My Coach Made Me Fat

  By CuteBoy  Premium

Chapter 1 - chubby team

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I am nineteen years old, freshly, and I’ve been a swimmer for seven years now. My teenage life consists of going to school, schoolwork, food, training and sleeping. You might think I would be a highly wanted piece of meat for the girls around, especially in my swimming team consisting of 32 girls and one guy, me, and maybe I am, but all I can think about is my female coach, Denise.

She’s in her mid-thirties, red head, smaller breasts, already a cute little belly pooch that has been growing for the past years. I like how she doesn’t hide it and how it jiggles when she walks. But the most majestic body part is definitely her beautifully grown ass that’s impossible to hide with any kind of swim suit. She could be wearing shorts but why would she hide such juicy bubble, right? The last time I secretly watched her measure it in her tiny pool office it was 44 inches. Flawless! Well, except the fact she is still married to some idiot she doesn’t even like. I would take such a good care of her, especially her belly. I would feed it and massage it all day long. And that round wobbly butt of hers? I can imagine it growing until she can’t stand up.

I can tell you now that feeding her will not work out, and it was my fault she has made me fat. Let me tell you all about it.

Our team is definitely not a strong one. We suck at competitions, most of the times. Me, being the only guy has advantages and disadvantages when it comes to training and competing. During trainings, I have 32 butts shaking around me, 32 pairs of boobs squeezed into skin tight swim suits, some of the girls are so plump you can see right through them. There was one who used to deny her weight gain so much her swimsuit had to tear open to let her know. Oh, and when anybody celebrates birthday, they are force fed one whole cake.

These are all fun, but when it comes to competing, I have no guys for relay race and most of the girls are too fat and slow to win anything.

You might be wondering why in the hell would I not go after all of these beautiful chubbies. They are kind and would be keen to date me, I know that. Still, there is some energy about the coach. She must have noticed how I keep looking at her by now, but that is not enough. “I gotta approach her and ask her out.”

After one practice, coach Denise was in her tiny office sorting something, or looking for something. This is a great opportunity since she’s all alone and still here (she always leaves too early for me to meet her after shower and putting some clothes on). I was standing at the glass door to her office, ready to knock and enter, when I saw her reaching for something on a shelf too high for her to reach. She kept jumping up for it, and as she did, her meaty ass wobbled and clapped every time she landed. Then she noticed me. Maybe I should have put a towel around my waist because all the jumping made me a little hard (in case of swim suits we wear, a semi hard dick is easily noticeable). But Denise did not point it out and let me in with a welcoming smile.

Now, when I look back, I should have thought about choosing a happier face expression than “I am gonna die if she says no”. On the other hand, I was so scared and nervous I didn’t even know what I was doing there.

“Yes? Josh? How can I help?” She tried to snap me out of my paralysis. “Yeah… uhm… I saw you here… so… I thought… and then I’m here…” I mumbled and felt like a total idiot. Denise smiled and came closer to me so that her belly pooch was tickling my junk. She took my hands, put them on her plump ass and whispered: “Is this why you’re here?” Her ass was so soft and smooth, I couldn’t resist squeezing it and feeling how heavy it was. She pulled my swimsuit down with an innocent look on her face, turned around and bent over slightly so that I can pull down her bottom part of the tiny bikini she was wearing.

It was the most spectacular moment of my life. I could not believe I wasn’t dreaming. It’s not a surprise that from this moment on we screwed almost every day. Sometimes, I came before practice to “release the pressure”.

We tried to keep it a secret as much as we could but no matter what, the girls around started noticing, especially Claire – coach’s daughter. Claire was one of the thinner girls in our team. You could just see the body type she inherited – sweet pear. However, she was too thin and young for her bottom part to be as full as her mother’s, but she will get there eventually. That image of her gaining weight always aroused me. Just imagine feeding her every day to know most of the fat will be stored in her buttocks, slowly expanding until all of her underwear become thongs.

Also, one of the reasons Claire started noticing me being much closer with her mom was because she was attracted to me. I never noticed it, and won’t, until the next birthday feeding – hers.

The day of Claire’s birthday came and, like we always do after practice, we tied her to a chair using a work out elastic band. The cake was at least 3 pounds (her mom baked it) and to calm her down, Denise told her it was super lean. It turned out it was full of butter, cream and sugar. Why? Maybe to curve her up a bit, maybe for the fun of it. In any case, it was fun making her swallow every piece and watch her belly expand like a balloon. Claire was thin but not very athletic so the lack of her abdominal muscles made her belly look like one big boob jiggling around as she struggled to get untied. We also made her drink soda to wash down all the cake – yeah, and expand her some more.
12 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 month
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CuteBoy 3 years
Thank you. Trying to combine visions with reality. Some of it is real, believe it or not smiley