Educated Fatty

  By CuteBoy  Premium

Chapter 1 - denial

Lena had always been a dedicated student, the type who studied late into the night and woke up early to hit the books. But this semester was different. After her college moved to remote learning due to the ongoing pandemic, Lena found herself at home more than ever. Initially, she enjoyed the comfort of being in her own space, but what started as a few extra hours of free time soon spiraled into something she hadn’t anticipated—weight gain.

Her grandmother, who lived nearby, had always been the heart of their family. A retired baker, her kitchen was her kingdom, and the scent of freshly baked bread and cookies often wafted over to Lena’s house. “Come over, dear. I’ve baked your favorite,” Grandma would call every afternoon. The temptation was too great, and Lena found herself visiting more often than she planned. A slice of homemade apple pie here, a warm cinnamon roll there—it was comfort in a bite.

Lena didn’t realize how much the extra indulgences were piling up until the clothes she once wore comfortably started to feel snug. But it wasn’t just Grandma’s sweets that were adding to her waistline. It was her boyfriend, Ethan, who didn’t make things any easier. Ethan, who had been living in his apartment a few miles away, had a habit of ordering huge takeout meals, especially on weekends. "Want me to bring you a burger and fries?" he'd text. “Or I can get us both a pizza. We deserve it!”

Lena tried to say no a few times, but the idea of sharing a greasy pizza with Ethan while they binge-watched their favorite shows became their routine. She didn’t mind at first—it felt like an indulgence, a way to bond. But those large portions quickly became a familiar sight in front of the TV, and she found herself finishing off entire plates of food she never used to crave.

As weeks passed, Lena’s reflection in the mirror started to change. Her cheeks were rounder, her jeans tighter, and she felt sluggish, something she wasn’t used to. Her energy levels were low, and she often felt out of breath after climbing the stairs.

Lena hadn’t expected her grandma to say anything about the weight she’d gained. They had always shared a special bond, one that was built on comfort and care. But that afternoon, as they sat together in the kitchen, Grandma’s eyes twinkled mischievously as she looked at Lena’s fuller figure.

“Lena, darling,” Grandma began, her voice warm but with a hint of playful teasing, “you’ve been eating my pies like they’re going out of style. You might need bigger clothes soon! What do you think? Shall I make you some new dresses?”

Lena’s cheeks flushed a deep red. She tried to brush it off, but a small part of her was embarrassed. She wasn’t ready to face the truth. “Oh, Grandma, I’m not that bad,” she said with a forced laugh. “I just… I’ve been home more, you know? All this studying and—” She trailed off, unsure of how to explain away the extra pounds.

Grandma gave her a knowing look, but instead of pushing, she smiled and patted her on her belly that was spilling over her pants. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ve got plenty of fabric in the attic. A few more cookies, and you might just need a whole new wardrobe!”

Lena, still in denial, shook her head. “I’m fine, Grandma. Really. I don’t need new clothes.”

But deep down, she knew that the thought of gaining more weight wasn’t as far-fetched as she wanted it to be. She had been slipping into old habits, and the truth stung a little. She hadn’t wanted to admit that those extra snacks, the large meals with Ethan, and the lack of movement were starting to add up.

Later that evening, as Lena and Ethan sat on the couch together, he noticed her mood shift. She seemed distracted, picking at her nails more than usual. Ethan, always the affectionate type, looked at her and smiled. “Hey, you’re looking great. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” he said, brushing his hand gently against her cheek.

Ethan frowned but quickly reassured her. “Lena, you’re beautiful just the way you are. You don’t need to change for anyone. I love you for you, not for a number on a scale or a dress size.” He leaned in, his voice full of sincerity. “You’re perfect to me. Plus, a little extra you just makes you more huggable, and I’m a fan of that.”

Lena smiled weakly, but his words did help. She appreciated Ethan's confidence in her, even when she couldn’t quite find it in herself. "Alright!" Lena said with a sudden enthusiasm. "Then you don't mind if I finish this delicious cheesecake?" Ethan laughed and replied playfully: "I do mind! I want to feed you. Come on, let's fill that belly up before going to bed."

And as Lena was fed spoon after spoon, she soon became very tired. After all she did just consume over three thousand calories.

Ethan put the plate away, pulled a blanket over them as they were cuddling on the sofa and both fell asleep to the rumbling of Lena's belly loudly digesting.
7 chapters, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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