Big Bellied Bully

  By Bellyempire  Premium

Chapter 1

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Teven waited in his BMW for the prostitute to arrive. He didn`t need to hire one but he was hiring this one. This one was special. A couple of weeks ago someone from his high school told him to get on an escort site and look in their hometown under the BBW category. He looked and was surprised at who he saw.
It was Nicole his high school bully. She hadn’t changed much, she was huge as always but had fallen on some hard times. She was never one anyone suspected of being successful when she got older. She was always in trouble at school and people expected her to be in and out of jail when and if she graduated. It looked like that was what was happening.
Teven on the other hand was doing quite well for himself. He went to Virginia Tech after graduation and got a degree in electrical engineering and started making a lot of money. By all metrics he was successful but he was subjected to a lot of humiliation in high school.
Nicole and her boyfriend Travis gave him hell in high school. Travis not so much, he figured his girlfriend had him handled so he just laughed whenever he saw him. Nicole was an amazon to say the least. An amazon built like she could play offensive lineman on the high school’s football team she dwarfed Tevens scrawny frame and never missed the opportunity to impose her will on him.
Her favorite method was pushing him up against a locker with her big belly until he gave her his lunch money. He remembers the first time she did it. He was on his way to his first class she and Travis were walking to class looking for trouble. She spotted him and pushed him against the locker in the full hallway. Her belly pinned him against the locker. Everyone watched and laughed as she tormented him.
“Look at this little twerp” Nicole said, in the crowded hallway. “He so little, look at him trying to get away from me.”
“He tiny compared to you, baby” Travis said, pointing and laughing. “You could almost swallow his little ass whole if you wanted to.”
“I could couldn’t I” Nicole said, pushing more of her weight on to him. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Just give me your money.”
Teven struggled to pull his money out of his pocket. Nicole grabbed it quickly.
She felt something poking her on her belly. When she lifted off him she noticed his slight erection. She didn’t know what to make of it. She turned around and walked away.
“You had better have our money ready when you see her” Travis turned around and yelled at him.

It was embarrassing, humiliating. Despite having left town and done well for himself he never forgot the years of torment. He figured this was a way to get her back. When she pulled up she would see his nice car and how well he was doing and in comparison to her being subjected to sex work it would be all the revenge he needed.

Nicole drove as fast as she could to her appointment. She had just got into sex work out of necessity. The police had raided the apartment her and her boyfriend Travis lived in together and found the stash of drugs he was selling. They took him to jail while he awaited his court case. She was charged as an accessory to the crime and needed money for a lawyer and figured she would turn a few tricks.
She couldn’t even get a job working at a fast food restaurant based on her history so this was her only choice. She had to do what she had to do. She didn’t know much about the guy she was going to see. Just that he saw her advertisement and he liked big bellies, BBW, and feederism. It was the only interest she had received so far so she followed up
She figured she could give him what he wanted. She was a big girl, and had a big belly so she was what he was looking for. She didn’t know anything about feederism so she googled it and saw that it meant eating a lot. She could do that. She was really good at that. She liked eating a lot so much she remembered taking the other kids money at school to buy more food. This might work out well because she didn’t have money to eat.
She didn’t have anything on fancy. Just a green tank top and grey sweat pants. The green tank top showed off the huge arms she steered the old car that she was behind on payments with. The steering wheel could barely turn the way her belly was pressed against it even though the seat was as far back as it could go. Soon she would get a new car. She just had to get out of this legal mess, get Travis out of jail and hopefully find a new job.
She pulled into the waffle house parking lot. She saw the black BMW parked with its lights on. She pulled right beside the passenger side and rolled her window down. The windows were tinted. She motioned for the driver to roll the window down. The window slowly went down.
Her jaw dropped when she saw Teven, the guy she had bullied in school.
9 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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Canderson206 2 years
It's refreshing to see a story in this community where a woman is the object of a man's revenge and domination rather than vice versa (which seems to have become the norm for some reason). Well done!
Bellyempire 2 years
Hey I am glad you enjoyed. If you the revenge plot line then you will like my other story Feeding a Mom and her Daughter and also BBW Hucow Ranch which is in the site store.