Special Treat

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1

A small hotel in a picturesque area. The highway is a couple of miles away through hills and forest belts, so you can't hear or see cars from here. A wonderful view, a large outdoor pool, luxurious furnishings inside, and connoisseurs come two hundred miles to dine for the sake of the local cuisine. An expensive pleasure, but there is no shortage of visitors. As the owner of this establishment, Itay invested well here about fifteen years ago, and his investment has long since paid off with interest.

And then one Friday evening a family of five people enters the lobby and heads to the counter to register. So, judging by the database, they already stayed with us last year, but then only the two of them, apparently the parents, and now the whole family has arrived. While the parents fill out the necessary paperwork, the girls drag the luggage out of the car. High school girls, or maybe already students, you can't tell right away, but this group occupies three single rooms and a double suite. A little later, all the filled-in data is displayed in the database. The parents are Yossi and Nora, he is forty, she is two years younger; the girls are Yael, Naama and Hadar, respectively twenty and one, twenty and eighteen years old. The owner make a note “don’t offer alcohol to the younger ones”, just in case. The next day, seeing the family coming down to breakfast, Itay offer to join them at his table. They chat politely about this and that. Indeed, last year Yossi and Nora dropped in here on a tip from friends, saw how good the place was doing, and now decided to arrange a pleasant weekend for the whole family, fortunately the daughters are on Passover holidays. Everyone has a healthy appetite, the girls then run for more at the dessert counter. Soon Itay see them by the pool.

Yossi has long since left his athletic past behind and is putting on some meat, every now and then trying to suck in his stomach, but it’s a lost cause. Nora, with her slender legs and almost chiseled face, has a generous bust and a cascade of folds of fat on her back. But the charming daughters clearly resemble their mother in their faces, and at the same time have a clearly expressed individual build. The eldest, Yael, was softly plump and plump everywhere; Naama has small breasts, a convex-round belly and fleshy thighs; the youngest, Hadar, can boast a very solid bust for her age and an equally round backside, but she cannot be called particularly plump. The whole family enjoys sunbathing, playing in the warm water of the pool, and in general it is clear that this is a loving and strong family. Then, as always, Itay have a lot to do, and he sew the family again only when they check out of the hotel on Sunday afternoon. They really, really liked it here—the scenery, the ambience, and the food in general—and they promise to definitely take advantage of Itay’s hospitality again, if not this year, then next year. Indeed, soon a notice arrives by e-mail, saying that they would like to reserve rooms for the autumn holidays. And at the end of October the family arrives again.

Of course, as almost regular customers, Itay invite them to the bar for a drink before dinner, to whet their appetite; and so Itay stand at the counter, watching them come in—to be honest, he only recognised them because at the moment there was only one guest in the hotel out of a family of five. The father, Yossi, has grown a considerable paunch in the past six months, which is not very easy to hide under a sweater, but he did not try. Nora and the youngest, Hadar, have spread even more in the chest and have definitely widened in the waist. But Yael and Naama, to be honest, surprised me. Yael has become all fat and flabby, with soft fat everywhere, and Naama has acquired a belly of incredible girth for her modest years, despite the fact that her breasts have hardly grown since the spring. While the parents and Itay were chatting, the girls settle down at the table; Hadar with considerable difficulty squeezes her thighs between the armrests, and Naama's belly fills more than half her knees. Later that weekend Itay was very busy and did not manage to keep the guests company. But Itay again accidentally catch the older sisters by the pool. Yael and Naama are just about to go swimming, sitting on a bench, and Naama drops something on the ground—a hair tie, probably. She could not bend over and lift it, as her grown belly was in the way—and she has to first stand up, and then, leaning on the bench with one hand and spreading her legs wider, bend over and somehow reach with the other hand, and her belly hangs below her knees. She straightens up, all red from the effort, and Itay just shake his head: after all, to have gained so much weight, and most of it went into her belly... it was really amazing. Then the sisters splash into the pool and relax, their extra weight and solid girths are no obstacle to them in the water. And for the evening the family orders a celebratory dinner—it turns out that Yossi has a birthday, so they decided to celebrate here. They go down to the restaurant in full dress, and the formal clothes are clearly too small for all of them. Four courses from my chefs, plus four hearty desserts. Itay also ask the chef to come out to the guests—someone has to accept the gratitude of the customers and share the secret recipes of the most delicious dishes, including the Special Treat they were receiving during their stay...

