Finally, Christmas is here and I can't wait to see my family. It's always so friendly and pleasant. I visit every year and have no intention of breaking this tradition.I need to do a lot of cardio since I'm working from home and spend a ton of time on my wide-ass-gene butt that I inherited from my mom.
My family used to tease me a lot and even bet on age at which I will turn into a full fat pear. But I watch what I eat and exercise a lot. All of my friends are super jealous but because it's me who struggles with everything I try to wear, I don't generally enjoy it.
"Hi!" My mom said with happiness in her voice, hugged me, took me by my thin waist and added: "we made your favorite sweets so go ahead before the others eat them."
There is one kind of candy I simply cannot resist. My mom calls it Christmas plumps It must be like a million calories a bite because last year I had three of them and I could almost feel my ass expand. Also, I think it just turns whatever food I eat into fat because I didn't have to go to the toilet for a week and just kept puffing up.
Oh shit!! Theres a whole platter of them. I think I'm screwed. Maybe just one...
In the next several hours we finished decorating the house, sang carols, chatted about what happened during the year and had an awesomely large dinner. I have four siblings, one brother and three sisters. My sisters quit resisting my mom's and grandma's feeding a long time ago so they are definitely on the chubby side. If you knew how good all the food they prepare is you wouldn't be surprised. I made a mistake putting on a shirt that's not very loose and it's already visible how full my belly is.
One thing I always hated about my stomach... it never gets too full. I don't understand why but I could keep sending all the food down there and it would pop before telling me not to eat anything.
All the delicious food made me want to chew on Christmas plumps. I know I said only one but... I will exercise more after Christmas.
Oh this was such a mistake. Every time I had one it caused this tingling in my underbelly. It was making me horny. It felt so... orgasmic. I couldn't stop. I already had five, six, seven? And the more I had the more I needed. My sister came to me and lightly groped my belly that was already poking out from beneath the shirt. "There you go sis. Eat up. They're irresistible, aren't they? Made just for you." She whispered and spanked my butt twice just enough for it to bounce.
I didn't know what she meant but my brain functions were overwhelmed by the sugar and cream in the Christmas plumps so I couldn't even realize they made them to fatten me up.
I was in such ecstasy that I started blanking out almost everything. I remember sitting down with my nieces and nephews around me each holding a bowl with ginger breads and feeding me, occasionally letting me drink some milk. Even the milk tasted like heavy cream.
One niece loved my belly so much she kept pinching and poking it. Sometimes she listened to the rumbling and then decided to measure it with a tape measure. She was so happy when it grew and had this sweet smile. My shirt was now so tight it couldn't even cover my belly.
With every moment I felt like all the food and candy is expanding but at the same time my belly kept loosening up and spilling forward into my lap.
I sat in a very comfortable armchair. Another mistake. My ass was too low and my belly too full and heavy for me to lean forward and get up. I think I will spend the rest of the evening right here.
I was so tired I fell asleep in that chair. It was such a lovely day and evening I didn't even mind turning my flat stomach into a beach ball.
I couldn't believe my eyes the next morning. My bloated belly was gone... Kind of. More precisely, it turned to fat!!!! My boobs didn't look as flat anymore, my thighs made my leggings transparent. My ass was spilling out the sides of the chair BUT the one bodypart I have never seen on myself was this fat pillow hanging downover my leggings. It is so soft and jiggly. I need both hands to grab it all.
I mean, it sure feels nice.
Then, the children ran into the room screaming in excitement: "Santa brought us presents! Santa brought us presents!!!" And luckily they were excited enough they pulled me out of the chair. And as I straightened out my back the belly balloon got uncovered even more. "Damn I feel heavy." I thought to myself and grabbed my underbelly with both hands and gave it a quick shake.
When I entered the room with the Christmas tree and all the presents, all eyes were on me and my jiggly parts that have expanded substantially since yesterday. But the looks werent judging or teasing. They were more like they welcome me into the family - more than ever before.
The kids dug up this huge box from the pile of presents that had a tag with my name on it.
I open it slowly revealing clothes... A lot of clothes. I pick one piece of clothing that happened to be the cutest dress I've ever seen in my life. I start putting it on even though I don't believe it would fit BUT it fit perfectly. It was made exactly for the amount of love handles and it even had a bit extra room for even pudgier belly. And because it's a dress I don't have to worry about my growing booty meat.
In fact, all of the clothes in the box was made for fat me. Most of it was stretchy enough so it's never constricting.
"So what do you think?" My mom asked.
"I think... I will have more of the Christmas plumps." I answered with a wide smile.
Magical Realism
Friends/Family Reunion
Fit to Fat
First person
3 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 1 month
Love where this is going