Chapter 1
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“So gross!” Brittany continued. “How can she go out in public looking like that?”
I didn’t say a word; I just sat silently chewing my food. Brittany and I had only been out on a few dates. I was introduced to her by a mutual friend who thought that we might get along. She wasn’t a bad person, and she was very pretty. A bit skinny for my taste, but she had pretty brown eyes that contrasted sharply with her long golden-blonde locks. Her skin was lightly-tanned and quite healthy looking, she had an adorable button nose in the center of her face, and she did have a pretty smile — when she actually smiled.
She typically did not. At least not when I was around.
Brittany’s body was nothing short of perfection, at least as far as the typical man would be concerned. She was tall and slender with a modest bust, slim waist, long legs and hips just curvy enough to give her something of an hourglass shape. But in all honesty, the type of body that I truly desired had just passed me by holding two giant plates of food.
I didn’t know her name and I’d never seen her before that night, even though I frequented that particular all-you-can-eat buffet fairly often. It was typically the perfect place where I knew I could see the kind of women that I truly loved: plump and round with a healthy appetite. My date for the evening however did not fit into this category at all.
“Ugh!” she said, the look of disgust on her face intensifying. “I don’t know why you like coming to this place, Jayson. It’s full of fat people eating like pigs.”
Brittany had made herself the most sparsely plated dish one could image getting at a buffet, consisting of little more than six or seven noodles, a few grapes and one minuscule little dumpling that looked to be the runt of the batch. She spent more time grimacing and pushing the food around on her plate than she did eating. She looked miserable, and I could truly relate.
My evening got brighter though once I laid eyes on that corpulent beauty who had just passed by our table. She had long and dark curly hair that framed her perfectly rounded face. In fact, all of her was quite round; not standing any higher than five-foot-five, she looked to weigh somewhere in the high three-hundreds to mid four-hundreds, if I had to guess. She had a massive belly that bounced up and down as she moved, wide hips that seemed to bump and rub up against everything that she passed, and a giant rump behind her that jiggled about under the tightly-stretched fabric of her skin-tight leggings.
Once I saw her, it was hard for me to take my eyes off of her. She took a seat at a table set for one that was located directly behind my date, just a few rows behind, so I had a perfect view of her. Of course, I tried hard to be discreet, not letting on to Brittany what I was actually looking at, but I couldn’t help myself, especially once she started eating. The way she shoveled food into her mouth, like a trains engineer frantically shoveling wads of coal into a fiery engine, I was mesmerized. It must have been less than five minutes before she managed to polish off both of the massive plates she had gotten for herself, and was ready to get up and get some more.
I looked over at Brittany, who had started complaining — about something. I don’t know, I had tuned her out by this point. From the corner of my eye though, I could see the scrumptious queen of the buffet letting out a big huff of air as she prepared to boost herself up from her seat, then slowly lumber her way back up to the buffet tables. She was incredible!
“There she goes,” said Brittany, who had now caught a glimpse once again of this massive specimen of a woman. “It’s like a disease; like she just can’t stop herself or something. It’s pretty sad, really.”
Looking over at the woman however, she was beaming from ear to ear with a smile so warm it would melt the ice caps. Taking this opportunity to have a bit of a better look at her, I could see she had beautiful hazel eyes, and a long Romanesque looking nose sandwiched perfectly between her plump and rosy cheeks. My heart started pounding in my chest. “I think I’m falling in love,” I said to myself, “and not with the woman that I’m on a date with.”
I started imagining in my mind what it would be like to be on a date with that gorgeous big beautiful woman instead of the skinny and whiny woman that I was with. I imagined what it would be like to be across the table from her, getting a close-up view as she relentlessly stuffed herself full of food, eating more and more, getting bigger and fatter. I imagined what it would be like to take her home after such a huge stuffing, what it would be like to share a car, a home, or a bed with such a large, beautiful and ravenous woman. The thrill of the thought was getting me hot and making me squirm in my seat.
