The Belly Burger Challenge

Chapter 1

‘The Belly Buster Burger Challenge’. It was exactly how it was advertised. A massive burger that was the size of the large plate it was served on, covered in cheese, onions, bacon and a special burger sauce that added extra flavor (and calories) to the dish. And no burger would be complete without a side of French fries. And of course, this was a challenge that Derek couldn’t pass up.

He had read about the challenge when he was researching restaurants to eat at while they were on their way to a hunt and realized that they would be passing through. Saul wanted no part in this ridiculous challenge. He kept telling him how he’d be on his own if he vomited. But the other side of Saul was curious to see if his big brother could actually complete the challenge. He had always been a big eater and would his fair share of large portions, so this might be a cake walk for him. Or an utter disaster.

When they got to the restaurant it was extremely campy. Random crap littered the walls and the place was incredibly loud. Saul could barely hear the waitress as she introduced herself and asked them for their drink order. As Saul looked around, brightly displayed behind the bar on a banner said, ‘HOME OF THE BELLY BUSTER BURGER CHALLENGE’, which Saul rolled his eyes at. Derek on the other hand had a wide grin as he pointed it out. “Hey, that’s going to be me!” Derek said, pointing to the wall of champions who had completed the challenge. There were a handful of photos on the wall of the winners. Mostly were larger men, who looked like they could finish an eating challenge with no problem.

When the waitress returned with their drinks Derek proudly ordered the Belly Buster Challenge. The waitress seemed a little annoyed at the order. Many people probably attempt it and fail, which could potentially be a big cleanup for her. Saul politely ordered a house salad and they waited for the burger to arrive.

After about 10 minutes the whole restaurant was notified, that Derek was attempting the challenge. Saul wanted nothing more to crawl underneath the table. All eyes were on them, but Derek was loving every minute of it. His eyes practically jumped out on the table when the waitress placed the massive plate in front of him. It was a lot larger than he anticipated. Somehow the pictures online didn’t do it justice. The waitress then put a digital timer on the table. “You have 60 minutes from your first bite,” she told him. “You cannot get up during the challenge for any reason. If you do the challenge will end. You cannot have anyone assist you during the challenge. If you finish the meal within an hour then you will get the meal for free and a photo on our Hall of Fame. Do you understand?” she said, in a very rehearsed way.

Derek nodded his head. Saul gave him a concerned look. “Are you sure that you want to do this?” he asked him.

“Hell, yeah, Saul,” he said with confidence and then took his first large bite of his burger, prompting the waitress to start the timer.

“Good luck,” she said and then walked away from the table.

The first 10 or so bites, Derek seemed to be really enjoying his burger, making happy noises which each bite. And to the restaurant’s credit it did look pretty good. It even had Saul salivating.

But after about 30 minutes of constant eating, Derek began to slow down. He slouched in his seat and was taking the tiniest of bites. Saul was just about done with his salad when he looked over at this brother. Derek still had a little more than half of the burger left and a good amount of fries. “How you doing over there?” Saul said with a cheeky grin.

“I’m okay,” Derek lied. “It’s just a lot of burger.”

“Yeah, it certainly looks that way.”

Derek had his hand digging at his pants, as he tried to find room in his clothes. He then looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was paying attention and when saw that no one was he unbuttoned his pants. And for some reason this caught Saul’s attention in a way that it never did before. He suddenly felt a ping of arousal.

“Ugh, that’s better,” Derek said, putting a hand on his bloated tummy. He then began to dig into his burger again, with even more gusto than when he started. Saul had abandoned his salad completely and was solely focused on watching his brother completing this challenge.

The clock ticked away and at this point every second and every bite counted. Saul’s attention would flip between his brother’s plate and his stomach. He swore with every bite into the burger his stomach grew, causing his shirt to strain slightly over his belly.

With 5 minutes left the burger was practically scraps and all that was left were the French fries. Derek was taking 3 and 4 at a time, washing it down with his beer. Saul couldn’t stay silent anymore and instead began to encourage him through the end. “Come on Derek, only a few more bites left. You got this.”

And with 40 seconds left to spare, Derek completed the ‘Belly Buster Burger Challenge’! Derek’s body collapsed into the chair, which really showcased how bloated his belly was. It was twice the size it was when he came in. He had both hands on the sides rubbing it frantically, desperate to try and alleviate and pressure and the pain. The waitress came by and set off an alarm signifying that Derek had successfully completed the challenge. With very little enthusiasm she said, “Congratulations on completing the ‘Belly Buster Burger Challenge’. Your meal is now free and don’t forget to get your photo taken to be on our Hall of Fame.” But Derek had other plans. He had no intention of getting his photo taken. All he wanted was to get into the Impala and drive to the motel. He gave her a pained smile until she walked away.

Saul leaned into the table in almost a whisper. “You want to get out of here?”

“You have no idea,” he panted.

“Can you button your pants?” Saul reached into his pocket to pull out a few bills that would cover his salad and a nice tip for their waitress.

Derek huffed a laugh, “Yeah, not happening, Saul.”

Saul understood and helped his brother up, Derek’s belly leading the way. Saul couldn’t keep his eyes off of it. He looked like he was 5 months pregnant with twins.

It was a slow walk (more of a waddle) back to the Impala. Saul thought it would be a good idea if he drove to the motel to allow Derek to digest in the passenger seat.

Saul put the key into the ignition and began the short drive to the motel, sneaking glances of his brother the whole way. He was on high alert just in case Derek needed Saul to pull over to puke. Luckily, that was never the case and they made it to the motel without any problems. Derek was able to get out of the car with no problem and practically tore off his jeans the second he opened the door to the motel. Not only did he discard his pants but he also tore off his shirt, exposing his bloated belly to the whole room. Derek put his hands on either side of it and said, “Talk about a food baby.”

Saul was having a hard time focusing. He’s pretty sure that he laughed at Derek’s obvious joke, but he was also well aware that he couldn’t stop staring at his belly. It was massive. Stretched to its limit. It almost looked shiny; it was so taught. Derek laid down on the bed, sighing as he relaxed his body into the mattress.

It wasn’t long before the copious amount of food caused Derek to go into a food coma. Saul used this opportunity to get a closer look at his brother’s belly. He slid onto the bed without jostling the cheap bed too much. Without hesitation Saul touched Dereks belly and began rubbing it. And to Saul’s surprise he heard Derek moaning with pleasure. “That feels really good,” Derek moaned, sounding almost erotic. And Saul didn’t stop. He even added a little more pressure, causing Derek to moan even louder. “Who knew you were so good at this,” Derek said with his eyes closed.

Saul chuckled nervously. “Yeah, who knew…” Saul continued to rub his belly until he heard Derek softly snoring. Saul then opened his laptop looking for any other food competitions within a few miles of them. ‘Maybe this could be a weekly thing,’ Saul thought with a large smirk.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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