Naama couldn’t get up at all, she exchanges smiles with her younger sister, Hadar and pats her huge belly. She’s definitely overeaten. And judging by both her general behavior and her dress bursting at the seams, it’s not the first time. Only after about twenty minutes, having gathered her courage, she finally waddles off to her room. On Sunday afternoon the family leaves safely, and when asked when to expect them next time, Yossi only shrugs his shoulders, as if to say, as the cards fall. The cards fall in such a way that the whole of the next year there is no word from them, and only at the beginning of May the phone rings, and Yossi, introducing himself, asks if there will be any rooms available for the weekend in about a month.

And then it was Friday evening, in the June heat—and they called the owner from the lobby, saying that some of the guests needed help with checking in. Itay went out and could hardly believe his eyes. Instead of the traditional Ford station wagon, the family had arrived in a full-size Chevy Express minibus, four of them had just unloaded. Both parents and daughters—judging by their sizes, they were already almost two hundred kilos in live weight, their light summer clothes were soaked through with sweat. The mother, Nora: a massive round face, two chins, behind which the neck was barely visible, an enormous bust and an almost equally enormous belly, massive folds of fat on the back and sides. The father, Yossi was another universe altogether: a belly a meter in diameter, all corpulent and red-faced. The eldest daughter, Yael, completely square "both lengthwise and crosswise", judging by the way she walks, it was very, very difficult for her to move her flabby legs. Next to her was Hadar, the youngest, but in terms of size she was practically a copy of her huge mother, a slightly smaller bust, but her hips were so wide that Itay even doubted whether she would squeeze through the door. Nonetheless, She squeezed through, habitually turning slightly sideways. But where is the middle daughter, Naama? Immediately Itay realized that she was the one who needs help, she was still in the car. With the support of her father and older sister, she has difficulty getting out through the side sliding door, spends a few minutes out of breath, holding on to the car, and only then says "hello" with a slightly guilty look. To say that she has been blown apart is to say nothing, she was definitely over two hundred and fifty kilos, if not already three hundred. A T-shirt the size of a tent, was sticks to her much plumper body; her breasts were still small, at least they look like it, but her belly was absolutely unimaginable in size, hanging below her knees.

While they are checking in, poor Naama, puffing, begins to climb to the second floor, step by step, leaning on the marble railings, stopping to rest. Ten minutes later, when Itay go to answer the phone, she has overcome four steps. In the evening, one of the old friends arrives for dinner. The family was just in the middle of dinner—to be more precise, four, the mother and two daughters have moved away from the table, otherwise the bust and belly would get in the way. But Naama was absent.

Itay go up to them and ask if everything is okay, but Naama, they say, preferred not to bother herself and ordered dinner straight to her room. The next day Itay saw all five family members by the pool. Or rather, “at” — only the parents, while the daughters were drifting relaxed in the warm water, and the waiters are dragging lemonade or another plate of goodies to the edge of the pool every few minutes. Actually, right in the water is not encouraged by hotel’s rules, but this was a special case. Nora doesn’t fit on a standard folding chaise lounge, and it won’t support her anyway, so the hotel had to get an ancient wooden lounger from the supplies, the weight was no difference to it. In order to stand up, she has to roll over to the side, then onto all fours, and only then, with support, slowly flow into a vertical position. Yael and Hadar got out of the pool in much the same way, through the steps of the paddling pool, not risking a regular ladder—it's not a fact that they'll have enough strength, and even if they do, they'll most likely get stuck... Naama lies in the pool all day, her enormous belly exposed.

On Sunday afternoon, the family leaves the hotel, and load into the minivan; Nora was in the front seat, which was a bit tight for her, but somehow was managed to seat, while Yossi and helps Naama squeeze inside, as she barely fits through the sliding door. Poor things. The Chevy drives away. Itay Never heard from them again. Not in the hotel, not anywhere else. But he knew that his special treat was working marvellous on them. So he waited, for his next victim to arrive to his Hotel.
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 1 week
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