“What’s wrong with you?” Brittany uttered, snapping me out of my trance. “You look like you’re going to be sick or something.”
“Oh, I’m fine,” I said. “I’m just really enjoying these spicy chicken wings.”
Just then, the gorgeous creature with the seemingly insatiable appetite walked by us once again. “My God,” Brittany gasped, “I think she took even more food this time then the last trip she made. Where the hell does she put it all?”
I couldn’t lie, I was wondering the same thing myself. It seemed like something out of my wildest dreams, to see a woman who could fit so much food inside of her right here in front of me. It was incredible.
“Oh never mind,” Brittany quipped, “I know where she puts it: that huge gut she has. Look at that thing. God, have you ever seen such a fat disgusting blob in your life?”
The beautiful lady sat herself back down at her table and immediately resumed her repast, once again shoveling food into her mouth at an almost inhuman speed. Brittany, who apparently felt that she was entitled to stare at the woman in judgement of her, turned her entire head around to witness for a few moments this strange and wonderful woman’s glutinous display.
“What a pig!” she said loudly under her breath, her nose crinkled up as if she had just smelled a foul odor. “How can they let her in here and allow her to just keep eating like that? You know places like this lose money because of people like that: fatties who can’t control themselves.”
The room was large and crowded and quite noisy. All the same, anyone within reasonable earshot could easily have heard what Brittany was saying, including I would imagine the woman that she was talking about. If she could hear Brittany, it didn’t seem to phase her. She just went right on stuffing her face with a big old smile, her big tongue drooping down in between each bite, acting as a gigantic ladle so that not a single drop of anything might be wasted.
“I mean honestly,” she said, “have you ever seen anything like that in your life?”
“Not in person,” I answered softly.
Brittany turned around once again to get a good look, this time staring directly at her for a good minute or so. I was looking around me, trying to ascertain just how much of a scene my date was making. No one really seemed to notice or care about any of it.
This all went on for what seemed like an eternity, though it was really only about an hour or so. During that time we witnessed the beautiful buffet queen get up for more food no less than a dozen times. Each time she seemed to look a bit fuller and rounder, and move a bit slower, nonetheless grabbing more and more food each time. Each time she would put away everything that she took, and she even started licking the plates clean after awhile, holding them right up to her face and letting her long tongue come lashing out, slobbering bits of sauce and saliva all over her. After finishing off what must have been her twenty-fifth plate of food, she leaned back in her chair, put both hands on her big round belly and let out a loud belch that seemed to shake the foundation. Of course at that point there was a lull in the din of loud conversation in the room as people looked around to see who exactly was the source of this blatant breach of etiquette. It was quickly forgotten about however, and everyone just went back to minding their own business. Everyone but Brittany that is.
“Oh God!” she said, her face wincing as if she were in agony. “I can’t take anymore. I think I’m going to be sick!”
“You want to get out of here?” I asked her. “I think I’ve had enough.”
“Let’s go,” she said, throwing her napkin down on the table, practically leaping to her feet.
I left some cash on the table, and as we were exiting the dining room, I caught a glimpse of the hungry beauty we’d been eyeing. She had gone back up to the buffet and was preparing to fix herself two more enormous plates full of food. You got the impression that if she had more than two hands she would have grabbed more than just two plates at each trip. As I was glancing her way, she looked up at me and our eyes met for just a moment. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t look away, she just looked at me and smiled with that big and beautiful smile of hers. A part of me melted inside.
As I was dropping Brittany off back at her apartment, I felt compelled to be honest with her about my feelings, and I let her know that I just didn’t think that things were going to work out between the two of us. She really didn’t seem too phased about it one way or another. I guess it was clear to see that Brittany and I were not meant to be, but as I was on my way back to my place there was one thought that I could not get out of my head:
"I wonder if that big beautiful woman is still at the buffet."
No Transformation
First person
4 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years