Lisa - ‘twas the night before christmas

Chapter 1

Tomorrow was Christmas and that meant going home. She hadn’t seen her family since the pandemic started and she wasn’t prepared for what was in store for her tomorrow. The embarrassment and shame that she’d feel tomorrow was what she’s been avoiding for months, knowing this day was approaching. As she glared at herself she thought about what her mother would say. She wondered if she’d be able to handle it. She looked at her hips that nearly took up the entire width of the mirror she was looking into. She looked at her belly that was not only protruding out but now hanging down halfway down her thighs. And her thighs, they were riddled with cellulite and they were massive in their own right. Her arms were like small hams with fat beginning to hang over her elbows. Her face was softer but not as proportionately large as the rest of her. She thought she had it under control but looking at herself now she admitted to herself she had lost control a long time ago.

She turned and looked at how her ass jiggled as she moved and how much it was starting to stick out. She touched her belly and tried to slide her hands under it but she realized she couldn’t reach without either bending over a little bit or lifting her belly up which seemed a lot heavier than she remembered. She moved her hands up to her breasts which weren’t huge but have grown she she had gained weight and they soft and fat like the rest of her body.

She started to contemplate if she was approaching a point where she would be too big to ever lose the weight. She had made enough money to buy two investment properties that she could not only live off of but she’d be able to continue to buy more properties if she made the right moves. But she wasn’t just addicted to the money she’d made, she was addicted to what had not only made the money but what made her so fat. She’d become addicted to food.

What started out as a way to make a few extra bucks had turned into a lifestyle, then a career then an addiction and now it’s all those things combined. But looking at herself she knew she was spiraling out of control. She’s gained 200 pounds since she started this little adventure. And she feared she was approaching a point of no return.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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