Chapter 1 the beginning
Before I start this story I would like to thank everyone who help and supports me. I'll try to make it sexy as possible ;).I grew up in a small town called Dighton, Massachusetts. I was... a dumb child I would constantly get hurt doing stupid things like backflips on dirt bikes or running around a scrap yard with no shoes. The nurses at the hospital knew me very well. Growing up I was mostly fit and athletic and not overweight. In high school I was a dumb jock who played football. I barely passed high school to get a diploma. I liked the area I was in and never decided to leave my home town. When I was in my early twenties I went to a bar with a good friend named Kevin. (By the way all the characters in my last stories have been a part of my life) He was overweight all through school and always looked older than he was. It was around this time Kevin decided he was a gainer and I was Bisexual. When I was about to turn twenty one I met a women who was the perfect person in my life. It was also the same time I started to gain more weight. My normal weight was 193. I jumped up to 198 in two days. I thought about it and I liked the idea of having some fat on me. We got married when I was 22 years old. Next year we had a baby girl named Sarah. Then the next year we had a boy named James. Then five years later Connor and a little accident,.... twins Evan and Olivia. Life was great I had such an amazing family and wife. I tried to sneak some pounds onto me everyday. Until my bud Kevin and I went to a bar where everyone got drunk and started to strip of their clothes. Being drunk I did the same as well. When Kev saw me shirtless he saw a small belly on my. Compared to today is pathetic. I explained how I like to eat and watch it get big. I would always fantasize with my kids. I would say
"OH look at daddies big belly, hes gonna eat you all, and your gonna stay in there forever." He explained I had a gaining fetish. He told me that I was a certain type. He said that I want to have a big round, beach ball gut. But also be strong in a way. What he said matched exactly what I felt that i wanted to be strong but have a big ball belly. I told my wife this and she wasn't a stickler with weight but she wanted everyone to be healthy. She said she can't stop me but the kids would have to follow her diets. At that point I was about 207. I noticed that my body was weird and as I saw other people that were around my weight they did not have a belly like me. I found out my build had just what I wanted. If I gained weight I would have most of the fat go to my belly. My kids like my belly and played around with it. My life felt like it couldn't be any better, but tragedy struck my family. My wife had flew out to California to visit some old friends. While she was there an earthquake hit the area of where she was staying. She died of the injuries 3 days after the earthquake. I continued to eat and eat because it mad me feel better, but to make matters worse I had been diagnosed with bone cancer shortly after. Being stuck in the hospital and not being able to move as much made it easier to gain weight. It mad me feel horrible how my two oldest kids had to grow up so fast to make sure while no one was around the family would still function. Sarah and James had too grow up at the age of 11. I always try to make up for their lost childhood by giving them it now. Whenever everyone his home usually James and Sarah lay their heads on my belly as a pillow and it brings us back to a time when we didn't have a worry in the world. After 5 months of depression and having tumors removed I had gained a large amount of weight. From 207 too 231 my belly got massive. I told my kids since it's just me now things would be different. Every time I see them I look at how fit they are and skinny. It always reminds me of their mother, but my belly still was important. I pushed more and more weight and for a time when I sat down my belly would sit on my lap and take up a lot of space. I would loose my phone the remote find food under it. Then my close friends Kevin and Billy went to las vegas as a bro vacation. When we got there we went to a restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill. When we got inside we saw lots of overweight men eating massive burgers. Then Billy pointed out a sign, Over 350 pounds? Eat for free! That motivated us and mostly me that I was gain the most weight than I ever had. When I returned home my kids were baffled by my huge round gut. Kevin and Billy slept at my house for a couple nights and after I asked my kids if they would help us become fatter. They were mostly hesitant to the idea but they wanted me to be happy. My goal at the time was to have a gut so large it would be hard to fit through the door way and be able to fit my kids under it. Kevin had a much larger belly than me and I was jealous most of the time. Once I had reach mid 200s I slowed down. I had now owned 5 major companies and was now rich. Whenever I go to a job site all my workers call me bigballbellybuddah. Everyone at break wants to rub my belly and put there head on it. That brings me to today. My oldest daughter Sarah is now 23, my oldest son James just graduated college and is 22, my second oldest son Connor is in his senior year of high school and my twins are in 15 in their sophomore year of high school. Where will my gaining go to next?? Who knows no one but my belly.
1 chapter, created 8 years
, updated 8 years