Nothing Like Home

Chapter 1

At long last the plane has finally landed. The long and tiring hours spent in confinement of my seat took its toll on me, both physically and mentally. I was exhausted, irritated and to be honest my butt was sore as all hell! It was going to be worth it though. I was going home. I could hardly believe it was almost a whole year have passed since the last time I was home. Never before have I been separated from my family for so long and now... I couldn’t wait to see them all again. Especially Natalie, my little sister. She wasn’t actually much younger than me, only a year in fact, but... I’ll get to that.

We were always really close to each other, Natalie and I, and I find myself missing my little sidekick more than anything else. I have to admit I was also looking forward to what she’ll have to say when she sees me. You see, I spent the year I was studying abroad on my own completely. Me! I can’t even boil an egg properly! I’m an absolutely horrible cook and I had to somehow take care of all my meals. Obviously, that meant I was facing a choice. Either I could learn how to cook, or I had to rely on eating take-outs. Of course, I ended up eating take-outs all the time! Naturally it meant I had no chance of avoiding the dreaded freshman fifteen, but I guess I was luckier than most. Most of the extra weight managed to find its way to my chest, my already very decent D cups swell into large Fs. As of late even my F cup bras were starting to feel... let’s say not spacious enough and it seemed as only a matter of time before I outgrow them completely as well. My boobs were definitely one of the reasons why I was so excited about seeing Natalie again. I won’t deny I very much enjoy having breasts as large as they are, but not even I could comprehend Natalie’s obsession with them. She was fixated on boobs, especially on the pair I possessed. I remember catching her, when she was twisting and turning in front of a mirror, wearing my bra stuffed with socks. Those were the times where I felt sorry for her. Puberty decided to miss her almost entirely. At the time I was leaving she was 17, but people always assumed she was younger than that, looking and acting very childlike. She was only 4’10’’, short and lacking any real feminine curves. I was really very happy when I heard she was finally starting to blossom after her eighteenth birthday. I was quite excited by the idea of seeing her little figure with some curves on it.

Lost in my thoughts I totally missed when people started to rise from their seats and are now heading to exit from the plane. I was always a bit of a daydreamer, drifting away in my mind. After those long hours I was only too happy to stand up and stretch. I stretched my back, pushing my chest forward and my top groaned in a reply. My ample bosom was testing it to its limits. I rubbed my hands against the round posterior that seemed to fill my jeans almost too well these days. After all, my boobs weren’t the only body part affected by the weight I gained. Rubbing my buttocks didn’t really help to alleviate any of the soreness, but at least it felt good... I threw my handbag over my shoulder and headed to the exit from the plane. I could feel how every step took me closer and closer to home.

Exhausted from the flight I felt the need to freshen up a bit and do so I headed to the restroom. After splashing some water on my face, I immediately felt more alive. Bent down, leaning against the wash basin I raised my head and looked into the mirror. Looking at my reflection I had to admit I looked rather good, considering how long the flight was. I looked tired, sure, but otherwise I couldn’t complain. I don’t want to sound like some vain bitch, but I thought I looked really pretty. Sure, I wasn’t flawless, but who was? My chin was a bit pointier than I would like but besides that? I was a hottie! Dad always liked to say ‘You have to praise yourself if there’s no one else to do it.’ I chuckled to myself and looked at my reflection again. My cheekbones were prominent, my nose perky and I’ve heard multiple times throughout my life that my mouth was made for smiling. Too bad I preferred smirking. On those occasions when I did twist my full lips into a smile, it caused dimples to appear on my cheeks. My chocolate brown hair was falling in loose curls just below my shoulder blades, framing my face nicely in the process. Then there were my eyes, without a doubt my favorite feature. I’ve never seen anyone with quite the same color of eyes as mine was, they were what made me feel unique. If I had to name the color, I would name it amber, but I don’t think it gave them justice. Sometimes they were almost golden, glowing with inner light. I don’t really know how to describe it. I adore my eyes, ok? Let’s settle on that for now...

