Chapter 1
The sorority’s living room hummed with chatter. Sisters lounged on overstuffed couches, some sitting cross-legged on the floor with notebooks, others sipping iced coffees and scrolling through their phones. The Halloween party was just a week away, and deciding on costumes was one of the most important moments of the semester. Not because anyone really cared what they wore, at least not beyond Instagram photos, but because it was an opportunity to stand out as a collective and make an impression.Tara sat in her usual spot, curled into the corner of an armchair with her phone resting on her knee. She wasn’t a leader by nature, but she liked her position as vice president of the sorority chapter. It gave her influence without the heavy responsibility of being in charge like Haley. She didn’t envy Haley, not exactly, but she admired the way her best friend took the job so seriously. Haley always seemed to know what she wanted and didn’t care if others got in the way.
“Okay, bitches, focus,” Haley snapped from the center of the room, silencing the chatter with a clap of her hands. She stood at the front of the group, wearing a sleek crop top and high-waisted yoga shorts that made her toned stomach impossible to miss. Her caramel skin was perfectly smooth and her light brown hair straightened into submission, a few sensual curls styled in. Tara noticed a few sisters fidgeting, self-consciously adjusting their shirts in response. Haley had that effect on people. Everyone felt a little smaller in her presence.
“We need costume ideas,” Haley said, flipping her hair over one shoulder and scanning the room like a queen surveying her subjects. “Nothing basic. No witches, no cats, no stupid matching themes.”
A girl sitting near the coffee table, one of the newer members, tentatively raised her hand. “What about, like... cowgirls or something?”
Haley shot her a look that could cut glass. “That’s basic,” she said flatly. “Next.”
Another sister, this one more confident, chimed in. “We could do a ‘Mean Girls’ theme. Like, everyone dresses in hot pink?”
Haley rolled her eyes. “We’re not twelve.”
Tara smiled to herself. All the suggestions would be ones that popped up every year. As much as their sorority toted “individuality” as one of their values, there really wasn’t much among the sisterhood.
A junior named Lila, who rarely spoke at meetings, cleared her throat. “What about bunnies?” she suggested.
Tara saw the way Haley’s eyes lit up, and she knew instantly that this would be the winner. Of course, Haley would like that. Sexy but simple, playful but provocative—it was exactly the kind of thing that fit her vibe. Even though it was just as basic as the other ideas.
“Bunnies,” Haley repeated thoughtfully, her lips curling into a grin. “Yeah. I like that.”
She turned to the room, addressing the group with more enthusiasm now. “Okay, we’ll all be bunnies, but everyone has to be a little different. Like, I’m doing white, so no one else can do white.” She shot a warning glance around the room as if daring anyone to argue. No one did.
“Everyone pick a color or theme, whatever,” Haley continued. “I want each of us to stand out, but still look hot. So… tiny boy shorts, corset bralettes, and bunny ears. Sexy as hell.”
Tara leaned back in her chair, already imagining the chaos of trying to wrangle everyone’s costumes into something cohesive. That was her job, though, as Haley’s right hand, the one who made sure all the details were perfect.
Haley turned toward Tara now, as if reading her thoughts. “Tara, you’re in charge of finding pieces everyone can order for their outfits. Make sure they match, but no duplicates. We’ll need them by Friday.”
Tara nodded, typing a quick note into her phone.
As the conversation shifted to claiming colors and customization ideas, Tara’s gaze drifted toward Camille, who sat awkwardly on the far edge of the room.
Camille, chubby and shy, didn’t belong there. Everyone knew it, and Camille knew it, too, but no one said it outright. Instead, they pretended to ignore her, as if not acknowledging her presence would make her disappear. She was a pledge, but only because her aunt was one of the sorority’s most famous alumni, a legendary president who had donated thousands over the years.
Without that connection, Camille wouldn’t have made it through the door.
Tara watched as Camille shifted in her seat, pulling her hoodie tighter around herself. The idea of wearing such a revealing costume likely made her uncomfortable. Tara felt a twinge of sympathy but pushed it aside. Camille had chosen to pledge, after all. No one had forced her.
“Alright, that’s it for now,” Haley announced, clapping her hands again. “Get your costume ideas to Tara by tomorrow. Meeting adjourned.”
The girls began to scatter, some heading to their rooms, others lingering to chat. Camille hesitated, as if waiting for someone to invite her to stay. No one did. She gave a nervous smile to no one as she shuffled toward the door.
Once the others had cleared out, Tara stayed behind, knowing Haley would want to talk. Sure enough, Haley was gathering her things, a satisfied smile on her face.
“Bunnies,” Haley said, flashing a perfect smile. “It’s perfect! We’re all gonna look so cute.”
Tara leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. “You think everyone will be comfortable with it?” she asked casually.
Haley gave her a sharp look. “You mean Camille?”
Tara shrugged, not meeting Haley’s gaze. “I just think the shorts might be a bit much for some people.”
Haley snorted, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Camille shouldn’t even be here. If it weren’t for her aunt, we wouldn’t have to deal with her.”
Tara said nothing, letting the silence stretch between them. She didn’t disagree, exactly, but it still felt harsh.
“Maybe it’ll do her some good,” Haley added with a smirk. “Give her a little motivation to drop a few pounds.”
Tara pressed her lips together, unsure how to respond. Haley always had a way of making cruelty sound like practicality.
“Look,” Haley said, brushing past Tara on her way out. “We’re doing her a favor by letting her pledge. If she wants to fit in, she’ll figure it out.”
Tara stood there for a moment after Haley left, listening to the click of her heels fading down the hallway.
College Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
9 chapters, created 4 months
, updated 4 months