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It was at Land Between the Lakes National Park in Kentucky. He had scored a job there right after college and upon his arrival the news made a big deal about him being the first black park ranger in the parks history. He could understand why he was the first, he had to be one of the only black people for 100 hundred miles. Rural Kentucky wasn’t the safest place for a black man, but he stayed to the parks boundaries and found he was relatively safe.
Walking through the RV he saw a series of strange symbols on the wall. He stopped to study them for a moment, but heard a loud squeak coming from the back of the RV. He made his way back slowly to investigate.
“Is anyone there” he called out. “This is Ranger Terrance with the national park service. Here doing a welfare check.”
No answer. He walked into the back room. The set up inside was weird. There was only a mattress, and a closet. The closet was open and day light seemed to be shinning down into it. He went to inspect the closet looking up there was a hatch open and a later leading to the top roof of the RV. He looked around and nothing seemed out of place so he proceeded to climb up to the hatch to see what was on top.
It wasn’t much room up to the hatch but he was making due. He heard a loud shuffle under him. He quickly looked down. There was large white woman wearing a colorful bra, and jean shorts that were too small for a woman of her size. She wore aviator shades, and a grey and white cap with pink trim. All of which were usual for someone living out of an RV in Kentucky.
“I see you made it Ranger Terrance Boyer.” She said, looking up at him awkwardly.”
“Yes” Terrance said, looking down uncomfortably. “I`ve been looking all over the place for whoever called. I was beginning to get worried, is there anything I can help you with.”
“They give your type a little badge” she said, still staring at him. “And you think you run things around here don`t you.”
“Come again.” Terrance said, hearing her clearly the first time, but hoping she wouldn’t repeat it to avoid any awkwardness.
“You the first dark demon to be ranger in this here park” she said, stepping into the closet. “You people are mighty proud to be the first to do something, how about I make you the first darky demon in my belly.”
Terrance had heard enough he reached for his gun.
“Ma’am, please step out of the closet and get down on the floor.” Terrance said, struggling to grab his weapon, and radio.
“I am Kali!!!,” she screamed.
Terrance watched in confusion and horror as the large woman below him open her mouth incredibly wide, and inhaled. She inhaled so hard that it created a powerful wind tunnel in the passage leading up to the hatch. Terrance lost his grip and feel down the passage his legs landing in the large woman’s mouth.
3 chapters, created 5 days
, updated 6 days