At 5’6’’ I was pretty average when it comes to height. I didn’t know how much I weighed, to tell you the truth. I never really cared about it too much. I definitely never freaked out because I gained a few pounds like some... uh, more shallow girls I had the misfortune to know. I liked to eat way too much to bother myself with how much I weighed. Besides, my genetics were pretty damn generous on my side, giving out plentifully. The best way to describe the shape of my curvy would be an hourglass. My waist was narrow and my stomach remained pretty flat, even though the stress, lack of movement and large amounts of junk food did leave its slight mark on it. As I mentioned before, these days I sported big F cups which were perfectly balanced by my wide hips and firm bubble butt, further accentuated by the too tight jeans I was wearing. The top I was wearing showed only a modest amount of cleavage, in which proudly sat my necklace. It was a simple necklace in the shape of the name ‘Emily’. The necklace held a very special place in my heart and I wore it every day, ever since I got it from Natalie. She had a matching one, only with her own name on it obviously. I assumed I stared at myself for long enough when I finally snapped out of my thoughts and decided it was time to go pick up my luggage.

I waited outside of the airport, sitting on my suitcase. Dad told me they would be there to pick me up in a few minutes and so I decided it would be much more comfortable outside where the sunbeams were caressing my fair, soft skin rather than fighting for air in the crowded hall inside. It was pretty late in the afternoon and so it wasn’t unbearably hot as it usually was in this time of the year and the light breeze blew through my hair pleasantly. My mind started to wander, eventually settling on wandering about what would summer bring.

“Emilyyyy!” My daydreaming was cut short by the voice I longed to hear for so, so long. I couldn’t help but smile. I prepared for an impact, because Natalie liked to greet people with leaping hugs, and turned around to face her. Something soft smashed against my face in high velocity, sending me to the ground. I fell straight on my bottom unable to comprehend what just happened. Something entered my line of sight. Great, I’m seeing things now… I rubbed my eyes. It’s still there! In front of me was the biggest valley of cleavage I’ve ever seen in my life. There was something shiny in there. A necklace? It looked like a word. N A T… Natalie? Wait a second. NATALIE?!

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorryyy! I always forget. Are you alright?”

“I-I think I am.” I looked a bit higher and I saw a familiar face. So familiar and yet so different at the same time. The unmistakable sparkling emeralds of her eyes looked at me filled with concern, from a face that matured into divinity. She was… She was simply flawless! Everything about her screamed of perfection. I gratefully accepted Natalie’s offered hand and pulled myself to my feet. Out of habit I looked a bit down, expecting to see her face, but I could see nothing but her boobs. I couldn’t believe what I saw! Each of her breasts was easily surpassing the size of a basketball! With sudden realization I looked up. Oh my god! How tall is she?! She must have been about a foot taller than she was a year ago! And she looked so beautiful! Even her strawberry blonde hair that fell all the way down to her slim waist seemed so unbelievably shiny! My eyes didn't know where to look first and my brain failed to come up with any reasonable thoughts.

“So, how do I look?” Natalie asked with irrational uncertainty.

I was speechless. I stared at her with my mouth agape. It took me a few seconds to compose myself. “Wow! I mean… You… uhm you look simply gorgeous! I can hardly believe it. You look absolutely stunning!”

“Really?! Thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Natalie was almost squealing with glee.

“I can’t wait to be home.” I said weakly.

We each grabbed one suitcase and Natalie lead the way to dad’s car. I had to admire Natalie’s long and shapely legs as I could barely keep up with her long steps. She definitely had some serious junk in a trunk as well, filling her shorts to the limit. And for god’s sake, I still could see her boobs even from behind her! They bounced and jiggled like crazy with her every step. All of the sudden she stopped and turned to me. “Umm, sis, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Umm, were… Were you always this tiny?”

