
Chapter 1

Vallery sits on the couch, casually snacking on chips while she flips through channels, looking for anything to watch but coverage of the virus pandemic. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about the crisis, it was just that it scared her more than she liked, and she was looking for anyway to escape the hysteria.
She sat in her short shorts and lace bra top as she shoveled chip after chip into her greedy mouth. Vallery always loved wearing as little as possible while stuffing as she felt less clothes meant less restriction and more food consumed. She always liked to look down and admire her growing gut bulging over her shorts as she ate more and more.
Suddenly there’s a bang at the door! Who could it be? She wasn’t expecting anyone and besides everyone had been told to stay home. Vallery opened the door reluctantly to find 6 men in hazmat tactical suits telling her that she was to come with them. “Let me just grab some snacks for the trip….” Vallery couldn’t finish her sentence before they had grabbed her, leading her down the driveway and into a van with government plates.
Once the van stopped at the compound, they swung open the doors and Vallery stepped out. She squinted as her eyes trying to adjust to the daylight. “Where are we?” she asked. “We are at the Quarantine Camp ma’am. Please follow me this way to your bunker.”
Quarantine Camp?! How did this whole thing get so out of control? Last she had heard, she was just to stay at home, which was no problem for her since she planned to just watch Netflix and eat everything in her fridge and cupboards. As the men led Vallery to her bunker, they explained they had an insurgence in cases of people affected by the virus and that the government was taking no more chances trusting people to just stay at home.
Vallery sat down in her bunker and looked around. “Man this place is boring! There’s nothing here but this stupid box! What am I supposed to do to keep myself entertained? I was really looking forward to finishing all of the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy and they don’t even have a TV in here!” Vallery exclaimed.
She looked around frustrated and her eyes fell on the box again. Might as well see what kind of supplies they left her with. She starts to rummage through it finding the standard emergency supplies like toilet paper, gloves, first aid kit, batteries, etc. But suddenly her eyes widen as she sees what is at the bottom of the box. “This just got so much better!” Vallery said with a huge grin. “This box is FILLED with junk food!” She began to take out the food, one item at a time, opening it up and eagerly stuffer her face with it. Cupcakes, Twinkies, cheese balls, Cheese Itz, soda, Oreos and more! “Maybe this quarantine isn't so bad after wall!” she mused. Vallery will have some serious stuffing time to get her belly as big as she's always dreamed! And with them supplying food like this, they might not be able to pull her out of the bunker once the virus has passed!
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
10   4   4818


ChrisBsmurfin 4 years
Lookin forward to more babe... I wonder how big Vallery will get.
(I hope the lock-down is going ok for you babe)
Valleryvixen 4 years
@Andi22 it comes from the video that I made based on this story. I've uploaded it under my videos.
AndiFive 4 years
where does this cover image of the story come from?