
  By WowBunny

Chapter 1 - before meeting


Bunny, a blonde, blue eyed and 19 years old girl was pretty shy and innocent. She cared alot and love spending time with people she knew.

She escaped with food- but didn't know just how much until she stumbled upon this website that showed just how erotic this sensation was to her.

Her favorite thing to do in private was E A T. She loved all fattening greasy and deep friend foods. She would eat to celebrate, when she was sad, lonely, with friends, or just to avoid responsibility.

As an American- this was almost brainwashed on a daily basis in advertising and she loved it!

At this time, Bunny was working an internship while attending university. Both full time and with a research project- this came with many exhaustive days and overdoing just about everything.

Her favorite part of the day as an intern was leaving the field office and stopping at a minimum of 2 fast food places to find some delicious meal to fall asleep to.

With more food and an expanding waist line- Bunny began ignoring homework, chores, and even friends invitrs invites just so she could she could jump on this odd site she found, eat and pass out.

It wasn't long before the food piling up at the end of the day was noticed by her coworkers. Buttons popped in familiar shirts and small comments led to her packing on the pounds.

As a naturally curvy girl- she wore the weight well. Her expanding hips, noticeably pooching belly and round bum made for a slightly weight gain.

Some of the guys at the office really enjoyed this site and encouraged her by taking her out to work lunches.

At this time, Bunny was completely oblivious that she was gaining- almost in denial of her actions having consequences.

This is when the fun began.

Fast forward a few years and little miss Bunny was looking at a 50lb weight gain and a truth of her new found interest: feeding.

She sought out a feeder just to see what it would be like to have someone to share this link with.

Little did she know what would happen next.

She started talking to Mr.Black- someone from her own small town that was interested in feeding and weight gain as well.

Unlike Bunny, Mr. Black was a health nut! Tall, sexy and even a trainer- he prided himself in his physique and ability to stay in shape.

Bunny never though she would get with a guy who was so fit and also into what she secretly was.

Mr. Black and Bunny decided to meet up an old see where it would take her.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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