Chapter 1
Why am I here?! I could have been home, playing on my computer, instead of wasting my time here. Besides, I just got the ‘Dragon Disciple’ and still hadn’t the time to fully dive into it. Or I could have been watching the new episode of ‘The Cursed Lightbringer’. The last episode ended with such a cliffhanger... I wonder how Misaki’s going to dispose of the shadow monsters attacking her. I thought, completely lost in the world of my own. Misaki! I could finally finish that costume I was working on. The costume definitely was not a Halloween costume, although it was the right season for it. I'd even rather help mom with Halloween preparation than sit here! Oh wait, she already bought all the candy… And I mean ALL the candy! It looks like a freaking candy house at home! I sighed and looked at my phone, checking the time. Oh, @Sealiah is going to stream! That’s so cool! If you don’t know who Sealiah is, all you need to know is that she’s just the best streamer there is! And by far the prettiest! I thought, making myself turn red, just by thinking about the busty streamer. She was the reason why I was making the costume in the first place! I don’t know of any other streamer, who would encourage their fans to send them homemade cosplay costumes, so she could wear them on streams. Sealiah was also the reason that I found ‘The Cursed Lightbringer’ and since it became my favorite show... It would be so cool to see her wearing a costume from the criminally underrated show! I let out another sigh. It’s so useless for me to sit here in this class! The school is so easy I could ditch the classes and still get out with straight As! I scratched my chin in thought. Maybe that’s why I can never fit in. My classmates usually pretended I didn’t exist... The sad part is I actually preferred it that way! I've never been mister talkative and... well, when they did talk to me, I only got verbal abuse anyway. I guess I'm never going to fit in with the pretty cheerleaders, or with the loud and obnoxious jocks. The only thing we had in common were the school uniforms we were wearing...A loud bang startled me, as someone’s palms hit the top of my desk, cutting my daydreaming short. “Hey, pipsqueak! You’re that smart kid, aren’t you?” Rough, yet surprisingly melodic voice brought me back to reality.
“I-” I stumbled on the words and finally settled on a nod instead. I am the smart kid! I knew it didn’t look like that by the vocal performance I just executed, but I was at the top of the class in every single subject. Well, except for PE, but who cares about that anyway. I was at the top in every subject that mattered. The thing is, I didn’t really care about that either, it all came to me rather naturally, so it didn’t feel like I achieved anything. My vocal performance was what really troubled me though. I was shy around guys, preferring not to talk. But I was even worse around girls! Attractive girls were where all the fun ended. I was lucky if I could utter a single syllable when talking with attractive girls. With her, it was especially difficult. My shyness wasn’t entirely at fault this time however and more confident people would have a problem finding their voice if they found themselves in my place.
You know how I said we all had school uniforms in common? Well, there was just this one single exception to the rule and that was Chris. Well, Christina, but you wouldn’t use her full name in front of her if you wanted to live to see another day. No one really knew how she got away with reducing the school uniform down to just a tie added to her everyday clothes, but there were a couple of popular theories. Some people said she could get away with it because the school simply didn’t have shirts large enough to fit her unique form. The other half would claim it was because not even the headmaster dared to clash with her explosive temper and attitude. Honestly? I think both opinions were valid and I wouldn’t even be surprised if it was the combination of the two. But that’s beside the point, I’m getting distracted again.
Back to reality now, I must have been staring for far too long as it was... Oh man, she’s going to rip me to shreds! I thought, nervously biting my lower lip, my mouth drier than the Sahara Desert. I shook my head and tried to look elsewhere, but it was much easier said than done. You can’t imagine the amount of cleavage on display here, as it surpassed by a lot what anyone else in school could offer. Or in the whole town, let’s be realistic here. I know I’m going to look like a pervert focusing on her chest in such a manner, but it was unavoidable, when each of her breasts was actually larger than a basketball! In fact, heading more and more into the beach ball territory with every passing week. Clearly, she wasn’t done growing just yet.
