Smart Living

  By Que435  

Chapter 1 - Hard work paying off

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Noah made ALOT money as a male model but you wouldn't have known by how he lived. He lived in austerity all his adult life so that he could save as much money as he could to buy his dream home and retire early.

Now at the age of 30 it was all paying off and he had dropped his agent and was moving in to a newly built smart home.
This smart home was super advanced and would do all chores for him. It had a top-of-the-line security system and could even look after him if he were to get sick or injured. He would be able to lead a life of lesuire and work out to keep his fit body tight and rock hard.

Moving in was a breeze Noah just had the movers bring the boxes in and the house used its robotic arms to unpack everything and before he knew it everything had found its place in the new home.

Noah's phone had been connected to the house and he could control its settings via an app he had downloaded. On his first evening at the house, after eating a healthy dinner of boiling chicken and salad, he was relaxing on the couch waiting for his meal to settle before he went to the basement gym for his evening workout. Having nothing better to do he decided it to look through the house's settings on his phone. There were hundreds of settings grouped into various categories including things like 'lighting' and 'date and time' but after a couple of minutes of Noah came across a setting that peaked his interest 'Security and Protection'. Opening the category there were a wide range of toggles he could change, for example if he were to have a dog, he could let the smart system know here. At the bottom of the list was a sub-catagory labeled: 'experiment features'.
Inside, at the top of the sub-catagory there was a warning, it stated:

"The features below are in development, however have been released early in order to collect reviews. As such you may encounter minor bugs and we at HomeTech would love if you could report any you experience to help us create a better product for you''

Dismissing the warning, Noah scrolled down to find three features, all toggled off

1. Healthy Lifestyle: Our AI will use your personal data to tailor your diet around a healthy lifestyle

2. Damage Prevention: Our AI will detect possible ways you could hurt yourself and make necessary altercation to prevent harm

3. Spam Screening: Our AI will screen out spam calls, messages, mail and send   away visitors seeking to sell goods ect. 

All of the setting sounded great to Noah so he decided to toggle them all on before getting up and heading to the basement to workout. Walking down the stairs and turning to the right Noah was shocked to see the security shutters down on the gym door. Looking at the smart panel next to the door it said ''area closed due to increased risk to life''. Noah realised this must be a bug of the features he turned on so opening his phone he went to turn them off only for the toggle to be grayed out, locked in the on position. Tapping the button a message popped up ''Altering  these settings pose a threat to life''.

Noah would have to call customer services but they were sure to be closed by now so he went to bed making a note to call first thing in the morning to get this bug fixed.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Que435 1 year