The Job

  By Fatj  

Chapter 1: the interview

"Shit" John said as he awoke with a start "I'm late I can't miss this god damn interview!" As John rolled out of bed he threw on a dress shirt and slacks then as he tightened his leather belt around his 28 inch waist he was out the door. John sprinted down the stairs not even noticing how hungery he had become. Once he arrived at his Honda civic he jumped in and sped off to his destination fat burgers. They needed a spokes man fit lean and willing to eat there food for free as John was a humble man he acepted the request and landed an interview with a man named Mr. Grant.

The traffic felt like hours just watching the moring sun rise over the busy city of Toronto. "Come on ass hole!" John yelled as a car murged slowly into his lane. Then a large and loud gurgling noise came from his stomach it finally hit him that he had not eaten before he left. "I'll grab something after the interview besides I can't go in all bloated for this thing I mean the least I can do is at least look the part?" He thought as he had drove into the parking lot. As John emurged from his car he walked into the building. "Um hello may I speak with the manager I have a interview" John spoke to an employee working the cash. "Um yea I guess just give me a second" she said "Mr grant some weirdo wants a interview? Somthing like that"

"Ah I've been waiting come right in my office" a masculine voice could be heard in the hallway where the bathrooms where located bur instead of a pair of bathrooms there was a office. John entered surprised Mr. Grant remembered. The man that John saw was huge 300 pounds at the least his neck only resembled 4 folds of fat his man boobs rested atop his gigantic belly and the button up shirt he was wearing was straining 3 huge gaps in between the largest part of his belly showing his pale stretched skin. And his sports jacket he wore over top his button up and his tie barley covered his moobage.
"So you want this job hun?" He spoke as he stroked his large mustache.

"Um yes I think i would make a great candidate for your job as a spokes man I fit all the requirements and I have a background in theatre. I played a tree once and I absolutely love fat burgers!" John spoke with all his heart.

"You've got spunk kid I might consider you... never mind you're hired your job starts Monday I want you to learn this script and that's all have a nice night plus you get everything in our facility's for free perks of being high in the job!" Mr grant told John as he went to give him a firm hand shake.

"Thanks you so much you don't know how much this means to me!" John said as he went to high the giant of a man.

As John left Mr. Grants office he went straight to the cash. "Ok here's the deal I just got a job here and I can get free food because of my position so I'll take 6 extra large burgers the ones with extra cheese in the bun then I'll take 5 orders of 50 packs of nuggets and 7 orders of jumbo fries and a Coke to drink also 3 large chocolate milk shakes. Heavy on the cream" John said not even realizing what he ordered. After a 10 minute wait the food was done

Every single thing was huge and wet with grease. John then proceeded to carry the 2 large treys to a nearby table. The second his flat ass hit the seat he began to gorge himself. stuffing 17 fries in his mouth at a time then practically swollowing the burgers whole. And taking a whole pack of nuggets and pouring them down his throat. "Why was I so damn hungry?" John thought as he drained his second milkshake.

After an hour Johns feast had vanished into his disfigured belly his belt and button from his pants were digging into his waist. John then got up and staggered out the door. As he attempted to get into the driver's seat he fell in, and drove home. "Shit I can't keep eating like this I'll literally blow up!" He said as he drove under a lit street light as it was around 8 o'clock. As John entered the parking lot to his apartment he got out slowly but surly and made his way to the 3rd floor taking the elavator as he was too full to walk. Once the elavator opened he walked up to his door turned the knob took one step closed the door and clasped.
19 chapters, created 8 years , updated 6 years
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Slspillo 5 years
Great story, but your spelling and punctuation let you down. Sort that out and this will sing!
Nok 7 years
awesome cover photo, lol, someone should do a Mac weight gain story