American Sumo

  By Bellyempire  Premium

Chapter 1

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Diana walked into the apartment and dropped her gym bag on the floor. The tall muscular redheaded amazon wasn’t exhausted from a long day of training as she usually was but discouraged. She felt like a failure. Years of work at being the best had seemingly culminated in a career ending rejection.

Joseph walked out of the bedroom. He stood in her path. She walked towards him. He prepared his body to go limp he would not resist. He closed his eyes waiting. He opened them again we he felt her strong muscular body brush past him gently. He was used to her picking up his scrawny body with ease body slamming him or at least putting him in a little wrestling move. Something was off.

“What’s wrong?” Joseph asked Diana very concerned. It was not normal for her to walk in and not assert her dominance over him.

“I didn’t make the national team” Diana said plopping down on the couch. “They wouldn’t even offer me a try out.”

“What?” Joseph said surprised and sitting down beside her. “There’s got to be some mistake.”

“No” Diana said shaking her head. “USA wrestling sent me the rejection letter today. They said they were impressed with my success and accolades but they felt other wrestlers would be more competitive at tryouts.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Joseph said refusing to accept it. “You`re a two time All-American. You won a national championship. You are the best female wrestler in school history. You went undefeated this year. You are stronger than most guys I know. How could they make this mistake?”

“I know why.” Diana said sighing. “It’s because I am division 2. D2 athletes don`t get the same respect as D1 athletes. The people who chose who is on the team are probably all former D1 athletes and are biased. It’s not fair because I know I can beat any of those girls if they gave me a chance to prove it at a try out.”

“I know” Joseph said rubbing her muscular thigh to sooth her. You are the best wrestler I know the strongest woman I ever met.”

“I just wish they got the chance to see it.” Diana said slouching down on the coach. “This was my only plan. I had worked towards this my whole life. My goal was to be a world championship wrestler. Not that fake tv stuff but real wrestling. I have dedicated my whole life to this and now it’s coming to an end faster than it was supposed to. Now what do I do?”

They both sat on the couch silently thinking.

Diana Swenson had dedicated her life to this. She had come from a family of big strong people in the hills of eastern Kentucky. They were big strong people all great athletes in their own right but never making beyond high school because none of them were too bright. She wrestled through high school going undefeated two seasons in the state. She was never able to compete nationally because her family couldn’t afford for her to go to the competitions so she had to settle for being the best in state.

Her senior year came around and everyone expected her to be highly recruited. Anyone that saw her knew she was the best. She didn’t get any offers from D1 schools because they recruited from national competitions and frankly her grades were horrible. She was strong but not smart. The female picture of a dumb jock. The schools would rather have a less capable athlete if they made good grades. Women’s sports never made money anyway so no one really cared if the athlete was good or not just as long as they were descent enough to compete and made good enough grades to stay academically eligible. That was until Missouri University of Science and Technology heard about her.

Missouri University of Science and Technology is better known for producing champions in the world of tech than champions on athletic fields. It was consistently ranked as one of the best engineering schools in the country. Athletics were never a priority or a problem. Being the tech school meant there were fewer women attending the school. So when it came to recruiting women for the wrestling team they went for women who were academically gifted enough to hold their own at such a challenging school not so much on the wrestling mat. That showed in wrestling and in many other sports.

It got to the point the women’s sports at the school was seen more as a liability. No one attended the games or supported the teams if not out of pity. When it came time to look at ways to cut the athletic budget the first team considered for the chopping block was the women’s wrestling team who had produced no wins for 4 seasons and had the lowest attendance rates of all sports on the campus. The coach had to do something drastic to save the program.

He started recruiting the best wrestlers in the country. But they all went to biggest schools with the biggest chance of winning championships. He had no chance with them. Every state or national champion had accepted a scholarship except for one. Diana Swenson from Kentucky. The coach watched her videos and was amazed. He didn`t understand how someone of this ability wasn’t already recruited. When the coach contacted her high school coaches they were honest. Her grades were horrible and frankly they didn`t think she was smart enough for college.

The coach was devastated. An athlete who could turn the fate of the program around was too dumb to be a college athlete. He wouldn`t give up on it though. He spoke to the athletic director showed the highlights for her wrestling matches. The athletic director agreed and gave the coach permission to do what it took to get her on the team. The coach made her a scholarship offer.

Diana received her first offer to wrestle collegiately. It was some nerd school in Rolla, Missouri that she had never heard of. In the letter they emphasized that they would provide “premium” academic support to ensure her eligibility. Beggars couldn’t be choosers so she accepted the offer.
The coach was ecstatic that she accepted the offer. At the very least she would win a conference championship and make him look like a brilliant coach. All he had to do now was find a way to ensure her grades would be ok. He thought about all the tutors that had assisted athletes in the past and one came to mind. Joseph Gray, a geological engineering sophomore with a 4.0 GPA. He worked on the side as a tutor for athletes. The coach called him in and made him an offer to double what he was being paid to be the personal tutor for Diana and do everything in his power to ensure her grades were good. He couldn’t turn down the pay so he accepted.

