Chapter 1 - Mean bitch
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Out of the corner of her eye she noticed another woman struggling to do a sit-up in the mat area. Her face scrunched, cheeks red with the agony of her failing effort as she gave it all she had to try lifting her upper torso even a few inches off the ground. Her tummy looked like a bloated marshmallow and obviously posed a formidable obstacle to completing even the simplest of exercises.
“Fucking pathetic!” Kat thought. “I can’t believe they even let these people in the gym. If they’re that far gone, they should get in better shape at home first, so they don’t waste my space. Nobody wants to see a gross mess like that at the gym. Certainly, no guy in his right mind would want to fuck that whale.” Her mind continued.
Kat decided to teach the fat woman a lesson in ‘gym etiquette’.
Kat got down on her back next to the bigger woman on the mats. Laying on their backs side by side Kat was about a third of her size. She began vigorously performing different types of crunches and twists, curling her washboard abs in different directions as she easily manipulated the rest of her body.
“Wow, you’re in great shape! I’m Patty.” Said the bigger woman. “Any tips on where I can start? I’m really trying to slim down a little, but don’t really know what I’m doing here. I could use some expert advice.”
Kat cocked her head back slightly and laughed at the fat woman.
“Patty the Fatty! Why don’t you try laying off the cakes at home and come back when you’ve got yourself together?” Kat's barb was meant to hurt.
Patty’s puffed cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, before tears welled behind her eyes.
Kat pulled out her phone and snapped another shot, this time of her abs flexed into a six pack with a thumbs up. She did one last mega crunch to roll herself into a sitting position, grabbed her gym bag, and turned around to snap a picture of Patty beached on the mats and crying. Kat smirked with delight as she strode off.
Later that day she posted her selfies and picture of Patty side by side on Instafame with the caption ‘you can’t always get what you want, but if you try you might just get what you need’ #pigroast #gymfail
The reaction to her post was explosive. “This is going viral.” She thought as her post gained momentum. Kat delighted in the superficial validation she received as the likes and comments of her fan base steadily poured in. She scrolled through the comments:
@Gym_Kat99 “Holy smokes ur ass is fine. Luv to tap dat!”
@Gym_Kat99 “Maybe she could give you a couple calories to work off for her, looks like you could burn what she can’t?”
@Gym_Kat99 “I hate it when a pig hogs the gym equipment. LOLOL”
As Kat laid in bed that evening a narcissistic glee filled her with a feverish excitement. “This could be my thing” she thought. I knew I was hot all on my own, but when I put myself side by side with morbid losers like Patty, it makes me sooooo much hotter". her mind churned with possibilities as it slowly drifted off.
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
First person
15 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years