Public Stuffing

  By Junior12117

chapter 1

Standing in the mirror you start to observe your reflection packed into unbuttoned jeans when you hear the door slide open

You frantically try to suck in your recently expanding belly and you try to button your pants unsuccessfully. At that moment your partner Alice walks in seeing you in your pitiful state pants hanging open with a belly causing a divide of several inches in the gap. Your small boobs contained in a strained sports bra and nothing else to cover yourself. Alice obviously notices your embarrassment and goes in to tease

“Another outgrown pair piggy? You’re costing us a fortune…” she moved around behind you and pinched your multiplying back rolls, “why don’t we get you some food, here put on this shirt” Alice tossed you a once cute floral crop top that what certainly too tight, you feel your pussy getting wet as you refute the idea of the shirt

“This, this is tiny on me, it’s from when we first started dating” you whine

“I know fatty, that’s the point” she jiggled your gut “I’ll meet you in the car in 10, and you better be wearing exactly that” she winked and slipped away

You obediently put on the shirt and look at yourself. It came a couple inches down your gut, thankfully stretchy, but It required you to pull it down occasionally to keep it in place. The shirt was an off the shoulder cut with longer sleeves but the fabric cut into your shoulder fat and the sleeves made noticeable indents on your forearms. Looking down your pants were still unbuttoned so you grab a hair tie, wrap it around the button, and loop it through the hole and straining get it back over the button to make a makeshift close for your pants. You then grab your purse and walk out to the car

Alice is waiting in the car and you hop in, her grin widening as you approach the door, reaching its peak when you take a seat watching your belly expand.

“..This shirt is so tight on me babe..” you say as you play with the hem of the shirt which while you’re sitting was even higher up than before

“And look you can’t even see your pants are unbuttoned right now cause your gut covers it” Alice chuckled as you blush looking down at your dome shaped stomach remembering how flat and toned it once was.

In almost no time Alice pulls up to the local diner, and gets out standing in front of the car watching you struggle to get out of the seat, and then walked you inside

“Hey why don’t you sit down at a table and I’ll order” she winked and walked away as you went in the opposite direction towards the tables, feeling the stares of patrons eyes on your stomach hanging out of your shirt as you continuously get more and more turned on.
4 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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