Grey was a model and adult film star who had become popular in the past few years for her audacity and daring when it came to the kind of videos she made. However, today she was going to be taken out of her comfort zone and asked to do something she had never done before. She had been instructed to come to a certain address wearing a blindfold and brought to a particular room, alone.
Upon entering the room, Shasha immediately noticed that it was a lot bigger than she had expected and had a small chair in the center of it. She was instructed to take off her blindfold and sit on the chair, to which she complied. To her surprise, the chair felt heavier and stiffer than it seemed, almost as if it had been welded shut. The chair seemed strange and out of the ordinary, but Shasha was simply too confused and curious to think much of it.
Suddenly, four rubber tubes were attached to her mouth, belly button, butt and vagina, each connected to a large tank which seemed to be full of some milky liquid. Something was being forced through the tubes and into her body. Shasha felt like she was being taken advantage of, in some way, as she had not been informed what was happening, instead being kept in the dark about the entire process.
Finally, her blindfold was removed and with it the shock of what was about to happen. The tank she was connected to was filled with a special weight gain shake that would immediately make any woman’s body fatten up. It was part of a video series that was becoming increasingly popular, and was filmed mostly in secret. Shasha had to be a part of it, and she was actually the main attraction.
The chair she was strapped to was very specifically designed to accommodate her constantly fattening body. As the liquid entered her body, she felt an unpredictable warmth throughout her limbs and in her stomach area. Her body quickly began to expand and her face and cheeks instantly plumped up, her butt and thighs bulged, and her stomach ballooned to double its size. All in a matter of minutes. Shasha felt helpless and frustrated, her fate sealed regardless of her wishes.
By the end of the video, Shasha had grown to five times her starting weight, weighing in the thousands. She was now an immobile blob, with no control over her own body. Her new size had taken away her mobility and the chair had to be re calibrated to accommodate her sudden massive size. On top of that, Shasha was force fed a special pill through the tubes connected to her body, making sure that she could never lose weight no matter how hard she tried or how much she exercised. Any food she ever put into her body would only end up turning into more fat.
The video was a success, and her increased size a pleasing surprise to the viewers, who had started to request more videos such as this one, featuring slim fit girls growing up to immobility. Despite her current body, Shasha refused to accept her new fate and felt completely powerless to the situation she found herself in. She had been taken advantage of, and although she now held a certain degree of fame due to her new size and the videos, Shasha still felt resentful and and demoralized.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Chrysophase2003 1 year
As it pertains to immobility and feeding, the importance of the power dynamic is too rarely presented. Control, and by extension helplessness, are important elements of the paraphilia.
Chrysophase2003 1 year
Gotta say: I like the themes you use, such as taking advantage of someone, nonconsent, helplessness, rapid weight gain, but slow down. You've got stories that could go 10k words and more. Show us them