Chapter 1
It was late Saturday night and Suze was busy at her sewing machine. While most people her age were out at bars and clubs Suze was determined to finish her project. The athletic woman had spent a few hours swimming laps earlier in the day, a regular occurrence for the 23-year-old who still had the faint smell of chlorine about her, she hadn't found time to wash her blonde hair and it was done up loosely just to stop it from falling in her eyes as she eagerly worked to finish her work in time."I think I'm finally done!" she said aloud as she finishing some stitching. Dressing her tailor's dummy, she stood back and inspected her masterpiece. She tugged at the sleeves and tested seams, when she was satisfied, she hurriedly removed the garment from the mannequin.
She struggled with the cumbersome piece of apparel as she slipped into it, partly due to its size and weight but partly due to her rising excitement levels. It took a moment but Suze was finally done, she positioned herself in front of her full-length mirror and took in the sight that was reflected.
"It's perfect!" she beamed as she swivelled her hips, trying to take in as many viewpoints as possible. She quickly grabbed the size 22 tunic dress that she had ordered online and pulled it down over her suddenly plump body, pairing the dress with a matching pair of black leggings and loose-fitting cardigan, it would take a keen eye to notice that she was in fact wearing a fat suit.
Suze was elated, she had found the tutorial online a few weeks back and had been spending any free time she had working on her suit. Carefully following the examples so that she could get it just right, she was now surveying the fruits of her labour. Of course, she couldn't just have a half completed fat suit lying around her living room without drawing questions from her friends, she had all that covered though. The wannabe blogger was going to use the fat suit to see how differently she would be treated as a plus sized girl rather than the girl who narrowly missed out on competing for her country at 200m Butterfly.
16 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 3 years
what is wrong with people on here.
this is wonderful
so many details