Chapter 1
Keyana knocked on the huge wooden door of the mansion. She stood on the brick steps in her high heels and her tight pink dress, her hair was the length of her back. She was surprised she was kept waiting for this long. She had contacted the powerful political action committee to lobby their support for her husband’s campaign for the South Carolina state house of representatives, and they told her to come to this address at this time.This was her husband Kerry`s second time running for a political office. The mayor race didn’t go well at all, but they were able to regroup and make a run for the House of Representatives seat, before the campaign ran out of money. Keyana would not allow that to happen again this time around. She was going to do whatever was necessary for them to win. She would be a politician’s wife.
She had always driven Kerry in the right direction, and he constantly needed redirection. When they were in college she was a cheerleader and he was a football player, she made sure he went to class, helped him study, and at times would even do his homework for him. She wanted a better life for herself and she knew that by positioning the charismatic but dumb jock she would get it. This meant convincing this political action committee to support their campaign or at the very least not support the opponent, Randy Phillips. If they won, the next step might be to run for governor. If that went well then perhaps a cabinet position and then a presidential run. She could be first lady.
Suddenly the large wooden door swung open. A large woman answered. She had wide hips and a huge belly. She filled up the whole doorway. She had never seen a maid this big before and spent a few moments in awe at her size.
“Hello, ummm” Keyana stuttered. “ I am here for the F.A.T Political Action Committee.”
“Ohhh right this way” the large woman said with a smile.
She welcomed Keyana into the doorway and closed the door behind them. The house was as large and beautiful as it was on the outside. It maintained the simple rustic look with stone walls wooden floors and a large fireplace. While it was all very earthy it was also opulent. As they walked through the mansion they passed a few more women who were as large if not larger than the first one. Good help must be hard to find these days Keyana thought to herself. There was no way women this large could be good workers.
The maid led her into a room with a large fireplace and a large leather chair at a table. In the other large leather chair sat a man that she knew well.
“Keyana” the man said putting down his glass of whiskey. “What a pleasure it is to see you It has been years.”
“Donovon” Keyana said, with much less enthusiasm. “I am surprised to see you here.”
“Why would you be?” Donovon asked, frowning his face. “You wanted to inquire about the F.A.T Political Action Committee, well you are talking to the right person.”
“Come on.” Keyana said, bursting into laughter. “The political action committee that has funded winning candidates throughout the United States with seemingly endless amounts of money. Stop joking Donovon go get your boss. I don`t have time for games, go get your boss maybe we can catch up later.”
“Why so surprised?” Donovon asked. “You never thought you would see the day you would have to ask me for anything else did you? A lot has changed since our days in college.”
“They certainly have” Keyana said, marveling at the mansion.
“Remember we grew up together” Donovon continued. “Lived right next door in the trailer park. We used to play together, you had always said you would make something of yourself and become someone, I always admired that. Ambitious but fat with low self-esteem. I helped you along as best I could. We both went off to Landers University together, the only people from our class to go. I helped you move in, we even hung out together for a while, I was almost sure we would be friends throughout college. Then you pledged that sorority and started hanging out with that crowd and you forgot about me. Then you met Kerry.”
“Awww” Keyana said pursing her lips. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Sometimes people outgrow each other. People part ways when they mature. We were going in different directions in life. I did meet Kerry and he was everything I dreamed of. Yes, I was very busy in school, and we didn’t have time to hang out together like we did when we were five or whatever I had a different direction to go in life and you went your own direction.”
“It appears our paths have crossed again” Donovon said, with a smile. “You need me to help Landers University star tight end win an election with money from a political action committee. All that money I made from a business I started from the ground up. I am curious why I should do this.”
“Cut the crap” Keyana snapped. “We know how this works you have an agenda you give us money we get done what you want us to get done.”
“Maybe my agenda isn`t political.” Donovon said.
“What do you want Donovon” Keyana said, getting irritated. “Get to the point.”
“I want to feed you and watch you gain weight” Donovon said.
“Haaaaaa” Keyana said, she sat chuckling for a minute. “You want me to gain my weight back.”
“You may have noticed when you walked in, I have a thing for larger women.” Donovon continued ignoring her laughter. “I do love larger women. I also have a kink known as feederism. Feederism involves feeding a woman until she gains weight. My attraction to you or infatuation was never carnal but at times I wonder how you would be when you gained weight. There is no requirement that you have to gain weight the only requirement is that you come here twice a week eat a meal that I prescribe, and you will get the money I promise you.”
“This isn’t worth my time” Keyana said grabbing her purse and turning to walk out. “You are insane.”
“$100,000” Donovon said before she could make it to the door.
Keyana turned around. Her interest was piqued.
“100,000” Donovon repeated. “$25,000 will be sent to the campaign as soon as you finish your first meal here and $5,000 for every meal until you get to $100,000. Of course if he is successful I would want to have my say in a few important policies that come up. But $100,000 will go a long way in helping win a state level election. I also have connections at the national level. If you follow through with this bargain it could be an inroad into bigger and better things for you and your husband and all I ask is that you come over for lunch twice a week.”
“I will think about it” Keyana said before walking out.
Keyana went home and thought about the weirdness that was Donovon. She remembers him being a really good friend when they were younger. He was kind of dorky but he treated her well when all the other kids picked on her. He even helped her with school. She wouldn't have gotten into college and away from all the trouble if it weren't for him. But she saw herself with bigger and better. She didn’t know that he had gone on to be such a big success though. It almost made her question her decision.
Who was she kidding, she had won. Coming from where she had come from, she was a hero. She had come from a trailer park into a college where she pledged the most popular sorority and was the it girl. She got the handsome jock and they were the power couple. If they could just get this political office, then they would be unstoppable. Next could be governor, the senate, an ambassadorship, even the white house. Worst case scenario a board seat on a big corporation.
She did her research on feederism and went down the rabbit whole. Women five times her size massive bellies that could hardly walk. She did some research on weight gain. She was an active person and had a gym membership. She calculated there was no way that Donovon could feed her enough carbs in two days every week to counteract her exercise that she could gain enough weight to be as big as one of his maids.
She thought about it for a minute. She looked at the campaign's balance sheet. They only had $5,000 in cash. Even if she never went back after this first time that $25,000 would really help. It was kind of entertaining watching the loser nerd Donovon drool over the thought of her being the hopeless fat girl he remembers and be willing to pay thousands of dollars just to have a meal with me. She pulled out her phone and dialed some numbers.
“Donovon” she said into the phone. “I`ll do it.”
“Excellent” he said. “You should come tomorrow. I am sure you guys could use the money.”
Contemporary Fiction
Fit to Fat
10 chapters, created 5 months
, updated 2 months