I was in serious trouble... I was still staring! I knew I was staring, I felt bad about it, but it didn’t make it any easier to divert my sight to escape the predicament I found myself in. Chris was bent over my desk, supporting herself by her hands placed on top of it. Not that I could see her hands... Chris’ unbelievably massive bosom was sprawling across the surface of the desk, just mere inches away from my face. In my position, it was simply impossible not to stare.
“Hey! I don’t need you to ogle me, I need your nerd skills!” Chris said roughly. “You’re gonna help me with the school stuff, aren’t you?”
At the time I was too busy turning red to notice it was more of a statement than an actual question and I wasn’t really given the choice to say no. It was probably a good thing that I couldn’t say anything more than “Uh.” What I lacked in my verbal expression, I tried to replace with an enthusiastic nod, too afraid to get on her bad side.
“Great.” She said unaffectedly, not expecting any other answer. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “That’s settled then, let’s go.” She announced.
“I-uh.” I mumbled.
“I’m sorry, did I ever give you the impression I was asking? Get a grip, dude!” She said, starting to walk away, dragging my stunned figure behind her.
I couldn’t quite comprehend what was going on. A girl was actually holding my hand! And not just any girl. A girl that was so far out of my league that it wasn’t funny anymore... Chris was pulling me through the hallway, which was a testament to just how ‘off’ I really was. Chris wasn’t built for walking fast, yet she still had to drag me behind her, to make sure I would be able to keep up with her.
Now that my head was more than just a few inches away from the two massive orbs, each at least twice the size of the aforementioned head, some of my blood actually managed to reach my brain again and so I could take a better look at how Chris really looked. It always came to me as a surprise, when I realized just how short she really was, especially because of her larger-than-life personality. And personalities... Get it together Robin! Stop thinking about her boobs! I myself wasn’t tall nor short, always thinking I was of an average height. Still, I was a head taller than Chris was. What she was missing in height, she more than compensated for by her width. It wasn’t just due to her breasts. Chris looked... soft all over, which was a direct opposite to her personality. She had a plush belly that was straining her jean shorts, wide hips and very round bottom. But nothing came anywhere close to her beautiful, bountiful bosom! Just stop it, man!
To be honest, I never really liked short hair on girls, but in Chris’ case it was different. The short hair really suited her face, bringing out her features and further enhancing just how beautiful she was. And let me tell you, she was absolutely gorgeous! I even tried to imagine Chris with the long wavy red hair of my favorite heroine from ‘The Cursed Lightbringer’, but it just didn’t work. I think it was also due to the fact the short hair didn’t suit just her face, but also her persona in general. You knew after one mean look from her that she wasn’t someone you wanted to mess up with.
There was one thing I still couldn’t quite understand... Why was she willing to walk hand in hand with a loser like me?! She’s really holding my hand! Every single fiber of my body was filled with a mixture of pure ecstasy and absolute panic. This is my chance to actually spend some time with a girl! I hope I won’t blow it! I pushed aside some of the hair falling into my eyes, noticing that my brow was covered in sweat. Oh no, I’m sweating so much! What will she think?!
I was trying to imagine what Chris’ home looked like, but I kept failing. If anime taught me anything about girls, it was that girls had rooms with at least one pink wall, filled with posters of boy bands and with their beds filled by a regiment of plush animals. Somehow Chris didn’t fit into such an image in any way.
“Huh?” I breathed out, waking up from my daydreaming. We weren’t going to Chris’ house just yet, as I found out standing in front of the fast-food joint. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t really know how we got there, but I remembered quite vividly paying for more food than I would be able to eat in a week. I was awed by the humongous mountain of burgers and fries I apparently paid for. I was confused by the sheer amount of food on display and I was about to ask Chris if any of her friends were about to join us in our studying. Luckily for me I wasn’t able to form any words and what escaped my lips was more of a groan.
