The Diary of an Insatiable Girl

Chapter 1 - Day 1

Uh, how do I start this? Dear diary. No, that’s stupid. Ok, I’ll start by introducing myself, I should be able to do that much… My name is Lillian Harrison. Lily. I’m 19 years old and I just arrived at my dorm room at college. That’s pretty much why I started writing this. I feel like I’m starting a new chapter of my life and I just felt like documenting it. I hope I can make it a daily habit, but knowing myself it might as well be the last entry I ever write…

I don’t know if anyone is ever gonna read this, but I think I should tell you something more about myself. My mom likes to joke that I was born hungry. While there were times when I wasn’t too thrilled about hearing it, I could never really deny it. When I was six and went to school for the first time, I was about thirty pounds heavier than anyone else in my class. That was when my mom decided she would have to be more careful with what and how much I eat. She made sure everything I ate was healthy and low on calories. It worked and soon I was on a healthy weight again. Then puberty hit me like a train.

If I was always hungry before, when it hit me I was always starving. Every day I wanted to eat more and more. I remember screaming and crying until I lost my voice. That was when mom realized she had to let me eat, though still restricting me with what I could and couldn’t eat. With the amounts of food I was able to gobble up it didn’t matter anyway and so I started gaining again.

I may have not been the first girl in my class to get breasts, but soon I was by far the biggest. To be fair I was the biggest in every aspect except for my height. I still lacked a few inches to my current unimpressive height of 5’3’’ back then. Back then, it seemed like every day I came to school a little bit larger and heavier. It didn’t take long before it attracted bullies towards me. That was a clue for my mom to step in again. There wasn’t much she could do with my diet and so she forced me to start exercising. She even went so far as to hire a personal coach for me! It worked.

I won’t bother you anymore with stories of me growing up… I’ll just let you know I lost the extra weight, though my breasts never got any smaller, on the contrary. The 30P bra I’m wearing today is starting to feel rather tight. I hope it won’t make me sound vain, but I got to admit I’m very proud of the body I have now. I’d describe my body shape as a top heavy hourglass, with a round and firm posterior, narrow waist and afore mention huge fucking tits! The time I spent in the gym clearly didn’t go to waste. I might not seem to be very muscular, but I’m stronger than I look. I need to be, to be able to carry my evergrowing chest without any issue.

I don’t even know why I’m writing all this… Maybe it’s because I’m fully responsible for what I eat for the first time in… forever. With my uncontrollable appetite I’ll have to be really careful with what I eat if I don’t want to lose my figure. Which I don’t. Looking at the crumbs from the family sized KFC meal I just demolished I guess I’m off to a great start. I mean I hadn’t had KFC since I was very little and I remembered how tasty it was, so it was bound to happen sooner or later. No more fast food for me though. I just googled how many calories I’ve just devoured... Over 7000! The worst of it is I’m not even close to being full… I’m not eating anything else though.

I’ll have to get a scale to keep an eye on my weight. I weighed 129.3 pounds when I weighed myself at home this morning. I’d love to stay below 130 by the time I go back home for Christmas, though I know it won’t be easy. Anyway I’m knackered. Carrying all my stuff to a room on the third floor isn’t the easiest task even for people who don’t have 25 pounds strapped to their chest. I’m gonna go to sleep now. See ya tomorrow?
17 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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