I wasn’t sure whether she meant my height or my… other physical dispositions. This definitely didn’t go as I expected…

Sitting in a car I couldn’t help but stare at Natalie. I let her sit in the front seat, after all there was much more room for her mind-bogglingly long legs. And then there were her boobs. I wasn’t really sure if she could sit in the back without them pressing against the front seat. Until now I’ve never in my entire life felt… inadequate. I’m pretty big myself, right? Why do I feel so small then? It was also pretty obvious that Natalie’s bra was a few sizes too small. It must be extremely uncomfortable… Why the hell do I wish nothing more than to be in her place? I was overflown by feelings I never experienced as envy filled every single fiber of my being. A spark of disdain towards her flashed into my mind. The last thing I wanted to see right now was her. Why couldn’t I take my eyes of her?! It’s just so unfair! It was so frustrating, I was supposed to be the big sister! Anger started to build up inside me. Anger and hatred aimed at my sister. My sweet and kind sister that always did everything I asked of her and who loved me more than I deserved. I despised myself for how I felt, but I just couldn’t help it. It took all of my will to take my eyes of her. I watched through the window as the world seemed to pass us by, but my thoughts were returning to Natalie. Exhaustion fell upon me like a heavy dark cloud and few moments later I was fast asleep.

“Emily? Wake up, Emily. We’re home.” I slowly opened my eyes and saw Natalie leaning over me, poking my shoulder. It was already getting dark outside. I climbed out of the car and smiled. Home. Finally! I stretched, yawned and headed inside the house, following the goddess my sister became. That’s gonna take some time to get used to.

Upon entering the house where I grew up, my nose was hit by wonderful smells of homemade food, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. My mom almost ran from the kitchen to greet me. She was slightly shorter than I was, a bit on the chubby side, with dangerously voluptuous curves, which she passed on to her daughters. She held me tightly in the soft embrace we were waiting for such a long time.

“Honey, how have you been? You must be famished.” My mother couldn’t deny her maternal instincts to feed her babies and pretty much dragged me into the kitchen. I didn’t resist in the slightest. I couldn’t believe what I saw. The sheer amount of food on the table was mind blowing. I reckoned that at least ten people could eat to their heart’s content without a problem. And there were only four of us and Natalie never was much of an eater. Before I could even get to my chair, mom was already piling food onto my plate. I wanted to start objecting against the sheer amount she gave me, but a loud rumble from my stomach stopped me. Ah! Homemade food, how have I missed you. I wondered how had I stayed slim despite facing my mom’s cooking every day for so many years. It was quite ironic I started to gain weight only after I was separated from it.

“Oh, I’m starving !” Natalie exclaimed as she plunged into similarly generous serving like a wild animal. I was stunned, I’ve never seen her eat like this. She gobbled down food at extremely fast pace with no regard to table manners. I shrugged it off, not paying attention to her anymore and dived into the glorious meal myself. No take-outs in the world could ever come close to my mother’s cooking.

I unbuckled my pants and sighed in relief. My bloated stomach, now free of its confinement, immediately surged forward. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so well. Not only that I ate the huge portion I was served, I even had seconds! Sure, it was much smaller serving than the first one, but I still wasn’t used to eating so much and it showed on how much slower I ate. My sister on the other hand… Natalie was still going strong, devouring impossible amounts of food. The feast… has been decimated. I think that mom ate about as much as I did. She always loved to eat and she had her soft and ample figure to show for it. Dad ate slightly lesser portion than was my first serving. Oh my god, I just ate almost twice as much as he did! I shook my head in disbelief.

Natalie finished the last bits and became the center of attention with a loud burp. “Oh, excuse me.” She said looking around carefully as if she was searching for more food. She just ate at least half of the entire meal by herself and she still hadn’t enough?! With disappointed sigh Natalie leaned back in her chair and started to massage the swollen monstrosity that was her stomach. She looked ready to pop! Her giant middle now reached even further than her huge bosom. Watching her was unbearable for me because the resentment I felt towards her in the car came back stronger than before. I excused myself from the table, saying I was tired from the flight and went to my room. I found it in exactly the same shape as I left it year ago.

I was lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, overwhelmed by how much things have changed in my absence. Well, not things… How she changed. Exhausted and longing for an escape from reality I closed my eyes, but the sleep didn’t come…
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 8 months
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