“You’ve got a problem?” Chris asked, piercing me through with her striking brown eyes. She didn’t wait for me to answer and started to shove food into her mouth faster than I thought humanly possible.
I shook my head fast enough to make myself dizzy, blurring my eyesight for a few moments.
“That’s what I thought!” Chris growled with her mouth full.
No wonder she’s so big. I thought, reaching for a burger.
“Touch it and you’ll be the next course on the menu!” Chris whispered in the most terrifying voice imaginable. I didn’t dare to say it was me who paid for all the food and to be honest, it didn’t even occur to me at the moment.
“So, uh... What- uh... What do you want me to help you with?” I blurted, immediately getting embarrassed by just how nervous and awkward I must have been. The sad part was that it required all of my composure to spit out a simple sentence like this...
Chris didn’t seem too impressed either. She frowned, shaking her head just a little, over the insolence of speaking in her presence, stalling her feasting. “I need help with just about everything, ok?! And shut it! I’m trying to eat here!”
And eating she was. With each burger disappearing inside her mouth, her incredible curves made more and more sense.
“I- uh...” I mumbled uselessly.
“Listen pal, I don’t need your pathetic attempts at conversation! I need your nerd skills to fix my grades and prepare me for exams and that’s it!”
I leaned back in my seat and remained silent for the rest of her feast. I wasn’t too disheartened to tell you the truth. I never really expected anything else, though I did allow myself to dream of something more. I live my life always expecting the worst possible outcome, so reality can’t hurt me that much. It still hurt a little...
It didn’t take long, only a couple of minutes, and all that was left on the table were empty wrappers, heralding it was time for us to leave. I was quicker to my feet than my wider companion. I might have felt a bit bitter toward Chris, because of the way she treated me, but I was raised to be a gentleman and so I offered my hand to help her up without hesitation. Thinking about it, the way I was raised might have been partially responsible for my shy and quiet nature...
Chris gladly accepted my offered hand and laid all of her considerable weight upon it. I wasn’t prepared for that and while failing to lift her, I almost toppled and fell on top of her, catching myself at the very last possible moment. Unbalanced as I was, I accidentally brushed with my other hand against her soft bosom, sending it into motion. Crap! All my blood found its way into my cheeks and I wished nothing more than to disappear. Chris looked surprised at my clumsy touch, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she extended her hand demanding my help, a little twitch of her eyebrow showing her impatience. It took all of my unimpressive strength, but I managed to pull her up in the end, breathing heavily from the effort.
“What?! Are you trying to suggest I’m heavy?!” Chris asked, raising her voice.
“I- uh... no?” I didn’t think I could get any redder, but apparently, I was wrong.
Chris burst into laughter. “Chill, dude!” She said, punching me in the shoulder playfully. “I’m just messing with you. I know I’m not a lightweight like you are.” She said and I breathed out in relief, although I was a bit confused by the change in her attitude. She doesn’t even look that angry anymore! I wonder if the mountain of burgers she just devoured has anything to do with it...
It caught my attention that Chris was unconsciously rubbing her bloated middle. You wouldn’t believe how bloated it was! It certainly left no question just where all the fries and burgers ended up. Previously, her belly was soft, spilling over the waistband of her shorts slightly. Now it looked quite a bit harder than before and way more pronounced. Her middle looked quite round, bulging over the waistband of the insufficient jean shorts, making it quite clear there just wasn’t enough fabric for her to address it. I would have thought she was pregnant if I didn’t know better!
“Man, that really hit the spot!” Chris said, patting her full stomach, sending it into motion. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her wobbling gut. It was... fascinating!
I was startled when Chris grabbed my hand again, realizing I was staring for far too long. I felt my heart beating like a drum and I was bracing myself for being scolded, maybe even slapped! Chris was known not to hold back when people did something she didn’t like. To my surprise nothing happened.
“So, Robin, where is the cave you call home?” She asked almost nicely, using my name for the first time.
4 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years