Love Is Not Always Kind

Chapter 1

Jen thought that she never wanted to be fat. But one day she had to realize that she had no choice but. It was the day she finally got the chance to win the heart of the love of her life, in a coincidental and unusual way.

It all started when she was in the 13th grade - the last year of school at a German grammar school. During lunch break, she was approached by three girls who made her a very immoral offer.

Smiling, she lays back on the pile of hay, soft blankets upon it, and remembers that first conversation.


“Do you know how it is to be bullied?” Anne, the stoic, nerdish redhead had asked, while Luisa and Cornelia had taken Jens arms and slowly dragged her with them into the lonely corner of a schoolyard.

Jen shook her head. She was too perplexed to react, and found herself pushed against the wall of the school building by the three girls.

“Well I know. And you know who else knows?” Anne looked at her haughtily through her glasses.

Jen felt her heart beat faster. The situation seemed absurd to her - she needed just to cry out and some teacher or students would hear and come for help. The only reason she didn’t cry out was Anne. Having her crush so close - the green eyes staring into hers as sternly... made her all wet.

“Mascha knows. After all, you have been calling her “fat cow” for quite a while now, haven’t you?” Anne’s cute nose wrinkled in moral disgust, freckles dancing under the sparkling glass that wasn’t able to cover the green fury of her eyes...

Jen melted. “I-I am sorry... It was only because she called me a stuck-up bitch... I... It was wrong.” Anne’s smell made her go dizzy.


“Time for your walk!” Anne enters the wooden shack, a leash in her hand. “Have you eaten up your breakfast?”

Jen rolls over lazily, struggling to sit up. Her belly has grown considerably, and so fast that it is still unusual for her to move around with it. “Yes, Mistress.” She purrs, as Anne fastens the leash to her collar and pulls her towards the door of the shack.

She follows on all fours, while Anne takes the 2-liter-bucket that had contained Jen’s breakfast with her to refill.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
5   3   2509


GrowingLoveH... 1 month
What a great start!

AnorexicPretty 1 month
I am not sure if I can continue this story, maybe better start a new one smiley
Muscalex 3 years
Can I add you on kik or snap??
Garfield 3 years
Schöner Test mit Raum um sich den Mittelteil vorzustellen. Geht mir auch manchmal so, ich habe eine Idee für einen Anfang und ein Ende einer Geschichte und muss dann die Mitte füllen.