It was perfect for Joseph beyond the money. He liked working with athletes particularly the females. He had a fetish for big strong women and being dominated by them he also had feederism fetish that he had a hard time satisfying working with athletes but he was happy to be in the position he was.

He was enjoying working with the big strong female athletes until the day Diana showed up and told him she was the one he would be tutoring. He knew then he had hit the jackpot. She towered over him at 6 foot even and had strong solid body at just over 200 lbs. long red hair that made her look like a Scottish warrior queen. From the very beginning she was forceful and domineering. She was everything he had dreamed of.
School and the relationship got off to a great start. Diana began to win as soon as she arrived and Joseph did all of her homework. Diana told Joseph to just do her homework and make it easier on the both of them. She even picked geology as a major something he knew all about so it would be easy on him.

She pushed him around so much and he gave in that she began to see that he liked it. She began to get rough with him to see how far she could take it. It got to the point she tried wrestling move on him and she looked down and saw it aroused him. That’s when she knew.

She asked him where he lived soon after that. She invited herself over one day and kind of never left. She bossed him around wrestled him and had her way with him and he enjoyed every moment of it. She practiced her wrestling moves on him and over the years and without the burden of school work she concentrated on being the best and eventually won a national championship.

So wrestling had been her life. There was nothing else for her to fall back on. But Joseph had an idea. Diana was his dream woman. Her strong body and the way she dominated him was something right out of his wildest fantasies. He knew a way to transition her to his other fantasy. Fat women and feederism and for her to still continue her dreams of representing the country as a wrestler.

“Why don`t you try transitioning to another combat sport” Joseph suggested gently.
“You know I had thought about that” Diana said shaking her head. “Mixed martial arts should be easy. I am a better wrestler than all those girls I see on UFC. I would dominate.”

“I thought about that too” Joseph said in hesitant agreeance. “But you don`t have a striking or kick boxing background. It would take years for you to learn it enough to be competitive.”

“That’s true” Diana said sighing. “It’s hopeless. I guess fake wrestling it is.”

“I did have an idea.” Joseph said raising his finger. “I didn’t think you would be interested in it so I have never brought it up to you but I think now due to circumstances you might consider it. It would be an easy transition of your skillset plus athletes of your caliber rarely participate in the sport so you would easily dominate.”

“Well what is it?” Diana asked curious.

“Sumo wrestling” Joseph suggested.

“Sumo wrestling?” Diana said with disgust. “Isn`t that where the fat naked guys push each other around?”

“It’s not just fat guys” Joseph corrected her.

“There are women who participate in sumo as well. Plus there are multiple weight classes.”

“Interesting” Diana said nodding.

“The best part” Joseph continued. “Is American sumo rarely has a quality athlete such as yourself so it would be easy for you to move up and become the best in America with your current skillset and strength.”

“So you say I can do this without getting fat?” Diana asked with reluctance.

“You can” Joseph assured her. “But the higher the weight class you compete in the higher profile the competitions are and the more money you could get. Plus an American has never won an international sumo competition. They never stand a chance in the women’s heavy weight division. You could be a star if you were to compete at the heavy weight level and maintain your level of fitness. But I understand you wouldn’t want to gain any weight.”

“Well I wouldn’t mind putting on a little weight” Diana said changing her tune. “I don`t think I would be able to honestly but I would try.”

“I would be happy to help!” Joseph exclaimed. “I mean if you are interested in going that direction I mean. I know a few recipe that are high in calorie. That will help you put on a few pounds. Anything to help you pursue your goals. Plus I have found a few sumo gyms not too far from here you could start training at. I can pay for your classes since you seem interested in it.”

“Thank you you’re so sweet.” Diana said. “I spend so much time tossing you around having my way with you and using you like a fuck toy that sometimes I forget you are a sweet guy.”

“I just like to see you happy” Joseph said.
Things had gone exactly how Joseph had planned. Soon Diana would fatten up just as he had always dreamed of. The thought off her fat powerful body skillfully pushing him around excited him. Her practicing on women as large as she would be then coming and completely dominating him and having her way with him.

“I see you know what time it is” Diana said interrupting his thoughts and looking down in his lap.

Joseph looked in his lap and saw his erection poking through his pants. He had gotten worked up from the thought of Diana being a sumo wrestler.

“Good your prick knows when it’s about to be used” Diana said standing up from the couch.

Diana towered over him as she looked at him on the couch. Biting her lip she looked forward to what she was about to do to him. It had been such a stressful day. Joseph advice gave her a new direction to move in but she was about to use his little scrawny body to blow off some steam.

She leaned over grabbed his legs and threw him over her shoulders and stood back up. She did so effortlessly and Joseph didn`t resist. He had experienced this multiple times. As she carried him into the bedroom he knew exactly what was about to happen. She was about to slam him on to the bed then get on top of him and have her way with him.
17 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 month
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Johnnysboy113 5 months
chapter 4 is something else!!
Bellyempire 5 months
Chapter 5 posted today. Enjoy
Johnnysboy113 8 months
this story is absolutely amazing, i cant wait for for more!!
Bellyempire 8 months
Much appreciated. Just because of this feedback I will make another chapter in the next two weeks.